Blood Feud (4)

7 Advanced chapters on Patreon: Fiction Haven


"We are the only aides the lad got?"

"It seems to me that is the case, Moody."

"Is he aware of how many families we are going to go up against?"

"He seems very well aware of that, Moody."

"Then, why does he act like a conceited snot-nosed?"

"Ho-ho! You seem to forget I am to join you guys, Moody."

"You haven't gotten any action since Grindelwald, Dumbledore. You are not very assuring."


Aides. The challenging and challenged families were allowed to get aides in Blood Feud. The former could ask two families to help and the latter could ask three. However, they could also use their resource to hire as many people as they wanted to help them. In this case, Harry hired the Order of the Phoenix to act as 'Hit Wizards.'

You were required to share your winnings with your aiding families. Harry didn't want to share his spoils of war with other people, so he preferred Hit Wizards.

"Ah, Madam Bones will be mad at me. But I guess I will be fine. I mean, Boss is also here," Nymphadora Tonks mused uncertainly.

"I just want to help Harry. I don't care about anything else," Remus Lupin mumbled tiredly.

"Harry saved Ginny from the Basilisk. Of course, I won't stay still," William Weasley stated sincerely.

"All right, enough with yer' yapping. Can someone tell me where the lad is?" Moody grumbled.

The said lad was seeing his French lover off. Fleur had postponed her return for three days. During this period, she had tried to convince Harry to let her help to no avail. In the end, she begrudgingly agreed to return to France. Since her schoolmates had left, she had to leave via the International Floo Network. It required a substantial amount of money and a considerable connection to access, both of which Harry had.

"I still don't want to leave," Fleur grumbled.

"It's okay. We will be able to meet every day once you graduate. You want to work at Gringotts, don't you?" Harry assured with a smile.

"I can help you."

"Yes, you can, but I don't want you to get hurt."

"But Lily and Bella…"

Harry kissed Fleur to shut her up. He would rather kiss her than tell her she was shite at fighting. Well, objectively speaking, she was decent. However, decent was not enough. They would face a lot of people, each of whom had years of experience under their hat. Fleur would be hard-pressed against them and Harry wouldn't have enough leisure to watch after her.

"Bye-bye, Sweetheart."

"…be careful."

Fleur knew what Harry was doing but didn't say a thing. She couldn't refute that Lily and Bella were way more skilled than her. Heck, they outmatched her at everything. Despite her pride, she sometimes even wondered why Harry even kept her. It was bitter, but she had to swallow it. Harry was precious to her and so was she to him. She needed to listen to him until she was strong enough not to become a burden.

As Fleur disappeared into the Floo Network, Harry's jolly expression disappeared, replaced by a cold fierce look. His expression was mimicked by the two witches on his side. They quickly left the International Floo Network and Apparated to the meeting place with the Order of the Phoenix members. Their appearance caused many to stand up.

"Well, hello, my soldiers," Harry greeted the members, idly noting there were six people including Dumbledore.

"You are late, lad. That is not a good sign," Moody grumbled.

"Wotcher, Harry!" Nymphadora greeted cheerfully.

"So, what is the plan?" William got to business.

Harry took out a dagger. It was a Portkey to where the feud would take place, which was one of Peverell's abandoned lands. The Ministry forbade them from hurting innocent bystanders, so they had to do it somewhere away from civilisations.

"The plan is we go and fight," Harry said nonchalantly. "Now, chop-chop!"

Harry motioned for them to gather around him. Some of them, Moody in particular, looked at Dumbledore inquiringly, asking with their eyes if Harry was right in the head. Dumbledore merely caressed his chin and chuckled. Harry activated the Portkey, causing their surroundings to distort. When the uncomfortable feeling in their stomachs disappeared, they found themselves in a beautiful green field, surrounded by hills.

The only thing ruining the scenery was the people standing on the other side of the field. There were around fifty people, most of whom were Hit Wizards. Some of them wore their Death Eater mask proudly. The Ministry was not allowed to intervene, so they wouldn't have arrested the Death Eaters even if they were here.

"Those obnoxious nonces!"

Which was why the aspiring Auror Nymphadora Tonks was mad.

