Chapter 32

Ton’Onama led Ibaeran to a large lake in the middle of the garden.

Once there Ton’Onama bent down and scooped a little bit of water from the lake with his hands and then drank it.

“There is nothing quite like fresh clear water to quench a dry throat after long day. Try some” said Ton’Onama, inviting Ibaeran to try some of the water in the lake.

Ibaeran, although a bit hesitant, decided to try some of the lake water.

Bending down and then using her hands to scoop some of the water in to her hand and drank the water.

It water tasted strange to her, having unique taste and flavor she could only describe as sweet, clear and cool as the clear liquid made its way from her mouth down to her throat.

Ibaeran had never tasted water as pure or as fresh like the one from the lake before, as a slave all she was given to drink was brownish color liquid that had flavor that made swallowing dry dirt preferable than drinking it, and in her time in the palace, the water she was served was too pure and tasted to the point where the only indication she had something in her mouth when she drank it was the way the water moved, apart from that however there was no difference between the water in her mouth and dry air.

Ibaeran was so intrigued with the taste of the water from the lake that she couldn’t stop herself from drinking more and more water, scooping it down her throat like she was dying of thirst.

“Relax, you’re drinking the water like it’s some kind of divine nectar” said Ton’Onama with an amused smile on his face, finding it hilarious how Ibaeran was busy gulping down water so though it was the sweetest of wine.

Ibaeran finally stopped drinking, after having her feel and satisfying her thirst for the clear refreshing lake water.

“That was…incredible” Ibaeran spoke while gasping for air after having drinking so much without taking a moment to breath.

“You talk as though you had refresh water before” said Ton’Onama.

“No, I’ve never had water quite like this. From my time as a slave I was given a brown bitter liquid they claimed to be water and from my time in the castle the water was clearer but it had no taste or flavor compared to this. This is my first time of having something so refreshing” said Ibaeran.

“I wish I can say I’m surprised but knowing that man we have as king removes every single ounce of shock I would have otherwise had of how sad what you just said is” said Ton’Onama as he got up and then looked down at the lake, seeing the beauty of the lake as it reflected the vast blue sky above their heads with Ibaeran doing the same, standing by Ton’Onama’s side and looking down at the lake.

“Beautiful isn’t it” said Ton’Onama with a smile on his face.

“Yes, the lake really is…” Ibaeran was stopped midsentence by Ton’Onama saying, “Not the lake the person in it”.

Ibaeran upon hearing what Ton’Onama said then realized he was talking about the reflection on the lake, her reflection.

“I wouldn’t call her beautiful” Ibaeran spoke with her head bowed down.

“And why not?” asked Ton’Onama.

“Because she isn’t, she’s just simple” said Ibaeran.

“What’s wrong with being simple?” asked Ton’Onama.

Ibaeran upon hearing what Ton’Onama said remained silent, unable to find or think of any word she could use to reply.

“If simple girl like her could fight as many battles as she just to claim a power as great as the Su Baera so she could be able to save her people then this world would have been in a much better state that is today if they were more simple people like her in it” said Ton’Onama as he bent down to get a closer look at Ibaeran’s reflection.

“She’s strong but she doesn’t know it, allowing her fears to dictate every action she takes and failing to recognize just how powerful she truly is. That is the only flaw I can find in this girl” said Ton’Onama before turning away from the lake and looking directly at Ibaeran.

“She has the potential to be something truly great, a protector to all but yet she holds herself back” said Ton’Onama.

Ibaeran upon hearing what Ton’Onama said felt a wave of shame and guilt wash over because even though she may say otherwise, part of her knew that there was truth in his words, even though it was a truth she was fear too scared and hesitant to believe.

“I thought you brought me here to train me not babble on about a reflection on the lake” said Ibaeran, not wanting to here another word about her, her power or her potential.

Ton’Onama upon hearing what Ibaeran said just sighed before saying, “Very well, let’s get right down to the lesson shall we”.

