Chapter 56

The king sat on his mighty throne with his eyes fixed on the door ahead of him, looking at with gaze of irritation and rage almost as though he was waiting for the doors to open and for someone to emerge out of it. Then as though on cue, the throne room doors opened up and someone stepped in.

The king looked ahead at the figure that made its way to his throne room before scowling in annoyance as it was not the one he wished to see.

“Report”, the king spoke, making no attempts to masks his bitterness and rage in his voice as he spoke.

The figure a Uha Tamunaran man with skin as dark as coal and what looked to curved spike that almost seemed like fine steel to the naked eye protruding out his body wearing grey and black armor.

“My Lord, as per your request, I’ve inform everyone across all the nations to keep an eye out for the Su Baera”, said the coal skinned man while bowing down to the king.

“And?” the King question with an unamused look on his face.