Eve walked around the hall's, her destination was the stable, only because lord Henry sent for he, after that fight she might have been slightly promoted, but only she, the queen and the king knew, only the trio knew the secrets behind this wall, outside it's just a small kingdom a really really really small town with a generous king and queen, but inside this walls, holds secrets the entire world shouldn't.
" Eve, Eve". And that annoying voice belong to person Rick.
" Is the red dress going to be a thing now?". He asked smiling, while he stood in her way, her answer should be simple but instead she rolled her eyes.
" Come on, it's been years, how long are you going to give me cold attitude?".
" The minute you stop acting like a lost puppy towards me, and quit the stupid talk, about how you've slept with me". Eve caused walking off but he caught up with her and stood in her way again.
" Well technically that wasn't a lie, I might have imagined it too many times, I forget it wasn't real". And Eve just rolled her eyes.
" But are we going to ignore the fact you're a cerebria?, and how no one seems to be talking about it?". And that got Eve's attention making her blink.
" You.... You remember?". Eve asked confused, hoping for a right answer.
" Am I not supposed to, I mean I was there, but somehow everyone isn't saying a word, I mean a cerebria, in our kingdom should be a big....". Eve caught his words shut by placing her hand on his lips and smiled at the maid who walked past.
" Rick listen, I need to go get something okay, now you sit and wait for me, not a word to anyone". Eve said taking off her hands in haste only because he placed a kiss on it.
" And if I don't". Rick asked teasing, but Eve just rolled her eyes and walked off, knowing very well he won't do otherwise.
Ridding across town only one thing was on her mind the one thing she wished wasn't true, but arriving at Henry's home, it took her mind off it.
" Lady Genevieve, lord Henry sent for me". She told the guards and they let her through getting down from her horse she walked in, straight to the training yard, just to find Henry practicing with his arrows, his strong and handsome body in the sun, making him sweat Diamond's, and Eve held her breath taking in the view.
" Going to stand there all day?". Lord Henry asked, making Eve fumbled, and he turned to her with a smile.
" Am sorry my Lord...I ... I didn't want to disturb you". Eve mumbled walking closer and taking a slight bow.
Henry smiled, he slipped his hands into his pocket and showed Eve a letter.
" Give this to Hazel, and if her answer is yes you bring her back here at midnight, and I'll take it from there". Eve took the letter, and let out a small smile, and Henry returned it, Eve turned to leave but was stopped by Henry's question.
" What do you think her answer would be?". He asked, his tone telling he was scared of her answer.
" I have no idea what's in this letter but I am sure it's going to be a yes". Eve whispered before walking off, leaving Henry to his messed up thought's.
Getting back on her horse, with the letter safely tucked, the lightening in the sky caught her attention heading straight for the gate.
"what was that?". She mumbled and now she was ridding towards it.
Getting to the gate, she gave a nod and the gates opened, she ridding across it, and into an open space, not quite long she was welcomed to another world, a town that was normal, when was the last time she saw that?.
A little girl being kicked out of a bun store caught her attention she was so young and dirty, but still beautiful and pure a reminder of what the world actually looked like, getting down from her horse she walked towards her.
" Hey are you okay?". Eve asked squatting down to the little girls height, while the little girl just nodded.
" Am Genevieve, but my friends call me Eve, what's your name?". Eve asked smiling.
" Am Lola". She mumbled taking her gaze low.
" Lola, that's a beautiful name, just like you". Eve whispered.
" And you're beautiful too, are you a wealthy person?". Lola asked her gaze moving to Eve's gown.
" Well you could say that, come on let's get you that bun". Eve mumbled taking the little girls hand, and walking back into the shop, she got Lola sho much bun it had to had to be held with both hands.
" Happy?". She asked Lola, and Lola smiled nodding while stuffing her face.
"Where do you live?". Eve asked, and that got Lola to stop eating.
" Anywhere that safe". She whispered.
" What?, but you're so young, what about your parents".
" Am seven, and I never knew my parents". She whispered.
" No one here you go home to?". And Lola responded with a simple no.
" Can I go with you please, I'll be good I promise, I'll do the house chores....". And Eve smiled she was just so cute.
" Fine, you can come with me". This could go wrong in a thousand ways, it always didn't end well when someone new walks behind those gates, but she would take her chances.
" Let me go get my horse". Eve said getting up, while Lola smiled, Eve walked off, and a lady took her sit.
" Easy, wasn't it". The strange woman asked Lola.
" Very". Lola whispered, before taking a bite off her sweet bun.
" Don't mess this up". The lady taunt.
" I won't mother". Lola said before her eyes went blue, making the lady smile, and disappearing into tin air.
" Lola let's go". Eve called, and the evil look was gone, just a sweet little lost seven year old girl was left.
Hazel walked around the halls, imprinting everything in her mind, for this would be the last time she might be here, her feet took her to her favorite place in the castle, the Garden, she looked at the flowers and wished she could take them with her, which was silly, but it wasn't wrong to hope.
"Princess Hazel!". Hazel turned to the voice and found Beauty, which was strange cause Beauty was her mom's personal maid and was only assigned to her, when Eve was busy.