Ton’Onama the shifted his gaze right back to the lake before saying, “You see that lake, I want you make it all the way to the other side by walk across it”.

“What?” said Ibaeran upon hearing what Ton’Onama told her to do?

Ton’Onama just smiled upon seeing the shocked looked on Ibaeran’s face upon hearing the seemly impossible task he had just asked her to do.

“You are now the Su Baera, a being able to reduce entire mountains in to rubble with just a single blow, torch the very heavens above our heads and able to shake the entire world with your raw power alone. Why should you fear a task as simple as walking on the surface of a lake?”

“Because it’s an impossible task” said Ibaeran.

“Impossible? But that shouldn’t be the case for the Su Baera because the Su Baera is the living embodiment of the impossible as everything you can do is far beyond what any man or Uha Tamunaran can” said Ton’Onama.

Ibaeran upon hearing what Ton’Onama looked at her hands, feeling the overwhelming power of the Su Baera within her and then remembering the incredible things had accomplished moments ago, lifting a boulder many times her size and then taking to the skies and seeing the entirety of the world for what it was, high above it all, after doing so much just a few moments ago who was she to detain what she could or could not, for the power felt flow through her immense, raw and overwhelming, and she knew not the limit of she could do with it.

“Alright, I’ll try to do” said Ibaeran causing a smile to form on Ton’Onama’s face.

Ibaeran then looked at the lake, taking in a deep breath and then raising her feet to take the first step, upon sinking her feet in to the surface of the lake she felt go down to the bottom like anything normally would.

Ibaeran upon seeing her feet now soaked in the lake just sighed, even though she didn’t believe she could actually do something as unfeasible as walk on water, she still felt disappointed in herself upon failing to accomplish the feat she deemed as impossible.

Ton’Onama just smiled and nodded his head unsurprised by Ibaeran’s failure to accomplish the task.

“Tell me Su Baera, when you took to the sky what did it feel like” asked Ton’Onama.

Ibaeran upon hearing what Ton’Onama said just sighed before taking a moment to think about the way it felt when she first took flight, remembering the overwhelming power that flowed through as the steel wings manifested themselves and extended out before her feet along with the rest of her body slowly began to detach from the earth down below.

She remembered the overwhelming feeling of bliss and freedom that washed through her as she soared through the sky; it felt like she was unhinged like she could do anything.

“Cannot put it in to words but at that moment I felt truly free in every sense of the word” said Ibaeran.

“Good, and get your feet off the water and try again but this time remember that feeling and hold on to it” said Ton’Onama.

Ibaeran upon hearing what Ton’Onama said what just sighed before following his instruction and focused on the way she felt when she flew for the first time, remembering the wind as it blew against her, thrill and rush she felt as she continued soar high and high in to the sky, the overwhelming power that flowed through, thrusting her higher and higher until she flew past the sky itself.

Ibaeran remembered it all and held on to the overwhelming feeling of freedom that washed over her as she flew, and as she did so, she felt it, the power of the Su Baera manifesting itself once again through her.

Ibaeran then took a deep breath before extending out her feet once again to take another step but this time, as her feet made contact with the ground, it didn’t skin down, no, it stood firm, almost as though it was still stepping on hard earth.

Ibaeran looked down to the lake in shock, unable to believe what she had just done before taking another step, which, upon doing so, like that last, her feet stood firmly on the water’s surface.

Ibaeran couldn’t stop herself from smile on upon seeing what she had just accomplished before turning to look Ton’Onama who just looked at her before saying, “What are you looking at, get going”.

Ibaeran just smirked before racing off, running on the water’s surface like a track, with her feet refusing to penetrate the water’s surface each time they made an impact on it.

She continued to run all the way to the other side of the lake and as she did she began to think about all the thing she had had accomplished in just a single day, lifting a massive boulder at least ten times are her size, taking to the sky and soaring so high that she could seeing the entirety of the world and now, was walking on water.

