"So, is there any news on the woman named Larisa Welington?" Clare sat on the edge of his bed when he asked the question.

He had to go on patrol tonight, but before leaving his bed to do his duty, he first contacted someone who was currently in District 4.

"Larisa Welington lives in Building 61 in District 4, sir," the person on the other end of the line answered. "She lives alone there, but she used to live with her family years ago. She had a husband and a son, but both were killed during the zombie attack shortly after the East Block was established. She has no relatives at the moment."

"A lonely woman, huh?" Clare mumbled in response. "She lost her family years ago, so she couldn't have been affected by that tragedy when she chose expired ingredients for the soldiers, right? She's been working for years, so mistakes like that shouldn't have happened, right?"