
Once upon a time, in a world that is different from the one you know, all was lost.

The nations of that world lived in peace for a very long time but all that changed when the Uha Tamunaran came and conquered them all.

The Uha Tamunaran were beings of great strength and power, some say their power could be compared to that of a god,

The Uha Tamunarans came and used their great power to try to conquer and enslave the people of the world but the Su Baera, a warrior who was said to be the great protector of the nations of the world, possessing great power that rival that of the Uha Tamunaran, fought against the Uha Tamunarans and protected the nations from their rule.

The source of the Su Baera’s power was a steel wings created by the Su Ingi, the supreme being of order and harmony.

The Su Baera fought the Uha Tamunarans with all his might and strength but eventually he fell and was defeated by them.

Without the Su Baera there to fight against the Uha Tamunarans the nations of the world fell to them and the people became nothing more than slaves to them.

As time passed the people, under the oppressive rule of the Uha Tamunarans had lost all hope in gaining back their freedom but the leader and king of the Uha Tamunaran, Datubo, offered them their freedom back if they could complete a task that seemed impossible.

Datubo told the people that if any of them could claim the steel wings of the Su Baera, become the next Su Baera and use their use to travel to a world know as Kiri Dumo and bring him the Dumo stone of life then and only then would he free them all from them all from being the slaves of the Uha Tamunarans.

And so, it became a tradition that once every year one warrior from the each of the nations would come and take part in a tournament to win the honor of being the one to claim the wings of the Su Baera.

Each time a warrior won the tournament he would be taken by the Uha Tamunarans to the place where the Su Baera fell and then attempt to claim the wings but each time a warrior went to claim the wings he would not return because the wings found them unworthy and destroyed them the moment, they placed their hands on it.

Time passed and the people remained the Uha Tamunarans slave and were forced to do hard labor for the Uha Tamunarans, cultivating and tending to crops and animals in the fields for food for the Uha Tamunarans, the people also mined for gold, silver, diamond, coal and other resources the Uha Tamunaran needed, most of the people were builders and were forced to build everything from the houses to great machines for the Uha Tamunaran, and some of them were the Uha Tamunarans personal servants and they lived with them in their home and serving them.

It was truly a sad time for the people, they had close to nothing and whatever little they had was given to them by the Uha Tamunaran so they could just barely survive as they still needed them as slaves.

The only hope the people had to be freed was the tournament but each time someone won and was taken to the steel wings to claim its power the wings would reject them and find them unworthy of claiming its power and then destroy them.

But a time was coming where someone would claim the wings of the Su Baera and use its power to free all their people from the Uha Tamunarans and this is where our story begins.