Chapter 23

A loud bang on the door was the first thing Ibaeran heard before waking up the very next day not too long after the sun appeared.

Ibaeran, tired from having to wake up so suddenly due to the sound of the banging door went to the door before opening to seeing who the one responsible for waking her up from her peaceful slumber.

Upon opening the door, she found one of the royal guards standing on the other side of the door.

“Come with me” said the guard before leaving.

Ibaeran shock and confused as to why a guard was at her door so early in the morning, followed the guard, knowing that it must have been an order from the king and if she was to disobey, she would have to face his wrath.

The guard led her to small room.

Once there the guard opened the room’s door and said, “Get in”.

Ibaeran did as the guard said and entered the room and upon entering the room, she saw that there was nothing in the room apart from a chair and desk with a massive book on, and a small window which served as the only source of light in the room.

“Do you know how to read?” asked the guard.

“Yes” said Ibaeran with a shocked and surprised look on her face as she wondered why the guard would want to know if she read.

“Good, see that book over there” said the guard, pointing at the massive book on the desk.

“The king wants you to read it,” said the guard.

Ibaeran upon hearing what the guard said began wonder why the king would want her to read a book.

“Why does the king want me to read that book” said Ibaeran.

“I don’t know. I have no business questioning the king so I did not ask. My duty as guard to listen and obey only” said the guard before the shutting the door with Ibaeran still inside.

Ibaeran upon realizing the guard had left her inside the room rushed to the door and tried to open it but it was no use, she was lock inside room.

“Hello, guard please open the door” Ibaeran pleaded from within the lock room.

“I cannot for I am under strict orders from the king him to not allow you leave the room until you’ve finished reading the entire book” said the guard.

“Why?” asked Ibaeran wondering why the king was concern about her reading a book.

“Like I said before, I don’t know. It is not my place to ask or question the king’s commands, I simply obey all commands given” said the guards.

“And don’t even think about lying to me and say that you’ve finished reading because have the ability to tell when are lying” said the guard.

Ibaeran upon hearing what the guard said just sighed, seeing as she no choice but to obey the orders given to her turned to the book on the table and then began to read it.

Ibaeran, even though she could read found it hard to the book as it was written words far too hard for her to understand, she was a slave after all as such even though she was taught how to read her reading abilities were limited as she was only exposed to words had had something to do with commands given to her by her master.

But even though Ibaeran could understand half the words in the book she continued reading and even though she could completely comprehend what the book was about she was able to understand a little of what the book was about.

The book was about another world that existed outside hers, Ibaeran failed to make sense of most of what the book said about the world but after reading the entire book she was able to understand that world was Kiri Dumo, home of the Dumo stone.

Ibaeran upon realizing the book was about the Kiri Dumo and understood that the reason the king wanted her to read the book must have something to with Dumo Stone and her, as the new Su Baera, having to retrieve it for him.

Meanwhile, the king seated on his throne room waiting for the four Governors to arrive.

He had sent for them to discuss the incident with the Uha Tamunaran that possessed the warrior that fought Ibaeran during the last tournament.

The governors, knowing why the king called for them, feared for their lives, fearing that the king knew about their involvement with the incident.

Fika, Bumai and Enama didn’t want to go, fearing that the king’s wrath would be laid upon them if they went to him but Nami persuaded them to go, saying that the king may not even know about their involvement with the incident and if they don’t go whatever little suspicion the king may have about their involvement with the incident would be confirmed.

Nami further stated that it would be better if they went to see the king as doing so would save them from wrath of he didn’t know about their involvement but if he did not they could always beg and plead for their lives or at the very least a swift and painless death as they all knew the rumors of her terrible the king tortures and torments those who dare to go against him, inflecting so much pain that the thought of death bring pleasure and relive to the heart before stopping and allow his victim suffer with the pain inflicted upon them while he tortured them before finally they die on their own with last thing their bodies are able to feel being but sheer unimaginable pain.

The thought of such a fate befalling any of them was enough to force them, despite the great level of fear they had for the king go him.

King upon seeing the governors walk in through the door and stand before his throne smiled amused with the face that they actually came to him despite the great fear emanating from their bodies.

“Great king Datubo, lord of all Uha Tamunaran you called for us?” said Bumai as they all kneeled down before king with sweat drawing down from his brow as he spoke.

“Yes, it’s about the incident that happened in the last tournament. Tell why, despite the fact that I gave clear instructions that no Uha Tamunaran interfere with the tournament did an Uha Tamunaran disobey me and interfere with the tournament” the king spoke with a calm voice the governors could tell that he was furious with them.

“My lord I assure you that we had no involvement with the Uha Tamunaran that interfered with the tournament” said the Fika while trying his best to hide his fear and nervousness.