Ibaeran just smiled as she began to wonder what else she could and if there was limit to what she was capable of, then almost as though her mind was answering her questions about her capabilities and limits, an image of king Datubo, the monster that towered above all, both man and Uha Tamunaran’s appeared in her mind as it did, a wave of fear and doubt shrouded mind, as she believed despite the fact that she possessed a power as great as that of Su Baera, compared to that of the king, she was still nothing.

Suddenly all her accomplishments in just that single day felt insignificant and pointless, she lifted a boulder, the king could crush mountains, she flew above the earth, the king conquered the entire world she flew above, and now, she was walking on water but the king could probably tame entire seas.

Compared to the king, she was nothing, even with the power of the Su Baera, this was what she believed, this was her belief, and this was her truth.

Ibaeran then raised her feet to take another step, with the thoughts of how her insignificant she was when compared to the king racing through her head, upon bringing her feet down to meet the surface of the water; she felt it sink down and then before she realized it, she herself began to plummet down in the depths of the water below.

Ibaeran felt herself drowning in watery depth below, feeling as water rushed in to her lungs as she struggled to get back to the surface but try as she might, no matter how hard she tried the water continued to pull her down, seemed as though the water’s strength was stronger than her own.

Ibaeran, feeling herself about to close her eyes shut, tired and exhausted from struggling so much trying to resist the water’s hold on her, looked up to the ever faded light above her head before weakly raising her hand up towards the light in a final desperate to fight the water’s hold on.

She then slowly closed her eyes but just as she did she felt someone grab hold of her and pull her out water.

She slowly opened her eyes, coughing out water as she got up before taking notice of her surroundings and realizing that she was now at the other side of the lake, seated on the sandy ground.

“I made it?” Ibaeran questioned, remembering vividly how she almost drowned moments ago.

“No quite but you were close” said a familiar voice.

Ibaeran then turned her head to the direction the voice was coming from and saw none other than Ton’Onama standing not too far away from her.

“What happened?” asked Ibaeran.

“I’m not entire sure, I minute you were dashing across the surface of the water like it was a field of roses and the next you were plummeting down to the bottom of the lake” said Ton’Onama.

Ibaeran upon hearing what Ton’Onama said just sighed as she recalled what had happened.

Remembering the power of the Su Baera flowing through her entire body and how the water felt like solid ground as she raced across it, it was incredible but then, the power left almost as quickly as it surfaced as it did, she fell in to the water that once felt solid and firm ground below her feet and would have drowned if it wasn’t for Ton’Onama.

“I lost it again” Ibaeran said softly with her head bowed down.

“I had it, I could feel it flowing through my entire body, giving me the strength I needed to do the impossible and then I lost it” said Ibaeran, feeling like a total and utter failure for failing to hold on to the power of the Su Baera long enough to reach the other side of the lake on her own.

Ton’Onama just sighed before going Ibaeran and taking a seat next to her.

“The power bestowed upon you is great but the burden weighing on your shoulders is greater. I know you feel a sense of responsibility to protect your people but to do that you need to know who you are and what you are capable. You are strong but yet so weak, brave but still scared, you are human and yet so much more. To be what you’re meant to be you need to cast away your fears and doubt, and embrace yourself for who you are. Accept your strength, look pass your weakness and become something truly great” said Ton’Onama.

Ibaeran, upon hearing everything Ton’Onama said couldn’t help but sighed deeply as she began contemplate and ponder deeply about them.

Ton’Onama then turned to the horizon, seeing the sun slowly make its way down, giving way for the darkness of night.

“It’s getting late. You should return back to the palace and get some rest. We’ll continue tomorrow” said Ton’Onama.

Ibaeran, having heard what Ton’Onama, looked at the sky as it slowly darkened with small flickers of star light slowly forming.

