"What? In two days?" Jasper asked, who was sitting on his master chair busy with some paperwork, and was left stunned for a second by Sasha's words.
She rarely came around here and rarely demanded anything.
But now when she came to him and demanded that the wedding happen earlier than before, he didn't know what to do.
Leaning back against the master chair, he took a deep breath.
"May I know the reason for that?" He asked, looking at her. His eyes moved down to her body and paused on her chest which was abnormally moving up and down, indicating that she was running not long ago. He looked back up at her.
"Ahh, you see I'm afraid something might happen before that, it could delay the wedding. I'm just not having a good feeling about that." She said while fidgeting with her fingers. Her eyes moved up to his face and there were lots of questions hidden in his expressions. Before he could ask something, she immediately continued.
"I don't want any wedding present. I just want the wedding to happen in two days." She said and he lowered his gaze as if thinking hard. She thought he wouldn't agree but when he nodded his head, she felt a great sense of relief washing over her.
"Though, I didn't quite get your reason but I will fulfill this demand of yours." He said and a wide smile kissed her features making his eyes go double in size. She was smiling and it was a happy smile and a genuine smile. Something he had never witnessed in these whole two years.
All of a sudden he stood up and slowly walked up to her. Her smile dropped with each step he took closer to her. He paused in front of her and she just silently stared at him until he put his fingers under her chin, raising her face.
"Is there something wrong?" She asked nervously and he smiled at her. "Nothing, I liked the way you smile." He said and her pupils slightly dilated.
'I like the way you cry...so beautiful.'
His words rang in her head and something known as fear clutched her heart in its vicious grip until Jasper brought her back to the present by kissing her lips.
Her eyes widened when she felt his lips on hers.
She stilled for a second and didn't know what to do or how to react. This was the first time they kissed. As a princess, she was always taught not to get intimate with a man before marriage. Not to fall in love with anyone unless he was a royal.
However, the things she learned were of no use and the man kissing her wasn't her first kiss either.
She was torn off from all of these the day the beast decided to show itself two years back.
The way he held her and did things to her all to his liking, she realized that all of those teachings were of no use against a man's desire.
He was a beast.
She still remembers how he held her and viciously kissed her, the feeling of helplessness, fear, and terror were marked over her six senses forever.
She put her hands on Jasper's chest and shut her eyes when he licked her lips, asking for entrance. When she didn't open her lips, he harshly bit on her lower lip making her hiss as she abruptly stepped back from him while covering her mouth with the back of her hand.
"Oh, pardon me." He said, looking a bit surprised as he wasn't expecting this reaction from her. "I-Its fine." She said, lowering her hand and he noticed the little bruise on her lower lip caused by him.
"I will take my leave now." She said, turned around and immediately left. As soon as she left, his expression turned bitter. "How boring." He said with an eye roll.
If it wasn't for the great wealth of the fallen Kingdom she inherited, he wouldn't even look at her.
At night.
With a mirror in her hand, Sasha stared at the mark on her lower lip.
It made her remember the time he kissed her, and left her lips bruised and swollen. For some reason, every other thing these days makes her remember him and makes her feel that fear all over again.
Maybe she needed to continue on her medicine.
Keeping the mirror on the dressing table, she closed the window and the door, locking them before walking up to the bed. She doesn't lock her door usually but when his memories claw her senses, she locks herself away.
Once she settled on the bed, she took her medicine. Though, this medicine doesn't help her with her nightmares but it may help her to stop hallucinating.
But, was she really hallucinating?
Because of him, she's fighting here. Pondering if she was mentally ill or not.
Lying on the bed and covering herself with a duvet, she closed her eyes and blocked her mind from thinking. Hoping not to get any nightmares just like every other night, she drifted off to sleep.
The room was warm when she drifted off to sleep but in the middle of the night when the castle was indulged in darkness and the paths were vacant, the rooms were locked and the warmth was there, but something was peculiar with her surroundings.
She felt extremely cold.
Her lips shivered as she curled her body in a ball and covered herself properly with the duvet. Her eyes were closed and she was half asleep. She didn't bother getting up because she remembered very well that she locked everything.
She tried to doze off until she felt a zap of current run down her spine like lightning, making her eyes snap open as those hazel orbs stared up in horror.
Her orbs dilated and hazel looked like an outline, it was all due to sheer fear that engulfed her whole upon witnessing the man on top of her.
His face, she couldn't see it but his huge body on top of her, she could see it. Her orbs throbbed in terror when she noticed those big pale hands holding her waist down.
She couldn't see his face, but she could see his huge body hovering over her, feel his extreme aura, and feel his touch. She realized that she wasn't in a ball, she was lying straight with no duvet covering her. His one hand was holding her waist while his other hand had her wrists easily locked above her head.
Her orbs continued to throb in terror as tears began to roll down her temple.
It was him.
Her terror.
Her nightmare.
She couldn't move...she tried to but she couldn't.