“Is this true, do you all have nothing to do with the incident because if you did and you’re lying to me well…” said the king before bringing out a severed head and throwing it to the governor’s feet.

All the governors with Nami being the only exception looked the severed head placed before them by the king with a look of both horror and shock as it was the head of the Uha Tamunaran they sent to possess the warrior that attacked Ibaeran.

The governors, now looking at the head with looks of pure fear and horror looked back at the king, realizing at that very moment that the king knew about what they did.

Nami then got up from his knees and approached the king, shocking all the governors before saying, “See my lord, I told you they would not confess to their crimes against you so easily. I suggest you reward such insolence with death”.

The governors, upon hearing the words that came out of Nami’s mouth looked at him with shock and disgust, realizing that he had betrayed them all and had told the king about what they did and blamed them for it even though it was all planned by him.

“My lord we meant no disrespect, please have mercy” Bumai begged, knowing that was all they could do in that situation.

Fika and Enama followed Bumai’s lead and begged for mercy from the king, hoping that doing that would allow them to at least see another day.

The king upon hearing them all beg and plead for mercy over their lives just smiled at them before silencing them all with a simple raise of his arm.

The governors, not daring to speak while the king’s arm was raised awaited his judgment, hoping and praying that they could leave the palace with their lives that day.

“As you all know I am a king that pride himself with having no weaknesses, my strength and power is absolute, and do you why?” asked the king.

“N…no, my lord” Enama stuttered while answering as only fear filled his entire body.

“Because I crush, break and destroy all who oppose me. I don’t care if it is one of my own or an outsider, all who come to my presence must submit to my power or fall to it” said the king as he got up from his might throne, standing about all the governors and looking down upon them as if they were nothing more than ants crawling below him.

“Please, have mercy” begged Fika one last time as they all knew what the king was about to do.

“Mercy is a weakness and as a king with no weakness it is a quality I lack” said the king before he began to his great and overwhelming power upon them.

The governors then beg scream and yell out in immense pain as they felt everything, from their life force to their very essence being ripped out of them.

They continued screaming and screaming, from the sheer unbearable pain they had to endure until they finally stop and their now lifeless body fell to the ground, having been drain of everything they had and now being nothing more than empty lifeless husks.

The king upon draining the lives out of the governors, increase in size, growing slightly larger than he was before.

“What a waste, those fools did not deserve the power given to them” said the king.

Nami then cleared his throat, drawing the king’s attention towards him.

“My lord, now that you’ve finished dealing with them may I leave, I have some argent matters to attend to in the west” said Nami.

The king upon what Nami said couldn’t help but chuckle lightly.

“My lord, if I may ask, what’s so amusing” asked Nami unable to understand why king was chuckling.

The king then turned to Nami and then with a sinister smile on his face he grabbed him by his neck and then lifted him off the ground.

“The fact that you think you would get away with opposing my rule alongside the other governors” said the king.

Nami’s eyes then widened with both shock and horror upon hearing what the king said.

“You knew” said Nami softly as he struggled to speak with king’s massive arm placed on his neck.

“I’m no fool Nami; I’m your king after all” said the king as he began to crush Nami’s neck with his massive arm, slowly suffocating him in the process.

“I knew from the very moment you came to tell after the tournament about the other governors involvement in the incident you only wanted to save yourself” said the king as he tighten his grip on Nami’s neck.

The king at that very moment could crush Nami’s neck and end his life with relative ease, all it would take was for him to tighten his grip just a little bit more and then it would all be over but that would far too easy of a death for someone like Nami who thought himself to be clever enough to fool Datubo king of the Uha Tamunaran and the most powerful Uha Tamunaran to ever walk the earth the king thought to himself.

The king then let go of Nami, freeing him from the tight grip of his massive arm.

“Thank you my lord” said Nami while gasping for air, thinking that king was showing mercy to him but little did he know mercy was the last thing on the king’s mind.

The king’s eyes then in to green serpent like eyes before saying, “I don’t need your thanks all I want to hear from you is your screams”.

Nami upon hearing what the king said realized that terrible fate that that befell his fellow governors would be nothing compared to what the king was about to do to him.

A green light then flashed from king’s eyes upon doing so both Nami’s arms and legs were turned in to stone.

“Did you really think you could get away with looking me straight I the eyes and lie to me” said the king as he used broke and completely shattered Nami’s now stone legs with a single blow which Nami to yell and scream out in pain with blood sipping out of the place where his leg once stood.

“As if lying to me was not enough, you lied to me without an ounce of fear in your heart which means you either saw me as a fool or you failed to comprehend just how powerful I truly am. Whatever the reason may be, the fact that you actually thought you could get away with this is was an insult to me and my power, and I don’t like being insulted” the king spoke with rage and bitterness in his voice as he grabbed the two stone arms of Nami and then like he did with Nami’s legs crushed and broke them, leaving Nami with no arms and only two shoulders with blooded dripping out of them.

