The Boons of Influence

7 Advanced chapters on Patreon: Fiction Haven


As Charlus was not yet of age, he delegated Lily to represent the Potter in the Wizengamot. She was no longer Lady Potter, but Lord Potter had every right to delegate anyone he wanted. It was quite a funny business. Charlus had been forcefully emancipated due to his claim over the lordship, but that still didn't earn him a rightful spot in the Wizengamot.

The case was different for Harry, though. He was already 18 years old and belonged to the oldest House that the Wizarding world had thought to have gone extinct. Even if he hadn't been of age yet, he would have represented his family. No one would dare represent such an old family when there was a living heir.

With that said, Charlus still had to come to the court. He needed to watch over his representative to make sure she wouldn't blunder. Charlus knew his mother wouldn't but still had to come for formality's sake.

"Thankfully, I don't have to wear this ridiculous robe," Charlus snickered as he looked at the Wizengamot robe Harry and Lily were wearing.

"You are bound to wear this at the end of the day. Why do you look so happy?" Harry wondered aloud.

"Ah, fuck…"

Lily ignored the banter between the two and urged them to move on. Bella followed closely behind them, also wearing a Wizengamot robe. Narcissa stayed behind. The Malfoy had lost its seat in the Wizengamot since it had plummeted thanks to the Blood Feud. Draco had officially left the House thanks to his mother; hence he couldn't claim the Family Head position either. The Malfoy would have to wait for Draco to turn 17 to reemerge.

A few moments later, the four found themselves on the second level of the Ministry building. Some Family Heads were standing outside of the courts. They greeted the four as soon as they saw them. Some attempted to converse with Harry, but Harry politely refused. He was not in the mood for pleasantries.

Upon entering the courtroom, Harry looked for his seat. He thought everyone would have a designated seat, but they could sit anywhere. Naturally, Harry chose the seat beside Lily and Bella. They mostly spent their time waiting for the court to start in silence but would chat idly sometimes.

Before long, the room filled up and Dumbledore took his position as the Chief Warlock. The court began. Dumbledore announced today's agenda. He then introduced the two candidates to replace James as the Ministry of Magic. One of them was a lovely, red-headed mature lady called Amelia Bones. The other one was a grim, grey-haired old man called Rufus Scrimgeour.

Harry preferred Rufus over Amelia in a matter of competency. Rufus was decisive and the most active person in hunting Death Eaters. Speaking of Death Eaters, Harry realised he had forgotten something. He couldn't remember what it was, though, so he asked Kowalski to remind him.

Quest Complete!

Attained the Lestrange's riches!

Oh, shite! I forgot about the Hufflepuff Cup.

Hidden Quest Complete!

Attained I Am Untouchable!

What was the hidden quest anyway?

Hidden Quest: Win a Blood Feud against three or more families!

Harry briefly listened to Dumbledore and found out he was listing Amelia's achievements during her career as the Head of DMLE. Harry refocused his attention on his newly registered ability. I Am Untouchable was a passive ability that could also be exerted actively. Passively, it amplified his presence, making the less courageous never dare approach him or look him on. Actively, it could turn whoever he intimidated into a crying mess.

I could chase away fangirls using this.

To do that, Harry had to use his ability actively. It might passively work on the civil ones, but the rabid ones were another story. Harry had more rabid fans than the normal ones…but he didn't know. Curious about the active effect of his ability, Harry stared at Amelia and used it on her. Her eyes widened when their eyes met and then her cheeks widened.

"Tsk. Isn't it faulty?"

Harry had quite an innocent outlook on women. Therefore, he thought no sane woman would want to be dominated by a strong man with a domineering presence unless she loved the man. That was partially correct. In addition to that, Amelia was not as normal as she seemed. But of course, Harry didn't know that.

"With that said, I shall pass over the stage to our candidates and let them present their missions and goals," Dumbledore announced.

Harry returned his attention to the ongoing court and watched Rufus step up. The old man gazed at the members sharply. His eyes landed on Harry longer than they had on anyone. Rufus only took his eyes away when Harry returned his intensity. The old man almost lost his breath. It was impressive that he didn't immediately cry.

