Chapter 20

The ship took them to the royal palace in Nigerona.

The palace stood firmly, made out of pure gold and diamonds encrusted on the walls that shun brightly as rays from the sun hit it.

Beautiful and massive, standing higher than any other building in the land, the palace was so high that passed the clouds above the sky.

Ibierana upon seeing the palace for the first time could not believe her eyes.

She the first person that wasn’t an Uha Tamunaran to be invited to stay in the palace, people from the other nations had only spread rumors about how glamorous the palace was, creating a mental picture in their minds about how the palace looked without actually seeing it themselves.

Ibaeran, being the first human being to see the palace could testify that its beauty far out classes any description created by the rumors she had heard.

The ship landed in front of the palace and once there a group of Uha Tamunaran royal guards came to greet the king.

Upon seeing Ibaeran with the steel wings attached on her back they froze up with a look of disbelief and a little bit of fear on their faces.

It was shocking for them to see, after all the years that had passed, the Su Baera had finally been found but it was even more shocking to see that the person that wielded the wings of the Su Baera was girl who didn’t even resemble a warrior.

“My lord, your back and I see you have finally found the Su Baera” the head guard spoke looking at Ibaeran, still shocked that she was the next Su Baera.

“Escort her to the guest room, the Su Baera will be my honored guest and you all are to serve her like royalty, provide her with whatever she may need. Understood” said the king with a look that made the guards shake and shiver with fear.

“Yes, my lord” said the head guard before turning to Ibaeran.

“Please, Su Baera, come with me” said the guard to Ibaeran which made Ibaeran feel strange as she was not used to the Uha Tamunarans speaking to her or any other person that wasn’t an Uha Tamunaran humanely.

“Alright” said Ibaeran softly to the Uha Tamunaran guard before following the guards in to the castle.

The kings smiled sinisterly as he was Ibaeran enter the castle, thinking that finally after wait for so long his quest for ultimate power was finally within his reach to accomplish.

Ibaeran, to him was nothing more than a tool he could use to accomplish his goals but the king also knew that power of the Su Baera is something he could not afford to underestimate as it was the only power; he knew that could rival and might even be greater than his.

It is true that he was the one that ended the former Su Baera’s life but it was a long and difficult battle, a battle that made the king fear for his life, the Su Baera nearly defeated him in that battle and even though it was so long ago all the wounds inflicted upon him from that battle were long pasted gone, the scars remained and the king remembered how struggle to win that battle.

The king, while thinking about the battle he had with the former Su Baera touched his eye patch and remembered how he had lost an eye during their battle.

He then sighed, coming out of his train of deep thought and entering the palace.

Within the palace Ibaeran roamed the massive halls, being led by the Uha Tamunaran guard.

Everywhere she turned to she saw gems and jewel of unimaginable beauty, floors and walls seemed like they were made of gold.

Ibaeran, upon seeing all the overwhelming beauty hidden within the castle, for a brief moment forget that she was in the home of the most dangerous Uha Tamunaran and thought that she must have been in some kind of paradise.

The guard led Ibaeran to door of the many rooms in the palace.

“This will be the room assigned to you Su Baera” said the guard trying his best to compose himself and hide the fear he had for Ibaeran as the new Su Baera.

Ibaeran didn’t even notice the fear the guard was hiding, rather she was more concern with room the guard her take her too.

Ibaeran then upon the door and saw the inside of the room, massive, with a window that showed a spectacular view of the garden outside the palace, a bed fit for royalty and the entire room was decorated with beautiful and stunning gems.

“If this is not to your liking, we have many other rooms within the…” before the guard could finish his sentence Ibaeran stopped him by saying “it’s quite alright, you may leave now, I need some time to rest”.

The guard then bowed his head before leaving Ibaeran alone in the room.

Once the guard was gone Ibaeran lied down on the bed but upon doing so she felt a great discomfort in her back.

Ibaeran then realize that her discomfort was due to the fact that the massive steel wings of the Su Baera were now attached to her back.

She had still not gone used to the fact that she was now the Su Baera and the steel wings were now a part of her.

The steel wings didn’t allow her to find comfort in the massive bed no matter how much she tried.

And so, out of frustration and desperation to get some well-deserved rest after doing so much to acquire the wings Ibaeran said out,” I wish the stupid wings would just disappear”.

The wings then, obeying her command disappeared, allowing her to feel comfortable on the bed.

It was strange; although the wings of the Su Baera were gone Ibaeran could still feel the power of them with her.

She, however, didn’t let her mind think too much about it as she only wanted to rest at that moment, after all she had been through a lot and all she wanted to do was rest.

As Ibaeran fell as sleep she had a strange dream, in the dream she saw people from every nation being tormented and suffering under the rule of the Uha Tamunarans including Preyina.

All the people then turned to Ibaeran and slowly made their way towards her.

“Why didn’t you save us Su Baera” the people said in unison as they slowly made their way to Ibaeran.

Ibaeran filled with horror and fear upon seeing the people approach her slowly took a few steps back, not knowing what to do or say to the people as they approached her.

Ibaeran, as she continued to move back felt a presence from behind her.

She then turned around to see what was behind and upon doing so gasped with even more fear and horror in her eyes.

Now before her was Preyina, her old dead and closest friend covered from head to toe with blood that slowly dripped down from her body.

Ibaeran upon seeing her fell down on her knees with, feeling massive wave of pain and guilt upon seeing Preyina.

“This can’t be happening” Ibaeran said to herself with tears falling down from her eyes, wanting desperately for her nightmare to come to an end.

“Why can’t it Ibaeran?” asked Preyina as she slowly approached her along with other people who had been suffering torment and torture under the hands of the Uha Tamunarans.

“Stay away from me” said Ibaeran, not wanting the people to come too close her as they reminded her about the doubts, she had herself and her ability, fearing that she would fail as a Su Baera, falling to the Uha Tamunarans as the former Su Baera before her did.

Preyina and the people then finally reached Ibaeran and there was no where she could run to as they had completely surrounded her.

Ibaeran, now had to face her face her greatest fear, looking Preyina, her closest friend, someone she wished she was able to save from the Uha Tamunarans, and Ibaeran’s greatest regret is the fact that she could save her.

“Why Ibaeran, why could you not save me” asked Preyina.

Ibaeran upon hearing what Preyina said broke down with tears falling down from her eyes.

“I’m sorry” Ibaeran whispered softly to her dead friend.

With those word said Ibaeran woke up from her slumber and immediately she did so she felt something falling down from her eyes, remembering the dream she had.

That dream reminded her of a painful part of her past, one she could not escape or forget, and she would have to leave with it her entire life.

Ibaeran then remembered the promise she made to Preyina and upon remembering it she thought about how far she had come being driven by that promise.

Even though she doubted herself, she was able to do so much, she had even managed to claim the steel wings and become the Su Baera, now she was no longer weak, having the power of the Su Baera flowing through her entire body but even with all that power she was still scared and doubted herself.

Ibaeran then took a deep breath in and calmed down.

Even she was scared and doubted herself, she still her a job to do, she was the Su Baera after all, and she had to fight for the freedom to her people, to ensure that tragedy they be fell Preyina would not be fall anyone else.

For the sake of her people, she had to continue the fight despite her fears and lack of faith in herself, she still had to fight.