"What a coward."

"I dare you to repeat what you just said, Mr. Yellow Hair!"

"Oh, my hair isn't yellow, and it's called blond. Don't you know such a simple term, Mr. Charcoal Hair?"

"..." Luca was annoyed to the point that he gritted his teeth as he glared at the blond man.

"But I don't mind if you give me that nickname. It sounds more intimate, and it's definitely better than the way you call me 'hey' or 'you' even though we've known each other for almost two months before we met in real life. You never call me by my name, do you?" Finn spoke again when Luca didn't answer him, and he even grinned proudly at the black-haired man.

"No need to call you by your name," Luca replied, once again grabbing his spoon and about to continue eating before he spoke again, "Now tell me the good news."