Chapter 2

That night as Ibaeran closed her eyes and went to bed she had very strange dream.

In her dream she was in a strange cave which was too dark see anything and only thing she was able to make out with her eyes was a faint light shining from deep inside the cave.

She decided to go towards the light, curious to see what could be making light in such a dark cave.

As journeyed deeper in to the cave following the faint light, she noticed the light grow brighter and brighter as she came closer to it.

Eventually she reached the source of the light and then gasped upon seeing what was making the light.

It was none other than the steel wings of the Su Baera glowing brightly with all its raw power.

Ibaeran could feel the raw overwhelming power of the steel wings from where stood.

She then looked to the ground and saw the death remains of those that tried to wield the power of the wings including that of her father which recognized from clothes he wore.

She then stood still in fear upon seeing the horrific sight of the dead remains of warriors that tried to claim the wings before her.

Then a lady, wearing a white cloak that covered her entire face then appeared with wing that looked like they were made of light attached to her back fluttering and moving with grace and elegance.

Ibaeran upon seeing the woman appear before stood there and just stared at her, amazed and mesmerized by the elegance and beauty of cloaked lady.

Ibaeran then began to wonder if she was an Uha Tamunaran but she doubted she was as she had never seen an Uha Tamunaran that possessed such elegance, grace and beauty but also, she could sense something about her, a form of power emanating from her body which too pure to have come from.

“Hello Ibaeran,” said the lady.

“You know my name?” asked Ibaeran wondering how the lady knew her name.

“I know much more than that Ibaeran,” said the lady.

“Are you an Uha Tamunaran” asked Ibaeran.

“No” said the lady.

“Then who are?” asked Ibaeran, wondering who the lady was if she wasn’t the Su Baera.

“I’m the Su Ingi, the supreme being of order and I need you help Ibaeran,” said the lady.

Ibaeran upon hearing that the woman was the Su Ingi began to wonder why she, a god like being, the one who created the steel wings of the Su Baera would need her help with anything as she was being of immense power, far greater than even the Uha Tamunarans themselves and Ibaeran was just an ordinary girl.

“Why do you need help?” asked Ibaeran.

“Because you are the only one that can do what I’m about to ask for,” said the lady.

“And what is that exact?” asked Ibaeran.

“To save your world from the Uha Tamunaran Empire,” said the lady.

“What?” said Ibaeran upon hearing what the lady said?

She could believe what the woman just said as began to wonder why the lady would believe that she; an ordinary slave girl could save her people from the Uha Tamunarans.

“I’m sorry lady but you must have me confused with someone else, I’m no warrior, you need someone great as the Su Baera do what you’ve ask for” said Ibaeran.

“I agree and I believe I have found her,” said the lady.

Ibaeran upon hearing what the woman said was confused at first but after thinking for a moment she finally understood what the lady meant was that she had chosen her be the next Su Baera.

“I think you don’t understand I’m not strong or as powerful as the Uha Tamunaran. I’m just a regular girl, I’m no warrior or some freedom fighter for that matter I’m just me, an ordinary slave girl” said Ibaeran, not believing that she could ever be a warrior great enough to be the Su Baera.

The lady then smiled at Ibaeran before placing her hands on the side of her cheek.

“It’s strange, you have so much strength but yet you don’t even realize it,” said the lady.

“I wish what you say was true but if I was truly who you believe I am I would be strong and not the weak girl you see before you” said Ibaeran as she thought about Preyina and the horrors she must have been facing in her Uha Tamunaran master’s home and how she was powerless to save her from him.

“Like I said before, it’s strange that you have so much strength and not realize it” said the lady with smile on her face.

“Believe it or not Ibaeran you are stronger than you know and you may not even realize it but beating deep inside you is the heart of hero. You’ve seen the way your people are suffering and at the same time you feel their pain, those are not the qualities of an ordinary girl they are the qualities of a hero. It’s because of these qualities that I have chosen to be the next Su Baera,” said the lady.

“What?” said Ibaeran unable to believe what the woman just said?

She as the Su Baera, that was something she would never believe would happen even in her wildest and most bizarre dreams.

The lady then placed her hand on a side Ibaeran’s neck and then it began to glow for a few moments before she removed it.

Then a strange mark that looked like a pair of silver wings then appeared on the side of her neck.

“You have great strength inside and with time you will discover just how strong you truly are” said the lady smiling at Ibaeran one last time before the dream ended.

Ibaeran then woke up.

She then sighed out of relief, glad that it was all just a dream.

She then got up from bed, failing to notice the mark in the side of her neck that resembled a pair wing similar to the steel wings of the Su Baera.