“Thank you” said Ibaeran, feeling a sense of gratitude towards the Uha Tamunaran for helping her drawing out the immense power of the Su Baera and even though she couldn’t sustain or maintain the power for very long, the fact that she was able to feel flow through her, imbuing with tremendous strength and power unlike anything she had ever felt before, making it possible for her to the heavens above her head, albeit, for a short and brief moment, that was enough for her, to give her hope that she could fully master the power of the Su Baera and save her people from having their innocent blood spilled.

Ton’Onama upon hearing what Ibaeran said just smiled before saying while bowing his head, “No need for thanks Su Baera. It’s an honor not many can boost of, to be able to guide a being as great as the Su Baera. If anything I should be thanking you Ibaeran for such an opportunity”.

Ibaeran upon hearing what Ton’Onama said couldn’t help but smile slightly before departing and making her way back to the palace.

Once she was gone, Ton’Onama looked up to the sky, seeing that the twinkling stars had fully formed and the moon was shinning bright about beautiful star littered night sky with thoughts of Ibaeran feeling his mind.

“She is strong, just like he was but yet so doubtful of herself and her ability. There is no doubt in my mind that she had what it takes to be a great protector and Su Baera but for that to be, she needs to learn t let go. Let go of the chains and shackle of fear and doubt that hold her bind her so far down and keep her away from everything she can be. A prisoner of doubt and fear, and if she doesn’t learn to overcome this of wall hindering her and blocking her path, I fear that even darker days will come, days of true despair and hopeless, days where the world will not have the Su Baera as a protector” Ton’Onama said, feeling both hopeful and afraid of what the future held for Ibaeran and her destiny as the Su Baera, hoping and praying she learns to overcome the overwhelming fear and doubt that weighed heavily on her heart so she could fully embrace who she was as the Su Baera.

As Ibaeran wondered through the garden that night she couldn’t help but feel a pair of eyes hidden away in the dark shadows of the forest but whenever she turned around to look she saw nothing but the green leaves, trees and bushes that made the massive forest like garden.

Ibaeran just sighed deeply, thinking that it must have just been her tired and exhausted mind playing tricks of her, choosing to ignore the feeling and continue her journey back to the palace but as she left she failed to notice the rustling of the bushes behind her, almost as though something was passing through them, something her eyes failed to see.

Ibaeran made it to her palace and once there she headed straight to her room before collapsing on the bed.

It had truly been a long and Ibaeran felt extremely tired, drained and exhausted, all she wanted to do at that moment than to simple just eyes and drift away to sleep but before she could the words of Ton’Onama.

“You are strong but yet so weak, brave but still scared, you are human and yet so much more. To be what you’re meant to be you need to cast away your fears and doubt, and embrace yourself for who you are. Accept your strength, look pass your weakness and become something truly great”

Ibaeran began to internalize those words as she did so she began to wonder why Ton’Onama thought so highly of her when she was only human and he was an Uha Tamunaran, a race so powerful that her people feared them as though they were gods.

Was it because she possessed the power of the Su Baera?

But the king possessed a power that could match that of the Su Baera, after all he was the one that took the life of the former Su Baera but yet Ton’Onama never hesitated to express his hatred and utter disgust for the king, seeing more like a barbaric tyrant obsessed with only power and could careless for the people he ruled over.

Ton’Onama saw the king as nothing more than a monster, one who would only cared about himself and would do any and everything to get what he desired the most, power.

Ibaeran would be lying if she said she didn’t understand and at the sometime, agree with Ton’Onama views of the king, he was indeed a monster in very sense of the word, she could still remember how he causal washed the blood off his hands after killing all four of the governors, unfazed and unbothered by the fact that he had just taken the lives of his own kin.

Then flashes of the sorry state of the Uha Tamunarans in Kiripapaboa appeared in her mind, she never imagine, not even in her wildest of dreams seeing Uha Tamunarans in such a sorry state, hopeless and living off of scraps, it was a truly heart breaking sight, one which made Ibaeran actually feel sorry for the Uha Tamunarans and what made it even sadder was that all that suffering was brought about by one of their own, the king himself, it was one him for him to slave her people and it was another to subject your very own people a fate that made being a slave sound like a luxury.

