I stared at the scene before me in utmost shock, my orbs throbbed and my lips trembled while my whole body felt like it was standing on a burning coal. The scene before me was very much familiar to the scene Ragnar showed me. In fact, it was the same scene.

The scene where Ragnar and Grace were making love in the garden against the tree. This was even worse than the previous phase.

My mouth was agape as I snapped my head back towards Makaria who actually had her back towards the scene, she was busy staring at the flowers and the bunnies running around, acting like a fairy as if she just didn't get me stuck here. Thank god, she wasn't staring at the scene and didn’t seem all unfazed and detached like previously.

Why was this scene even in the phase? When I asked her she told me it was to feel the bond, the type of connection they had. I don't want to feel it. Even when I tried to look around, the sound of their love making was cursing my ears.