Standing at the forefront were Rodolphus Lestrange and Rabastan Lestrange. Their eyes held nothing but ridicule and contempt. They were sure of their victory. Their lord had blessed them with his aid. How could they lose to a snot-nosed brat?

"Do you know that I can declare Blood Feud to anyone involved in this feud and it would take effect immediately? That means right after I eliminate you all, I can eliminate your remaining bloodline," Harry said calmly.

"Less talking, more action," Rabastan scoffed.

"So be it," Harry smiled. "I, Harry Ignotus James Peverell, Lord of the Noble and Ancient House Peverell declare a blood feud against House Malfoy and anyone who comes here solely for the intent to harm me. No one shall be spared. So mote it be."

A blood-red orb shot into the air and exploded, colouring the sky red. Everyone felt the tug at their Magic and gulped instinctively. Even the battle-hardened Hit Wizards who came for money couldn't help but shiver despite knowing they were exempted from the Magic Oath. In the next moment, the battle started.

Rabastan pointed his wand into the air, summoning two dragons into the battlefield. Rodolphus and the others bombarded Harry and his company with curses and hexes. Dumbledore and some of the Order of the Phoenix members erected a shield. Harry and the rest pointed their wands at the enemies.

"Protego Diabolica!"

A ring of blue fire surrounded Harry and his aides, causing everyone but Lily and Bella's eyes to bug out. With a flick of his wand, Harry sent a tendril of flame to the other side. Three people burned to ashes as soon as the flame touched them. Another flick caused a flame dragon to materialise. It flew toward the dragons Rabastan summoned, burning one of them as it was about to spit its fire at Harry and the others.


"Blimey! What is that?" William exclaimed.

"That is a cursed fire…one stronger than Fiendfyre," Dumbledore answered absentmindedly, recalling his fight with Grindelwald.

"The lad is a monster," Moody grumbled with an excited glint in his eyes. "This is mental. I thought we would be dead when I saw fifty people standing before us."

Moody was right in thinking that way. They were only a fifth of their enemy, after all. However, seeing Harry dominate the battlefield made Moody think it was not an impossible battle. He might have to scratch his plan to run away with the lad.

Lily made the ground rise. She transfigured it into stone spikes and sent them to the enemies. The enemy's shield wobbled, but her attack didn't get through. Bella constantly bombarded the enemy's shield's weakest point with overpowered Bombarda Maxima. She had a glint of madness in her eyes. She laughed manically when the shield broke and her spell blew up the enemies to smithereens.


The remaining dragon angrily shot its fire at Harry and his aides. Irked, Harry roused the blue flame, covering them with it. The blue flame exploded in the next moment. A pillar of flame rose into the air, striking the dragon in its heart. It roared painfully before turning to ashes. The rest of the flame crawled madly at the enemies, burning them to ashes as soon as it touched them. Fifteen people fell in the blink of an eye.

"They are scattering away. It's time to break the formation!" Harry announced and then Disapparated.

"How are we going to get through this ring of flame?" Nymphadora asked awkwardly.

"You can use Apparition, my dear, as Harry did," Dumbledore supplied. "However, you may go through it directly and won't be harmed as long as you don't mean Harry harm."

Nymphadora did that and was surprised to find the flame cold. The others followed suit before rushing to the enemies. They were not bold like Harry to Apparate into the enemy's line, a sentiment that Bella didn't share. Dumbledore and Lily chose to stay inside the flame. They wanted to overlook the battlefield and help those who needed help.



Lily winced as she saw a man get blown up by Harry's spell. She knew how bloody ruthless Harry was but was still appalled by the violence. Dumbledore didn't say anything, but one could tell he wasn't pleased by the number of dead bodies littering the ground. Despite what he had gone through, he was still a firm believer that everything could be solved peacefully.

Before long, the number of the enemies thinned. Most of the surviving Hit Wizards and family aides fled, leaving eight people behind; three of whom were Rodolphus, Rabastan and Lucius. Draco was also there, but he was pissing his pants on the ground, so Harry didn't count him as a combatant.

"Well…is it time for the climax?"

Harry's sneer made the remaining people tremble.