Chapter 15

Slowly each of the governors opened their eyes and saw that they were now in Bumai’s office late at night.

“This is my office but how did we get here?” asked Bumai confused as to how they now in his office.

“I brought you here and this is not your office, it’s actually a memory within your mind” said Nami.

“What?” said the governors shocked upon hearing that they were now in Bumai’s mind?

“Why did you bring us here; of all places why did you bring us to this fool’s mind” said Fika.

“Watch that tongue of yours, remember we are in the realm of the mind and inside here I reign supreme” said Nami with powerful and threatening glare that sent chills down Fika’s spine upon seeing it.

Fika after that remained silent, now harboring a great fear for Nami and his terrifying power.

“I do not mean to disrespect you Nami but why did you bring us here?” asked Enama.

“To find out if Bumai was telling the truth or was lying” said Nami.

“How do we do that?” asked Enama.

“Simple, you see my fellow governors, the mind is a powerful thing, in the right hands it can do many things but out of all its many qualities it has but one flaw, it cannot lie” said Nami as he snapped his fingers.

Then Bumai felt a strange sensation in his mind before he began to recall the events that took place the night before.

As Bumai recall everything that happened that night his memory began to take form and the governors were able to see the events as they took place in the office.

They saw monster Bumai spoke of and how it restrained using darkness from its body before it told him about why it was there and revealed to them all the threat of the Su Baera.

After they all witness Bumai’s memory for themselves and realized he was telling the truth Nami brought them all out of Bumai’s mind with just a snap of his fingers.

They all sat on their seats speechless as their minds tried to understand what they saw.

The silence was broken by Fika saying, “that thing had to be an Uha Tamunaran playing some kind of trick on you”.

“You still refuse to believe what you saw with your eyes” said Nami.

“No, I just don’t want to risk my life doing something the king would not allow” said Fika.

“So that’s why you’re so paranoid” said Nami before he chuckled lightly.

“Why are you laughing at something so serious” asked Fika.

“It’s nothing just that you are willing to risk losing all your power and status as governor just because you chose not to believe Bumai’ story” said Nami.

Fika then remain silent and began to think about what Nami said as did Enama while Bumai just stood there awaiting their reply.

Enama was the first to speak, “I agree the Su Baera is a threat but going against the king’s command is an offense punishable by death” said Enama.

“Enama is right, the king has made it clear no Uha Tamunaran should interfere in the Tournament” said Fika.

“That is only if he finds out” said Bumai.

They all then turned to look at Bumai upon hearing what he said with a look of utter shock, finding it hard to believe that he was actually suggesting doing something against their king’s command.

“Are you out of your mind, king Datubo is a man that knows about all the affairs going on in all four nations so much so that even if a pin falls on the far north side of the Eastern Nation he would know about it” said Fika.

“Fika is right, king Datubo is not known and feared for his strength alone, he is a wise and ruthless man. If he even suspects us of breaking his laws, we are as good as dead” said Enama.

“Yes, but if we don’t do anything we risk losing everything” said Bumai.

The three governors continued argued among themselves while Nami just watched until he eventually grew tired of hearing them bicker among themselves.

“ENOUGH!!!” screamed Nami.

The three governors then stopped fighting and arguing among themselves upon hearing Nami scream at them.

“In the time it took both of you to continuously bash your heads together arguing about the best step to take I’ve formulated a plan that will not only secure our status and power but also ensure the threat of the Su Baera is eliminated” said Nami.

They all then turned to Nami to hear the plan of his that would supposedly solve all their problems.

They all nodded their heads in agreement once Nami was done, there was still a risk the that the king would find out but the chances of him finding out with Nami’s plan were very slim at least that was how it seemed.

“So, we are all in agreement, Nami’s plan is the best solution we have” said Bumai.

“I still say it’s risky, if the king finds out?” said Fika as he had his doubts about Nami’s plan.

“How can a man with a fiery temper like yours be spineless” said Nami, mocking Fika for being too scared of the king to go through the plan.

“I agree with Fika but if the threat of the Su Baera is indeed real, we have no choice” said Enama.

“I feel the same way” said Bumai.

“It’s my plan after all so I have so support it” said Nami.

The three governors were now all in agreement with Nami’s plan and now only Fika remained and since all the governors need to be on board with the plan before any action could be taken his consent was needed for the plan to move forward.

“So Fika will you be a spineless excuse for an Uha Tamunaran and risk losing all your power as a governor” said Nami.

Fika took a deep breath and began to think about the decision he had to take, if he were to go against the king’s law and somehow the king found out he knew the king would not hesitate to kill him but if he didn’t, he would be risking losing all his power as a govern, power he did not want to lose.

“You are sure the king will not find out about this” asked Fika.

“I assure you he won’t” said Nami.

Fika then sighed deeply before saying, “fine, your plan better work Nami, for all our sakes”.

“You worry too much Fika, of course our plan will work, after all no matter how great the warrior is she is only human and will fall to the might of the Uha Tamunarans like every other human that came before her” said Nami with a wicked smile on his face.