Chapter 1

Hazel pov

Staring at myself in the mirror, I really loved what my personal maid, Eve, did with my hair, it was perfect, and I think I just found a new favorite color, cause the yellow dress Eve had me in was perfect.

" Do you like it?". Eve calm voice asked behind me, while I just nodded smiling holding her gaze through her reflection in the mirror, she smiled back showing me her cute dimples, I wish i had those, don't get me wrong, I was also a beauty, my red curly hair long up to my waist line, brought out my dark eyes, and my glass skin, as lord Henry liked to call it, made my perfect body even more perfect, like I said I was a beauty, but sometimes I felt like I wasn't as perfect as Eve, she had that dark long waves, passed her waist line, and her body could bring any man to his feet, it's like she was purely made to be a living temptation.

" Lost in thoughts again my lady". I snapped out of my daze to see Eve giving me the look.

" Nope, and Genevieve, my lady?". Genevieve was her name, but sometimes I was too lazy to call her that and I just ended with Eve, and I definitely don't like her calling me my lady, she was only a day older than me.

She gave me the look again, but this time slightly pointing towards my door, and I turned to find my mom, staring at me with a smile, how long as she been there, why didn't Eve say something.

" I see, Eve really did out did herself". My mom said, walking towards me. " Yeah and I love this dress". I mumbled smiling holding my dress like a little girl, My mom and Eve chuckled making me smile more.

" I can't believe your already eighteen, it still feels like you were born just yesterday". My mom said, pulling me into a hug.

" Yeah, but I would always be your little princess". I said the minute I let go, she nodded and smiled, was she about to cry?.

" Now, now, the guest are waiting for the birthday girl, let's go". She said trying to distract me form the tears she didn't want to fall.

I giggled and just followed suit.

Walking down the halls, I could never get used to it's beauty, getting into the ball room, there where just so many people, I mean it was a princess birthday, but still they where just so many.

" Have fun, let me search for your father". I nodded while she walked away, leaving me alone, this where the times I wish Eve wasn't just my maid.

" Enjoying the party?". A deep voice whispered behind me, lips close to me ear, making me jump forward and missing my feet, but the hand caught my waist pushing me back into his body, and I turned just to find lord Henry.

"Bloodly hell, you scared the living daylight out of me". I whispered taking hold of his shoulders trying to still caught my breath, his hands didn't leave my waist, that I was Greatful about that, cause I wasn't sure if I could stand on my own.

" You're just so cute". He chuckled making me glare at him, this where the times I wanted to kill him.

" It isn't right for a gentleman to go about scaring his fiancee, and calling her cute right after". I mumbled and saw his smile grow.

" Princess I could be anything but gentle with you". And that took me by surprise, and it didn't help if I had a really dirty mind, he chuckled and I could see he did that on purpose.

" That's not right". I fumble, trying to control my face that's going to explode, he leaned closer and placed a kiss on my red cheeks, staying longer than usual.

" You're my fiancee, soon to be wife, I don't think I should be right with you". He whispered holding my gaze, and somehow I forgot how to breath, something was different about him today.

Ever since we got engaged six months ago, lord Henry hasn't been this blunt with me, sure he would crack a little dirty joke every now and then, but he hasn't been this serious with me.

lord Henry was my father most trusted and powerful subject, we where kind of friends, before we got engaged, I mean he is just seven years older than me, but we some how got along, i guess that's why being engaged to him wasn't a big deal, but he always kept his distance, I mean he hasn't even kissed me, only kisses on my cheeks and hands since we got engaged, but now, the way he was staring at me I felt like if we weren't in the ball room, he would surely be doing lots of inappropriate things to me.

"I..I..I..". Hell I didn't know what to say right now.

" Am I coming off too strong?". He asked, pulling me closer, making me wrap my hands around his neck, staring at his brown eyes, while I just slightly shook my head, God he was even more handsome up close.

His gaze fell to my lips and I just hold my breath, was he serious?, He wasn't going to kiss me here in center of so many people, his gaze ment mine, as if asking for permission, he was crazy, but I didn't stop him or gave him permission, I was too busy holding my breath.

" There you are hazel". I heard my father's voice behind me, and I quickly pulled out of Henry's hold, to see my dad smirking at us, hell just how many people had seen us like that.

" I see lord Henry found you?". My dad winked, and I suddenly wished I could disappear.

" Your majesty". Lord Henry bowed and I finally noticed the wine he was holding all this time, was he drunk?. " Is it okay if i steal her real quick , we need to make an announcement". My dad asked, still throwing the looks at me, oh living god I just want to disappear.

" Sure". Lord Henry answered, before leaving a kiss on my side head and walking off, remind me to kill him later.

" I see I made a right choice didn't I?". My father teased and I just nodded. " Let's go".

We walked up to his throne, staring down at everyone, my father clapped his hands gaining everyone's attention and suddenly all eyes where on me.