"My name is Rufus Scrimgeour and these are things that I will do..."

As Harry expected, Rufus' programmes were praiseworthy. He would make a good Prime Minister. Unfortunately, he was crossed with Rufus' ideology. In canon, Rufus wanted to create the illusion of peace which cost the country dearly. Harry was a no-nonsense, so he preferred a Prime Minister who wouldn't sugarcoat things, just like James did.

Hence, Harry chose Amelia, the only person he could control from behind. House Bones and House Potter were close. Amelia was also one of James and Lily's close friends. Amelia would be more susceptible to Harry's suggestions. He would prefer seducing a hot redhead than having a verbal joust with an old man.

"Based on their performance, I implore you to vote for the candidates," Dumbledore announced. "Who is in favour of Lord Scrimgeour?"

Harry actively used I Am Untouchable, causing everyone to instinctively turn to him. They saw him leaning his head on his knuckle with an apathetic gaze. He made it clear he wasn't in favour of Rufus. Many were hesitant to raise their wands, but some raised theirs regardless. Dumbledore watched the scene in intrigue. Harry didn't use Magic to intimidate anyone but somehow made everyone follow him.

"I count twenty-three! Now, who is in favour of Madam Bones?" Harry raised his wand and lit its tip. The rest followed suit a second late. "I count thirty-seven! The vote result is as follows: Lord Scrimgeour, 23; Madam Bones, 37; and 8 members abstained. As such, I declare Madam Bones the new Prime Minister!"

Everyone clapped their hands at Dumbledore's announcement. Harry stood up and left the courtroom as soon as people swarmed Amelia, followed closely by his family. He didn't want to deal with people anymore. Harry told Lily to get everyone a first-class ticket to Hawaii and asked them to return first as he needed to go to Gringotts.

After saying goodbye to his family, Harry left for Gringotts. He only made it outside of the building when Amelia stopped him.

"Lord Peverell, may I take your time for a moment, please?" Amelia said politely.

"Sure," Harry nodded lightly.

"Is there any reason why you vote for me?" Amelia asked professionally.

"Do you go around asking people that question?" Harry remarked in amusement, causing the witch to blush slightly.

"Uh…no, but I figure you played a great role in my election," Amelia revealed.

Harry hummed for a moment before looking at her with mischief. "Do you want a formal answer or an honest answer?"

"Let me hear your thoughts," Amelia nodded resolutely.

Harry laughed softly before pinning Amelia to the wall, stunning her speechless. Her eyelids trembled as she met Harry's cold but teasing gaze.

"Be careful. Curiosity killed the cat."

"I…I am ready."

Harry hummed and looked down at Amelia's chest. The witch instinctively covered her chest even though she knew it was well-covered.

"I have a thing for redheads," Harry said huskily. "Well, it's not as exciting as you think," Harry smirked, then retracted his hand from the wall. "May we have an amiable cooperation in the future, Madam Bones."

Harry walked away and headed to Gringotts, leaving a mortified yet charmed Amelia holding her pounding chest. That day marked the redhead's obsession with the charming, powerful young wizard. Unaware of what he had caused, Harry arrived at Gringotts. He met Griphook and went to his vault with the Goblin.

As soon as Harry reached his vault, he found it enlarged. The treasures he won from the family he demolished were in his vault, including the Hufflepuff's cup. Harry grabbed the shrunk Gryffindor's sword from his neck, startling Griphook. He cancelled the charm without his wand. As Griphook wondered what Harry was doing, he cut the Hufflepuff's cup.


The cup spat ink out of nowhere. When it ended, a wraith flew out of the cup, swirling in the vault's ceiling before disappearing.

"I assume that has something to do with your reason for wanting the Lestrange's vault," Griphook commented.

Harry shrugged and came out of his vault. He pretended not to notice Griphook's undivided interest in the Gryffindor's sword. He wouldn't give the Goblin his sword.