There was no denying it; the king was a monster, cruel in ways that made the Uha Tamunaran masters who subject some many of people as their slaves to treatment akin to that of cattle or livestock, seeing little to no value in them or lives, if a few of them died, it made no difference to them after all they many of them that could easily replaced those that pasted.

The Uha Tamunarans masters were monsters yes, but at least they didn’t extend their cruelty to themselves, they valued and respect themselves and kin, treating each other with a sense of dignity for being one of their own but for the king, there was no difference between Uha Tamunarans, human and the ants that crawl underneath his feet, ants he would not hesitate to crush if he got too irritated by them. That fact alone made Ibaeran well up with disgust as she wondered if such a being, who cared not of anyone, not even his own kind, could actually exist, selfish and prideful believing that his power placed him above everything.

Ibaeran felt her blood boil at the thought of how wicked the king truly was, with a part of her even wishing she could do something to end his reign and as that thought crossed her mind, her hand tighten in to a fist which then began to glow with the power of the Su Baera flowing through it.

Ibaeran looked down at her now tightened glowing fist and began to wonder about something she believed to be impossible, if the strength and power bestowed upon her by the steel wings of the Su Baera would be enough to put an end to the king’s reign, remembering how Ton’Onama believed that she could.

She then remembered the vast and immense power that flowed through her entire body when she first summon the power of the Su Baera, flowing through every ounce of her very being, imbuing her with strength and power she couldn’t believe was possible, in that state, as she felt the power coursing through her, she felt free and unstoppable, like there was nothing she couldn’t do, there was no wall blocking her paths, no chains holding her down and no master commanding, it was a falling that as a slave she could only dream of but for that brief moment when she felt the power flow through her and she took to the skies for the first time, she felt it and it was more peaceful than words could describe.

Ibaeran wondered if the overwhelming power she felt flow through her when she summoned the power of the Su Baera would be enough to face the king but then she remembered the pain she felt when the king used his powers on her, it was unbearable, unlike anything she had ever felt before, like dying slow agonizing death only to be reborn just dying in an even painful way, it maybe whatever form of torture and torment the Uha Tamunarans would put their slaves through to punish them or for their sick amusement seem humane, as that pain, for the brief moment she felt the power of the king flow through her body, was as good as taking a trip through ten hells.

As the thought of the king’s monstrous power and the pain she felt engulf her entire power as the power flowed in to her made Ibaeran realize that even with the power of the Su Baera, she might still be too weak to face the king after all he was the one the killed the former Su Baera.

There was no use daring or even entertaining the thought of going against the king, he was truly ruthless and cruel as well as having a power that could not be matched by anyone, not even the Su Baera, that was what Ibaeran believed at least.

And as the depressing and crushing thought of she being too weak to face the king, even after all the evil he was responsible for, filled her heart with an intense sense of fear, sadness and shame as she felt helpless despite having so much power at her finger tips.

Ibaeran hard tightened fist with glowed with the immense power of the Su Baera then soften with the radiant glow of power being emitted from it deeming down until it completely faded away.

She then sighed deeply, choosing it would be best not to entertain such thoughts after all her main goal was to end the reign of the king, it was to free her people, nothing else should matter to her except that.

So she choose to ignore the shame and cowardice eating her up from the inside as well as the immense guilt and shame weighing on her heart for not at the very least trying to set the world free from the reign of the king

Meanwhile, the king, seated on his might thrown watched as the down opened up but nowhere stood at the other side.

The sounds of footsteps then echoed through the path to the throne before a the invisible Uha Tamunaran man making them decided to make himself visible as he bowed down to the king.

“Speak, what methods is she using to gain mastery over the power of the Su Baera” asked the king.

“She is being trained by someone My Lord” the man spoke with his head still bowed down, almost as though he was scared to raise it to face the king.

