Was her disaster really her kindness?

As if the time has stilled around her.

As if she had forgotten how to breathe.

The loud beating of her heart was the only thing she could hear.

Her terrified eyes stared at the man on top of her.

The horror was beyond control because this time she wasn't alone.

Her wide eyes slowly traveled to the left side as she watched her granny sleeping beside her on the bed. What would occur if she were to blink those eyes open?

Sasha took a deep shaky breath, trying to calm herself down while the man on top of her stared at her vehemently. A whimper escaped her lips when she felt the back of his hand against her swollen cheek.

His skin was cold as always.

Her wide eyes snapped up at him, she could barely maintain eye contact with him so she abruptly looked away. Her eyes pooled up with fresh tears and her lips wobbled. She wanted to tell him to leave but words wouldn't even form on her tongue.