Benjamin was stunned, and his forehead seemed to be covered in cold sweat. He could only stare at Clare with his wide eyes.

Clare did not turn to look at the younger man, and he continued to stare at the monitor in front of him. He could see how the zombies were still gathering outside the fortress, waiting for an opportunity for them to infiltrate the fortress and find food that would fill their stomachs.

But then he took a deep breath before looking at the younger man again and said, "We actually have another option to drop bombs on those zombies, but since they are all gathered around our fortress, dropping bombs will also destroy everything in our block. That's why we can only wait for a vaccine or maybe a cure if that is possible. For now, our job is just to make sure those creatures will not be able to enter our safe area."

Benjamin's face still looked pale, but then he nodded in understanding.