Neo Austin

Hey! I remember you! A voice shouted excitedly. Neo turned around to see a young first year carrying a backpack and smiling at him broadly.

Neo was sure he didn't know this guy so he found it strange that this dude knew him, even remembering him. Neo removed the earpiece that he used to block one of his ears, now this guy had his full attention.

We had a street match when we were much younger, you are....The floater!

Neo sighed. The floater..... I used to be really cool. he muttered under his breath.

Neo didn't say anything to him. only staring him down. the smile on the first year's face slowly diminished as he got more serious. I am Eric banner. you are Neo Austin right? Neo nodded in the affirmative.

Suddenly, Eric flipped his backpack and a ball fell out. Eric let the ball bounce twice and with a calculated move he kicked the ball with the delicacy of one slicing an orange, only this time it was with the legs.

The ball took to the air as it spun very fast. It made a ''C" in the air as it swerved towards Neo.

Instinctively, neo stepped back and raised his legs slightly off the ground. He controlled the swerving ball seamlessly.

Seeing this display, Eric's eye lit up and a big smile played out on his lips.

Neo sighed and used the outside of his foot to return the pass. this once again created a spectacular sight as the ball curved outwards. Eric was even more impressed at the way he did it so effortlessly. This guy was a natural soccer prodigy!

Neo finally thought it wise to speak up. What do you want?

Eric was somewhat happy on hearing this question. He scooped the ball with his legs and he let it fall into his backpack. He closed the distance between him and Neo. Flinging his backpack over his shoulders, he spoke. I want you to join the team.

Neo's eye widened. The soccer team?

Yes, the soccer team, join us. Eric said slowly.

Neo felt a presence he hadn't felt since he had an accident at the age of six. A presence that made him crave goals.

Accept it... A voice whispered in his head. Accept it so we can be together like the old times.

Neo raised his right hand as if to halt someone, then he said. I'll pass. As soon as he said this, Neo turned around and walked out.

Eric was surprised. the young boy he used to know loved soccer almost as much as he loved his own life. He once heard Neo's teammate tell Neo that if his chest was to be cut open, a ball would be found instead of a heart. so how? why didn't he want to jon the team? Neo's refusal to join the team was definitely not in the least of things that Eric had mapped out as possible unfoldable scenarios.

Or idea suddenly sprouted in eric's mind. what if.....just what if he thought our school's soccer is weak and so he wouldn't join? well....our soccer team might not be the best right now, but with a talent like him, we could climb up the ranks.

Suddenly realizing that neo had walked a good distance away, Eric chased after him.

Hey! Neo! please wait! Neo stopped in hs tracks and turned aroundto face Eric who was running towards him.

Eric was panting slightly. I know you think our soccer team is weak....Neo cut him short with an affirmative. It is indeed weak.

Eric wasn't deterred by this. He nevertheless, continued what he intended to say. Our school's soccer team might not be the best around, but with a little more work we would certainly do better.

Neo shook his head. Forget it.

The reason he didn't want to join was more than the team being weak. But because Eric broached the topic of the team's weakness and he seemed pretty sure that was the reason he didn't want to join, he went ahead to use it as an excuse.

As Neo once again, turned around to go, Eric grabbed him by the hand. Eric's face was glum as he spoke. In that case, you are invited to come see our friendly match against marbles by Six 'o' clock tomorrow evening. if we win, then you must join krystal fc.

Neo freed his hand from Eric's grip and put on his earpiece again. He walked away, leaving Eric in a sour mood but with a burning fighting spirit.

Neo lay on his bed thinking. The night was already far spent, but he just couldn't sleep. Accept.....Accept his invitation let's unite again. The creepy voice sang in his head.

Neo hid under the sheets and put his head between a pillow. He did this in a futile attempt to block out the voice which he found particlarly annoying.


Hey Neo! this manner of addression reminded Neo of his encounter with Eric the previous day. Although this person today addressed by his name, the "hey" was still there, and being addressed as hey almost never connoted something good.

Neo turned around only to get a very big shock. S..soma. His pupil's costricted on seeing soma, his former best friend.

They were both in the same car that crashed when they were six years old. They both sustained fatal injuries. After that, their friendship suffered a silent death, withought anyone, not even themselves really knowing what ended their frendship. All they knew was that they both felt awkward around each other.

S..soma. Neo stammered again, barely believing the sight he was beholding. The most stupefying thing being, Soma was clothed in a football jersey, marbles jersey, and he even had the captain's armband on his arm.