It was obviously just one of the worst nightmares.
Fortunately, she couldn't see his face otherwise she would've died from a heart attack.
She had never seen his face in her dreams. It was just those evil eyes and his words that haunted her.
This one felt too realistic to be a nightmare but it was one.
She knew no medicine could cure her. His fear was permanently imprinted on all of her six senses.
He had corrupted her whole.
It was as if she was hypnotized.
His hand that was on her waist slowly started to travel up, a soundless gasp escaped her lips when that big huge hand of his cupped her right Bosom twice before moving up. She wanted to scream for help but words were sealed in her mouth, she could only hear her muffled cries.
She flinched badly and her heart lurked up to her mouth when she heard his all too familiar voice. It was deep and held excitement in the tone, a menacingly calm excitement.
"He kissed you?" He asked, his cold thumb caressing her lightly bruised lower lip. She felt like her heart would come out of her mouth anytime soon.
He knew it.
He knows everything.
There was no way she could hide from him.
"You dare let him touch you? Have you already forgotten who your master is?" He asked, his thumb pad roughly caressing her lower lip, bruising her already bruised lip even more.
"What did I tell you last time?" He asked, she wanted to close her eyes shut but she couldn't even do that. Tears were continuously rolling down her temple even when all he did was talk.
What did he tell her last time?
'I will destroy the one you seek for in order to get away from me.'
She put Jasper and his kingdom at stake just to get away from this monster when she knew very well that there was no way out.
"How disobedient you are." He said, she jolted when she felt his hand in her hair, he was caressing her silky hair strands ever so slowly.
"But don't worry, even my most ruthless demon can't afford to harm you. My butterfly is so fragile, I'm afraid I'll break it." Her eyes widened when she heard him whispering all of this right next to her ear, she could even feel his hot breath hitting her ear.
It was just too realistic to be a dream.
Her heart was wildly slamming against her ribcage and her body was trembling like a leaf.
He was a sharp vicious knife dipped in honey for her.
"Remember one thing, even if you get married as early as possible, nothing can really take you away from me. Not even you and not even your God."
"Because I am your Master."
Sasha's breath was knocked out of her system when she felt something cold on her lips.
And just like that everything went blurry and her eyes snapped open.
Drenched in sweat, and gasping for air, the duvet, bedsheet, and the robe she was wearing were all in disheveled condition. Her wide eyes stared up at the fancy stone-carved ceiling as her chest heaved up and down aggressively. She was stiff like a board and her whole body was aching painfully.
A light was peeking through the slick of the curtain indicating that it was morning already.
Though she was sleeping all this time it felt like she didn't sleep a blink.
It was another nightmare.
Worse than ever.
She slowly sat up straight and frowned soon after when she realized that her face was wet. Even the pillow was drenched because of her tears. She raised her hand and wiped the tears away. She could still feel his touch, his breath, and the fear for him.
While she was wiping her tears, she noticed something on her wrist and it was as if the world stilled around her. Her horrified gaze was fixated on her bruised wrist.
The heartbeat that calmed down eventually fastened again in fear.
She looked at her other wrist and it was also bruised. His hold wasn't tight but it left such bruises...no why does she have them? Wasn't she having a nightmare?
Her lower lip also felt weird.
Slowly getting off the bed, she stood up on her shaky legs and walked up to the dressing table, almost losing her balance on the way. With her trembling hands, she grabbed the mirror and focused it on her lips.
And the next moment, the mirror fell down from her hand and on the cold floor, shattering into tiny pieces. Sasha stumbled back and fell on the floor, harshly landing on her butt as a sob raked through her body.
Her lips were swollen and the bruise on her lower lip was even worse. It was as if he was here to remove Jasper's touch from her. But why? How? She locked everything. How did he get in? Or perhaps, he was already hiding in here but his huge presence couldn't be hidden anywhere here.
Everything that happened was real.
He was here.
He was watching her.
He was also planning something.
He could clearly stop the wedding before it happened but he was waiting for something. What? Could it be that he was here to destroy Jasper's kingdom?
She had so many things on her mind.
Tears wouldn't stop rolling down her eyes.
She stood up on her trembling legs but fell down again, so she took the support of the bed and stood up while crying. She checked the door and it was still locked but the window that she clearly remembers locking was unlocked and there was nothing beneath there to land on, just rugged ground that was so far, a normal person wouldn't survive if he jumped out of here.
How did he manage to get in?
Was he already inside? Watching her all the time?
A shudder ran down her spine and she covered her mouth to stop the loud sobs that were escaping her lips.
She couldn't digest the fact that he was actually here.
He was here...to get her.
He was here to destroy humanity once again.
He was here to cage her forever.
What could she even do to escape him?
His intentions felt like he was here to destroy Jasper's kingdom so even if she didn't marry Jasper, that monster would destroy it.
She rubbed a hand down her face.
There was no way she could escape that monster.
But where was he at the moment?