Chapter 34

Ibaeran rushed through the thick vegetation that surrounded the garden, with each step take a tear escaped down from her eyes, her heart sunken down with an aching flowing from it to the rest of her body, her mind racing with thoughts of how Ton’Onama helped draw out the power of the Su Baera within her as she wondered if it was all an act all performed to fool her and if it was, it was great performance because it made Ibaeran believe, even if it was just a moment, that she, someone as feeble and insignificant as her could make a difference, stand up against the king and fight for both her people and Uha Tamunaran’s he forcefully subjugated there fear and the immense power she possessed.

Ibaeran then tripped and then feel down to the ground, soiling her body with the filth from the ground below.

Ibaeran, now on the floor, looked at her hands, those were the hands that had accomplished so much, the hands of a slave, a warrior, and now the Su Baera, as she wondered how despite accomplishing so much she was seen as nothing more than a tool, remembering how even before her journey as warrior, fighting in the various tournaments, all to acquire the power she currently possessed, she, just like the rest of the slaves of the Uha Tamunarans, were tools would purpose were to serve their Uha Tamunarans masters and were disposable with little to no value a human being, and now, despite having the power of the Su Baera, she was still seen as a tool for either acquiring power or for revenge.

As thoughts about how she had only been used like an inanimate object, one that lacks a beating heart and couldn’t feel, would one and only purpose was simply to serve, and now, after acquiring a power as great as the Su Baera, she was still treated like a tool, she crushed her hands in to a tight, with the feel of pain and frustration welling up inside as those thoughts filled her, and then struck the earth below her, again and again while pondering to herself, ’Why, even after gaining all this power, do I feel like my actions are no my own. Why do I allow them dictate it for me, why do I still fear them, I do I still feel so worthless”.

Ibaeran continued to strike the ground almost as though she had lost her mind, with each strike driven by her frustration, insecurities, and the painfully agonizing realization that despite having coming so far, fighting long and hard in many battles, she was still the same, a slave and tool others sought to use to achieve their desires.

Ibaeran continued this act until she heard a voice speak to her, asking her a single question, “what are you doing”.

Ibaeran upon hearing the voice then stopped striking the ground and looked around her to see who spoke only to find no body standing by her side.

Then again, seemingly as though it arose from thin air, the voice echoed once more in Ibaeran’s ear, asking this same question, “What are you doing?”

Ibaeran upon hearing the voice once more began to pounder if she had truly gone mad before looking at her hands once more, seeing that it was now cover in layer of dirt with her knuckles worn out and covered bruised as a result of them constantly colliding with the hard earth below.

Ibaeran then heard the voice once again, asking the same question, “What are you doing?” But this time as it spoke Ibaeran felt the power of the Su Baera flow through.

Ibaeran, feeling the power of the Su Baera flow through entire body, was reminded about who of she was and all she had done to achieve the power she possessed, it wasn’t easy but she did it, training, fighting, and learning to bear the overwhelming fear she felt as walked this path before finally gaining the power that now flowed through her veins.

She then heard the voice once more, this time even louder, almost as though it was screaming to her, “What are you doing”.

Ibaeran upon hearing the voice this time understood what it was trying to tell before rising up from the floor.

Ibaeran then sighed once more before looking down to her hands once more, remembering everything they had been through, how she had to learn how to be strong after being weak for so long, how to strike and fast hard after being too soft to deliver a single blow, and finally how to push her and the rest of her body up after falling.

Ibaeran realized something, something she never really realized until that moment, and that the simple fact that she wasn’t that same slave girl in Ijawana who was weak, fearful and complacent, the girl who accepted a grim fate to be born a slave and die slave, no, she was far stronger that that girl and dared to do things she would have never dared to dream of and the power she felt flowing through her at that moment was testament to that fact.

But still, the truth remained, that even despite the fact that she and that girl were not the same, one thing still attaches them to each other and that was the fact that despite everything she had done and been through she was still scared and did not have faith in herself or her abilities.

Tears then began to fall down from her eyes, reaching the her dirt covered hands, soiling them further in her own tears as she pondered to herself, how could she be so different from that girl but yet so the same, be so strong and yet so weak, feel so much power flowing through her but yet feel so powerless, like a bird with big, beautiful wings that wishes to soar through the sky and enjoy the joy and wonder that came with freedom but still chooses to stay in an unlocked cage.

Ibaeran sighed deeply as she couldn’t help but think about just how pathetic she was, having all this power but yet being so powerful, forced to bend to the will of others her entire life, even now that she had the power she still choose to continue dancing to the melody of others instead of hers.

Ibaeran’s thought was then interrupted by the sounds of something moving through trees that surrounded her.

Ibaeran, with the power of the Su Baera currently flowing through her body, could sense who it was moving through the trees which was why she remained unfazed as the dark figure jumped down from the tree tops and landed next to her.

“What do you want?” asked Ibaeran with a low voice and without even turning around to acknowledge the figures presence.

Ton’Onama upon hearing what Ibaeran said just sighed before saying, “I think you know why I’m here Su Baera”.

Ibaeran upon hearing what Ton’Onama said just sighed before saying, “I’m not helping you get your revenge; your battle is yours to fight so I suggest you leave me out of it”.

