Every day was the same for Clare Burthon ever since he joined the other soldiers to guard the South Fortress. He would sleep late and wake up early every day, and sometimes, he didn't even get a wink of sleep.

There was always a morning assembly in the field next to the commander's office. There were several buildings in the South Fortress, and they were more like barracks where the soldiers could rest. Some buildings were used to store their supplies, and one building was used as the commander's office even though the commander didn't always stay in the South Fortress.

In fact, the commander kept moving from one fortress to another so that he could monitor the situation in each fortress. For a month, he would stay in the North Fortress, and the next month, he would stay in the East Fortress. That was the original plan, but he had to rush to the South Fortress last night after receiving a report from the fortress.