" Today we gather here, to celebrate my daughter's birthday, where she would become a woman, a woman of honor, beauty and grace, and also to know she would make our kingdom stronger and better, as she would legally be lord Henry's wife in three weeks". The clapping erupt and my gaze found lord Henry, in three weeks I would be his wife. " She would be our princess of honor and my lovely daughter". My father finished smiling at me the claps erupted and the music followed, and everyone got a dance partner, my eyes found lord Henry talking to a man, he played with his drink before gulping it down his throat, he was off today.

" If you keep staring at him like that he might disappear". My mom said and I turned to meet her sly smile.

" Can I have this dance my lady?". I turned to see lord Henry with a stupid smirk, how did he get here so fast?, staring at his smirk I rolled my eyes playfully before taking his hands, we walked to the dance floor and just danced, we did nothing but dance while holding eye contact.

" I have a surprise for you". Lord Henry said finally breaking the silence. " Surprise?". I asked and he just nodded.

" Let's go". Before I could ask where, he pulled me out of the ball room, walking down the halls I just let him drag me around,till we got to the garden, my favorite place in the castle.

Looking at the Stars up, it made this somehow romantic. " Hazel?". I turned to find him hold up an ankle bracelet, I took it and stared at it, it was made with real Rubies and my name was caved on it, ' Pulchra'.

Pulchra, in Latin ment beautiful, lord Henry got down on his knees taking my right foot on his thigh, taking the bracelet he, wore it for me, placing a kiss on my lap, making me shiver, before he stood up.

" 3, 2, 1". I stared at him confused and at the count of 1 fireworks exploded in the sky, creating the words, ' Happy birthday Angle'. And that was it i was officially eighteen.

I smiled, and couldn't help the tears that escaped. " It's beautiful". I choked out staring at the words. " But not as you". He really needs to stop doing that.

I turned hugging him, while I mumbled a little thank you, but I knew he heard me. I pulled out of his hug and just stared at his brown eyes, lord Henry beauty never failed to surprise me, he was perfectly sculpted, like a God, i kept staring till I noticed he was leaning in, and this time I pulled him in, but when his lips touched mine I froze, not knowing what to do.

He gave my lower lip a slow lick, making me close my eyes, he kept sucking and licking, till I was practically panting, he finally kissed me stealing my breath away, I let him in and in no time, he was tasting every inch of me, and I just followed his lead, his kisses where calm and sweet not rough like I had expected it to.

He broke the kiss, giving me a little peck on my lips, and I realized, I just had my first kiss, I stared at my soon to be husband, I was going to love being his wife.

" What changed?". I asked, lord Henry hasn't been this way with me, I wasn't sure why , I just wanted to know. " Maybe seeing you in this yellow dress damaged my self control, or the fact your a living temptation, I think it's both". I blushed while he just chuckled.

" Am serious Henry". I mumbled till I realized what I just did, I called him by his name. " Don't ever call me lord Henry again, and I didn't change, I was just waiting, waiting till you turned eighteen, so I could corrupt you , angle". And again I couldn't breathe, was he trying to kill me, cause he is getting there.

" I can't wait for you to be my wife, wait for the fact where I would come home, just to see you in my bed, waiting for me, waiting for me to taint you, all night". Okay that was it, I pulled out of his hug, before I officially went crazy.

" You really are trying to kill me". I wispered and he just laughed. " Let's go in". I nodded, while he lead the way, I was about walking, when I saw something, a shadow and it was watching us.

" Hazel?". I turned to Henry, and turned back to the spot and saw nothing was there maybe I was just seeing things.

" Hazel you okay". Henry asked taking back my attention, smiling I nodded, locking my hands in his , he chuckles.

" There you are, where, where you?". My mom asked the minute i walked in, I was about answering, but I guess she got the hint, cause she was giving me the, I know smile.

" let's go open your gifts". She pulled my hands dragging me to the gift table. " Here's mine". She said placing a small box on my hands.

I opened the box just to find a silver heart shaped pendant, it was simple and beautiful. " When I first saw it, I knew it was made just for you".

" I love it".

" I knew you would".

" My lady". I turned to see Eve, finally cause I was tired. " Good night mom". I kissed her and walked away with her.

Falling on my bed, I was just so tired , and I seriously didn't know how I went through my night routine with Eve but I was glad I did.

" You enjoyed the party?". She asked sitting on my bed. " It was fun". I wispered, remembering the kiss I shared with lord Henry. " And exploding". I finished.

" And oh, here you go". I pulled out a box giving it to her, she stared at it before opening it to see a bracelet.

" My lady I can't, it's too much". She said shoving the bracelet back.

" Keep it that's an order". Shoving the bracelet back, she just stared at it. " But my lady".

" No buts that's an order". She smiled before hugging me, making me chuckle.

" Thanks so much my lady". I nodded and she stood up. " I should let you sleep".

" Yeah good night".

" Good night Hazel". I nodded And she walked out, I fell back on my bed, and lord Henry crossed my mind again, it's going to be a long night.