Nami screamed out in agonizing pain, unable to put in words the level of sheer pain he felt flow through his entire body at the moment.

Nami then looked at the king who was looking down on him with a wicked smile on his face, finding a form of pleasure from seeing him in such a miserable state.

Nami, upon seeing the way the king was looking down at him with a smile on his face felt a sense of anger of rage flow through his entire body for the king and at the moment he didn’t care if the king was the most powerful Uha Tamunaran, he was determined to make him pay for the pain he inflicted upon him but this however, was a feat easier said than done.

Nami used his psychic powers to attack the king’s mind, hoping to inflict upon him the same level of pain the king made him feel upon breaking both his hands and legs but as Nami attacked the king he quickly realized why he was the king of all Uha Tamunarans and the most power of them all as every mental attack from him to the king was rendered ineffective due to the fact that the king far out classed him and every other Uha Tamunaran power to the point that every attack, be it physical or mental would not be enough to harm him.

“Are you done yet” the king asked, sensing the Nami was trying to attack his mind.

Nami upon hearing the king’s voice looked at him with a look of pure and utter horror before asking, “What, in the name of all things sacred in this world, are you?”.

The king, upon hearing what Nami said went down on one knee so his eyes could meet Nami’s before saying, “Your king”.

The king then flashed he’s green eyes at Nami once again and upon seeing the kings emerald green reptilian eyes the outer skin of Nami’s head had turned in to stone leaving the flesh within still alive before placing one of his massive arms on it.

The king, before taking any other action looked at Nami’s stone face which was now frozen in place due to it being turned to stone but even though it was frozen the king could still tell that Nami, even though his face could not express it through his face, was begging for his life to be spared but that was a wish the king would never grant.

The king then, without a moment of hesitation grabbed hold of Nami’s head, began crushing tightly with his massive hand, taking his time, wanting Nami to suffer excruciating levels of pain until his stony head finally broke causing blood to splattered everywhere from his head, breaking apart like a fragile egg, killing him instantly.

The king then threw Nami’s lifeless body next to the dead shriveled bodies of the other governors.

The king then sent for his guards which upon coming to the throne room were taken a back with horror upon seeing the governor’s dead bodies.

“Send word out to all the vice governors, they are to be promoted as governor. They can assign anybody they wish to be their vice and rule over the nations under them on my behalf. And as for the bodies send it to them, it will serve as a worthy reminder that nobody, not even my governors can oppose my rule” said the king.

The guard upon hearing what the king said obeyed his command and took the bodies of the fallen governors and then left the left the room.

As the guards left, Ibaeran, accompanied by the guard assigned to keep an eye on her and make sure she finished reading the book on Kiri Dumo walked in.

Ibaeran upon seeing the dead bodies of the governor, was able to recognize them from the last Tournament she fought in, she then noticed hand of the king was soiled in blood and the immediately realized what had happened.

Ibaeran, knowing that the king had killed one of his own in cold blood made her feel a mix of fear and disgust towards him as she found it difficult to understand how cruel and ruthless of a king he had to be to be able to end the lives of his people.

“Did she finish the entire book” asked the king.

“Yes my lord” said the guard.

“Hmm, go, get me so water to wash away the blood on my hand” said the king.

The guard, obeying the command from the king, bowed down his head before leaving to the water leaving Ibaeran alone with the king.

Ibaeran, now alone and in the presence of the king who stood like a giant before her, slightly larger than the last time she saw him although Ibaeran was not sure whether or not her perception of his increased size was a product of the immense fear she had for him.

“Tell me Su Baera, did you really finish the entire book” asked the king.

“Ye-s, yes I did” said Ibaeran, finding difficult to speak clearly due to her fear for the king.

“Good, now travel to the land of Kiri Dumo” said the king.

Ibaeran upon hearing what the king said looked at him with a look of shock and confusion; she had just gotten the powers of the Su Baera and lacked both training and control over them so asking her to travel to Kiri Dumo at that moment was a feat that she did think she could accomplish.

“Your majesty, I don’t know how to…” Ibaeran while speaking softly out of her fear for the king was cut off by the king saying in a threaten tone, “That was command not a request and as you king you must obey or else”.

Ibaeran upon hearing the king’s words remembered the four lifeless bodies of the governors she saw upon entering the throne room; the memory reminded her that any threat coming from the king was one she should not take likely because if he was able to end the lives of one of his own then he could easily do the same to her.

Ibaeran just sighed, knowing that trying to refuse the king’s commands may lead to him using his power against her, either harming or ending her life.

Ibaeran then closed her eyes and with a deep breath began to force out the power of the Su Baera in a desperate attempt to try and travel to Kiri Dumo.

Drawing the power out of her body wasn’t easy as she could feel it fighting and resisting her will.