“Oh, and who might that be?” asked the king, curious to know who would dare to train someone as great as the Su Baera and why.

“Tonja’Ofurinama” said the man.

The king eyes widened with shock upon hearing what the man said.

“Are you sure?” the king asked with a hint of worry and concern in his voice.

“Yes My Lord” said the man.

“Hmm, was training all they did together” asked the king, wanting to know everything that happened between Ibaeran and Ton’Onama, knowing that his involvement with her training may be problematic, especially since he was well aware that he was fond of him, in fact he was the only Uha Tamunaran who openly expressed his feelings of disgust and hatred for him without fear or hesitation.

The only reason the king hadn’t dealt with such insubordination from Ton’Onama was because, as much as distasted being disrespected in any form or way and would even go as far to end the lives of anyone who dared not to respect and honor as their king, he couldn’t forget the fact that Ton’Onama was blood and that was one of the only relationships the king valued.

“Yes from what I could tell My Lord” said the man.

“Hmm, how did the training go, the she manage to gain control of the power of the Su Baera and if to what extent” said the king, wanting to know to the extent of Ibaeran’s mastery over the power Of Su Baera, knowing the possible threat she would pose if she fully mastered the power.

“From what I could tell, all she had managed to do was summon the power of the Su Baera but she unable to sustain it for every long” said the man, recalling how he watch Ibaeran train from afar while used his power of invisibility to hide himself.

“Hmm” said the king as it thought himself that it was good that Ibaeran was at least able to so draw out the power of the Su Baera but at the same time it greatly worried him Niyanlafu and the astonishing level her power rose the very first time he witnessed the power manifest within.

It felt just raw and intense as the former Su Baera before her, and that fact alone gave him reason to worry especially when considering that fact that it took an entire army of Uha Tamunarans and alongside him using every single ounce of power he could muster at the time in a battle to the death, a battle he almost lost.

The king still remembered how he felt as he fought the Su Baera all those years ago, the agonizing feeling of pain and boundless fury that washed over him as he fought the great Su Baera, a being which, as much as it pained him to admit to himself, was far more powerful than him and he actually found himself struggling against him, at a point, the proud king even feared for his life.

Suffice to say, the only reason the king managed to survive that battle was because he was the last to face the Su Baera, he watched how he slaughtered countless of his very own men from away and waited for him to tire for the constant and seemly endless battle, as wave after, after wave, after wave of the best soldiers the Uha Tamunaran had to offer fell to his monstrous and seemly boundless power before he finally stepped into the battle field to face him.

A cowardly tactic yes, but still, it was effective as by the time the king stepped out to face the Su Baera he was already drained of most of his strength, a fact which, although didn’t make the battle any easier, was the ultimate reason his victory.

Now that girl possesses the same monstrous power and if she was allowed to realize her full potential with it, it may lead to a threat to the king and his empire.

“Tell me something, you were there to witness the power the girl possessed for yourself correct?” asked the king.

“Yes My Lord” said the man.

“Do you believe that it was greater than my own” said the king.

“No My Lord” said man.

“Alright then, but if given enough time do you believe that she could surpass me in power?” asked the king.

The man was taken aback to hear what the king said so much so that hesitated to speak for a moment but before he could open his mouth to utter a single word and all consuming flame was sent his way by the king, reducing him to ashes.

“The fact that you didn’t give a reply instantly proves that you doubt my power and as such are not worthy to be a part of my empire” said the king.

“So one’s insecure” a voice echoed through the room.

The king upon hearing it just sighed before saying, “What do you want now Niyanlafu?”

Niyanlafu then appeared next to the patch of ash that was once the man the king had assign to watch over Ibaeran.

“Poor thing, his only crime was serving a foolish man who thinks himself to be a god” said Niyanlafu as he looked down at the patch of ash next to him.

“No, his crime was failing to understand just how great the power of his king truly is” said the king.

Niyanlafu upon hearing what the king said just burst in to laughter, finding it amusing that the king actually his level of power he possesses is great.