" Eve has one of those things again". Hazel asked which really didn't sound like a question, for she was the only one who was kept in the dark about everything.
" Actually she went to get this, but got the queen needed her attention". Beauty answered, showing her the letter.
"From who?". Hazel ask staring at it.
"From lord Henry, my lady". Hazel slitly anxious hands quickly opened the letter to see what was written on it.
Hazel stared at the letter for a long time, and her heart ached, for she already knew her answer, if wasn't getting married to the demon, marrying Henry would have been a dream come true,she held the letter tighter,and reminded herself not to cry.
" And I guess it was beautiful". Beauty teased making Hazel smile.
"it's getting late you should be in bed your getting married tomorrow". Yeah she was a reminder that she and Henry was a closed love story.
"okay led the way". Beauty walked ahead of her,and she followed closely behind while still holding the letter, getting to her room, Beauty drew her a bath and in no time she fell on her bed,and watched Beauty leave.
"Am sorry Henry, I hope you find someone else". She mumbled under her breath, and the darkness took her.
Eve stood in front on the king and queen while, Lola sat on the bed with her gaze low, showing she was scared.
" This isn't a good idea Eve, the last three times wasn't actually good". Queen ana stated.
" But she's just seven, it can't possibly go wrong". Eve taunt.
" Well let's see about that". Beauty said, telling of her presence while she Walks in.
Squatting in front of Lola, Beauty stared into her eyes and her eyes turned purple, in hopes of seeing what ever was in her head.
" So?". Eve asked and beauty stood up, her eyes going back to it's original color, black.
" Nothing". Beauty mumbled, and Eve smiled.
" What where you expecting she's seven". Eve said, smiling.
" No you don't get, nothing all I saw was darkness and fear, empty". Beauty mumbled, and Eve frowned rushing towards Lola to close her ears.
" So?". Eve asked.
" I don't think this is a good idea Eve". Beauty whispered.
" Come on you just checked nothing, so, she can stay".
" But...". Beauty started but was caught off by the queen.
" Eve is right she's young she can stay".
" Fine, I'll take her to her room tomorrow we fix her". Beauty mumbled taking Lola's hand and walking out of the room.
" Let's hope we don't regret this". Queen ana mumbled and Eve smiled.
"My lady, my Lady, wake up, or you are going to be late for your wedding". Hazel heard eve loud voice say, dragging her out of the darkness and into a very bright light.
"Oh eve just let me sleep so more". She mumbled and tried sleeping again, but eve won't let her , she pulled Hazel blanket away from her body.
* My lady you have less than an hour to get ready".
" For what eve"?.
" Bloody hell,Your wedding!".
" My wed.....". And it stuck she was getting married today, she sat up but still felt dizzy, she finally stood up and found five strange girls in my room .
"Eve who are they?". I asked while trying to take off her clothes.
"They are here to help you get dressed, it's a wedding".
"Okay, quickly eve or am going to be late". Hazel mumbled finally getting out of the dress.
"And whose fault will that be?". Eve asked and Hazel let out an apology smile. She rushed into the bathroom,and with eve's help and the five girls she haven't had time to know their names.
it didn't take long before she was put in a golden long grown, but not after much oil being applied to her body if she was thrown into a water she was sure she would cut right through it, the beautiful hair pins in the shape of flowers on her hair where perfect, the makeup was perfect and the jewelries where okay for Eve knew just what she liked.
She stared at her reflection at the mirror and suddenly felt nervous or was it fear?, she didn't know plus still felt dizzy.
" You look beautiful My lady".
Eve said , and Hazel tried to smile but failed.
Eve stared at her and gave me a smile that said everything was going to be okay. She stared at her reflection one last time, and then she heard a knock on the door and shortly after sky walked In.
"My lady it's time". He said she walked out with Eve behind her and she still felt super dizzy and nervous she didn't know how she didn't fall on my face, but she was greatful she didn't, she got to the hall and gave the guard a nod to inform her presence, after a while he came back and then gave her a nod to walk in.
Hazel looked at eve and Eve gave her a reassuring smile, before Hazel left her behind to walk inside.
She walked into the hall, and everyone gaze turned to her, that she didn't mind, she just smiled and walked towards her father's throne, where her mom sat by his side, she gave a bow andher father stared at her , as if asking her if she could do this.
She smiled reassuring him she was fine, she turned to her mom and her mom muttered. "you look beautiful my love". Hazel smiled and went to her seat while looking around hoping to see lord Henry, just then the guard announced the grooms presence, and suddenly her nervousness grew worse.
what if what eve said was true
Was this really happening?.
Everyone's gaze turned towards the door and there he was, still in a black clothe that covered his entire face,he walked gracefully towards Hazel's father.
"Williams" . He said without bowing, now he was something.
" Alexander don't you think you should get rid of the clothe, I would love to see the face my daughter's getting married to" . Hazel heard her father said, and everywhere became silent, she watched him closely and heard a faint chuckle and she knew it came from him,he lifted his hands and took the clothe off handing it over to his guard and turned towards Hazel, and she couldn't believe her eyes.