The power within her began to rise and rise until it could no longer be contained in her, her body then began to glow with the overwhelming power of the Su Baera pouring out of her.

The wind then began to blow uncontrollably around her, the ground underneath her feet then began as well before finally the steel wings of the Su Baera appeared on Ibaeran’s back and as they did a tremendous wave out flowed out of her.

The power flowing out of her body was now so great that it began to worry the king.

“That’s enough” said the king, fearing that if he allowed Ibaeran to continue her power may continue to rise and eventually be great than his.

Ibaeran, overwhelmed with the power flowing through her entire body, could not hear what the king said.

The power within her continued to rise with no sighs of it stopping anytime soon which turned the king’s worry to fear as he began to recall memories of his battle with the former Su Baera and how he had lost an eye and had even almost lost his life during that battle.

“I SAID ENOUGH!!!!!” screamed the king before using his power against Ibaeran in a desperate attempt to try and subdue her before her power grows beyond his.

As the king’s power flowed through her body, Ibaeran felt a surge of pain like no other flow through her entire body, causing her to yell and shout as she had never felt that kind of pain before, it felt as though every single part of her body was being ripped apart.

Ibaeran then collapsed on the ground, unable to endure the pain inflicted upon her by the king and as she fell, her power stopped rising with the steel wings attached to her back disappearing.

The king, seeing that Ibaeran was now collapsed on the ground and her power was no longer rising stopped using his powers on her.

Ibaeran, feeling the pain in her body slowly beginning to fade away felt a sense of relief flow through her before finally closing her eyes out exhaustion partly from the pain inflicted upon her by the king but also due to the level of power that flowed through her.

The king seeing Ibaeran now unconscious lying on the ground thought about the immense power that flowed out her mere moments ago and how the power kept rising, if had had not acted as soon as he did Ibaeran’s power might have even surpassed his and that was something he was determined to never allow happen.

The guard the king sent to get him water to wash off the blood on the king’s hand then came in with a bowl of water for king.

Upon entering the guard noticed Ibaeran lying on the floor unconscious with the king standing next to her and before the guard could even begin to process what he had seen the king called out to him saying, “Bring me my water so I may wash this disgusting blood off my hands”.

The guard then rushed to the king while carry the bowl before presenting it to the king.

The king then watched his blood covered hands with water in the bowl before looking at Ibaeran’s unconscious body.

“Take her back to her room and when she wakes up give something to eat” said the king.

“Yes my lord” said the guard before going to Ibaeran’s body and lifting her off the ground.

Once the guard had left carrying Ibaeran the king, seated on his throne, sighed deeply as he thought about the power he felt coming from Ibaeran and how it continued to rise.

The king the thought about the strength and power of the former Su Baera and how he almost stopped him from ruling over the four nations all those year, he then wondered if Ibaeran somehow Ibaeran was to gain the same level of strength and power as the former Su Baera and went against him would he be able to defeat her.

The king’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a voice he knew all too well, laughing and mocking him, saying “Oh great Datubo, king of the Uha Tamunaran who fears the power of a small frail girl”.

“Show yourself now Niyanlafu” said the king before Niyanlafu revealed him, appearing before the king’s throne.

“Hello again Datubo I see you’re still going along with this foolish plan of yours. Did you honestly think that by having her read a book she would be able to travel to Dumo Kiri” said Niyanlafu while laughing the king’s idiotic plan.

“Why are you here Niyanlafu?” said the king, annoyed and displeased with Niyanlafu’s presence.

“The same reason as last time, to warn you, the Su Baera’s is not someone that should not be underestimated and that was proven today by the level of power the girl could reach from simply tapping in to the power of the Su Baera for a brief moment, you should be able to understand how much powerful she could be if she fully masters all the power the wings of the Su Baera bestowed upon her” said Niyanlafu.

The king upon hearing what Niyanlafu said understood that he did have reason to worry as the power he felt from within Ibaeran and the way it keep rising was indeed a valid reason to worry for it meant that if Ibaeran was able to control and master the powers of a Su Baera she would unstoppable, a force so great, even the king and his great power, would not be enough to stop her.

But the king was still determined to finish what he had started and claim the power he sought for and the desire and hunger for power far exceeded his fear and worry about the power Ibaeran possessed.

“I will admit the level of power that girl possesses is worrisome and can potentially be problem in the future *sigh* but I’ve worked too hard on my quest for power to back down after coming so close” said the king.

Niyanlafu just sighed before saying, “power is like a fire, a little can light up a dark room, a little more provide warmth in cold home but too much can burn everything down”.

“I don’t fear fire, I command it” said the king.

“No you don’t, it commands you and if you’re not cautious it will burn you along with everything you’ve worked so hard to achieve” said Niyanlafu before disappearing, leaving the king who was still seated on his throne thinking about what he said.