Ton’Onama upon hearing what Ibaeran said just sighed before saying, “I know and I would be lying if I said part me wouldn’t love to, above all else, see that monster of a king suffer in the most gruesomely painful way possible for everything he took away from me *sigh* but a greater part of me knows who the Su Baera is, what those who bear name represent, and what they are, champions of the weak, warriors of a doomed world, and heroes of hope. And I think, deep down, you know that as well”.

Ibaeran upon hearing what Ton’Onama said remain silent, not having the strength to speak or deny his words.

“You’re scared Ibaeran but not of the Uha Tamunarans or even the king, you’re scared of yourself and what might happen if you allowed yourself to believe and hope in who you are and what you know deep down that you are capable of doing” said Ton’Onama.

“SHUT UP!!!!” Ibaeran yelled, enraged by Ton’Onama’s words before turning to him with teary eyes.

“Stop trying to convince me that I’m something that I know I’m not” Ibaeran spoke, crushing her hands in to a trembling fist as she did.

“I’m strong, can fly, and even walked on water, I can do all these amazing things and possess such a great power within but still I feel weak, caged, and powerless, slowing being crushed and suffocated under the weight of the responsible that was placed upon me the moment steel wings gave me this power” said Ibaeran.

Ton’Onama upon hearing what Ibaeran said, just sighed before saying, “When I witnessed the first time you manifested the power of the Su Baera I was taken back to when I first time I witnessed my uncle wield that very same power and for the first time in a very long time, I felt something I thought I would never feel again after my uncle’s death, hope”.

Ibaeran’s eyes then widened in disbelief upon hearing what Ton’Onama said.

Ton’Onama then took a few steps closer to Ibaeran, stopping when he stood before her and then proceeding to wipe away her tears.

“The Su Baera is much more than just a warrior or a protector, its symbol and a beacon, something to remind us all that even during moments of weakness, fear, and doubt, hope still lives on. This is what everyone in the world who hears the name Su Baera believes, this is what they have to believe to give them the strength and courage to keep living their lives as best they can even during the darkest of nights and bleakest of days. And no one needs to believe this more than the Su Baera herself” said Ton’Onama.

“You’re only saying this because you want revenge. You don’t really mean any of it” Ibaeran said, refusing to believe Ton’Onama’s words, convinced that he was only trying you use and manipulate to do his bidding in his quest for vengeance against the king, that was what she told herself.

Ton’Onama upon hearing what Ibaeran said just smiled before bring out the very book Ibaeran threw to him in a fit of anger, the very one he claimed could help her master the power of the Su Baera, and also one of the hand drawn maps within the chest he brought the book from.

Ibaeran upon seeing the book was to speak, wanting to deny his help once more but before she could Ton’Onama opened his mouth to speak, saying, “I am not the one who wields your power and thus I cannot command or dictate how you use it. The power of the Su Baera is yours and yours alone so it’s your choice to use it how you deem fit, whether you use it against the king or use it to save your people and I won’t try to convince you on what you should or shouldn’t do. This book belonged to the former Su Baera and I believe it help understand who you are as the Su Baera *sigh* and if after reading it you still wish to follow the king’s command, this map will help on your mission”.

Ibaeran upon hearing everything Ton’Onama looked at the book and map he presented her with before slowly stretching fort her hands to receive them both.

“It’s a map to Kiri Dumo, hand drawn by my uncle, the former Su Baera. If you still wish to retrieve the Dumo stone, it will help guide to it” said Ton’Onama before walking away from Ibaeran.

As Ibaeran watched Ton’Onama leave call out him, asking, “Why are you helping me?” wanting to know why Ton’Onama was doing all this even when he realized that if he help her retrieve travel to Kiri Dumo and retrieve the Dumo stone he would invariably helping the king, the person he hated and despised above all else.

“Like I said before, the Su Baera is a symbol of hope, a truth that you have to realize before it’s too late” said Ton’Onama before making his way in to thicket trees that surrounded them, disappearing in to the shadows of the trees from where he emerged from, leaving Ibaeran alone with the map and book in her hands while pondering his words.

After a moment or two of look at the book and map on her hands, Ibaeran decided to return back to the palace.

Once there she made her way to her room, and then, in the seclusion and silence within the four corners of the room, Ibaeran opened the book and began to read its content.

“Dear new Su Baera, if you’re reading this then my time in this life has long passed and my soul has been received in the place of death. I’m sure you have many questions, doubts and fears. It’s natural every Su Baera that came before and will come after you will always have those doubts and fears. I did as well but with time you’ll learn to move past those fears.

You shouldn’t look at this book as manual on how to be the Su Baera I assure no book can teach you that, rather see it as a guide to realize what it means to be a Su Baera. You may and most likely will make mistakes; there will be moments of doubt and fear far greater than whatever you’re feeling right now but in those moments you have to remember one thing and one thing alone.

As a Su Baera, you are more than just a warrior of tremendous power; you are the guiding light for every living soul in this world, a protector and guardian. You stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves and fight for those who are too weak to fight for themselves. This is the first and most crucial lesson every Su Baera must learn….”