“Do you actually believe that Datubo” said Niyanlafu.

“Are you forgetting that I’m the one who single handedly…” the king was cut short before he could complete his sentence by Niyanlafu saying, “Please, you defeated a Su Baera who was already weaken and a hollow shell of his founder self, and on top of that you needed an entire army and still ended up losing an eye to him. If that Su Baera was at his peak of power, you and your army would have been defeated in the blink of an eye. You’re weak Datubo and that fact that you don’t know where you stand is amusing to me”.

“NIYANLAFU!!!!!!” Datubo yelled out with sheer unrivaled rage upon hearing Niyanlafu say that he was weak.

Driving solely by his anger and rage, the king got up and summoned all his power in to a single fist before launching it straight at Niyanlafu who, upon seeing the flying first headed straight for him just smiled before raising a single finger.

That single finger raised by Niyanlafu was enough to stop Datubo’s fist brimming with all his power and strength, greatly shocking the king as it seemed as though Niyanlafu didn’t put a single ounce of effort in to nullifying his attack and that again with only a single finger.

“Seat back down Datubo” Niyanlafu spoke with his deep and monstrous voice.

The king than felt a force pull him back to his throne and forced him to seat.

Niyanlafu then disappeared and then proceeded to reappear near the king’s ear to say, “Know this Datubo, there are beings out there that make the feeble and utterly pathetic power you’re so proud of look like nothing more than an insignificant speck of dust floating about aimlessly in the wind, beings who have the power to bend, break, created and recreate entire world thousands of times over, the makers and shapers of reality itself. These being perceive people as foolish as yourself as nothing more than a nuisance and annoyances, like an ant which they could, at any given moment, squash underneath their feet. And on the very long list of people who make the feeble power you’re so proud of stands the Su Baera, the most power being from your world, the girl you keep underestimate and the one that will ultimately lead to your destruction if you don’t eliminate her before it’s too late”.

Datubo, too stubborn to heed the warning of the Niyanlafu, turned to look him in the eye and say, “If the power I possess is so feeble then I shall gain even more power, greater than the so called makers and shapers of reality. I shall rule over all and known shall be my equal in power”.

Niyanlafu upon hearing everything Datubo said just sighed before speaking with his more gentle voice, saying, “You know, I don’t know who is more foolish at this moment, you for not listen or me for trying to actually advice a fool like you”.

Niyanlafu then left the king’s side and then turned his back at him.

“You path you’ve chosen will only lead to your doom and utter destruction Datubo and the sad part of this unfortunate tale is, you’re too thick headed and stubborn to see the grave you’re busy digging for yourself. Goodbye Datubo, I sincerely hope that you see reason before it’s too late, for your sake” were the late and finally words to leave Niyanlafu’s mouth before he departed, walking towards the door only to completely vanish before reaching it.

The king, now alone with those finally words echoing and plaguing his thoughts, they greatly irritating him and filling him with rage so intense it burning through his very being like an unquenched ember.

The king grinding his teeth and crushed the handles of his throne as he thought about the events that just transpired, Niyanlafu not only undermined his power and his great feat of that was ending the life of former Su Baera but also had told him that there were others out there who surpass him in power and among them, in a very long list, was that slave girl that managed to claim the wings of the Su Baera.

The king had never been insulted so deeply, not only was he told that the power he worked so hard to acquire was nothing more than a speck of dust when compared to the beings that had the power to bend, break, create and recreate entire worlds thousands of times over, but just add salt to gaping wound, Niyanlafu had the guts to tell him a slave girl, someone who was scared of his very own shadow was more powerful than him.

The thought of Ibaeran, a human, someone lesser than the Uha Tamunarans that served him, being more powerful than him, the king of all Uha Tamunarans, was something he would never accept for he was Datubo, king of the Uha Tamunarans, the one who ended the life of a Su Baera, there was none mightier or possessed greater power than him, at least that what was what he believed,.