Jinxed It

7 Advanced chapters on Patreon: Fiction Haven


Once a mighty wizard praised and equally feared by many, he was reduced to a parasite who leeched off an animal to survive. Respected he was still by his followers, yet he could see the lack of fear in their eyes. He was sure they would overthrow him if they didn't know about his revival method. Speaking of revival, he couldn't help but glare into the distance.

His followers cowered—ah, there was the fear he was comfortable with. Even reduced to a two-faced mutt, he could still instil fear into his followers. Nevertheless, he could not let the situation go on. He had to recreate a body—better than the last one. He should not let his followers wait any longer.

"Regulus, have you found a way to kidnap the Potter boy?" the mutt drawled in a cold humane voice.

"Yes, Master. We only need a new vessel for you," Regulus Black, his most trustworthy servant, answered stoically.

"One of the Bulstrodes is expecting a child soon. It is not what I want, but beggars can't be choosers. I will take their baby as a vessel. The more important thing right now is to secure the Potter boy's blood. Take a lot of it so I won't get stuck in this situation twice."

He could read what his servant had in his mind: "Are you expecting to be defeated again, My Lord?" He wasn't. However, it wouldn't hurt to be careful. As much as he abhorred to admit it, the accursed Peverell was a menace. He didn't need the prophecy to warn him of the Peverell's danger. He had tasted the young man's immense power.

Regulus said nodded silently. The mutt looked around the dark room, passing its eyes over the kneeling dark-robed figures. New faces were among the lines, but they were less than before. The Peverell had dealt a great blow to their force. The pureblood supremacists also hesitated to join their ranks given the accursed Peverell's power.

Ridiculous. Why are they afraid of one young boy?

The irony wasn't lost on the mutt. It used to be a young boy once—Tom Marvolo Riddle, a charming young man with a brilliant mind. The mutt knew how dangerous a young boy could be. However, its pride as a Dark Lord couldn't accept that he was not the only figure whom people feared.

The mutt's eyes widened when it noticed the shift in the ward. Regulus quickly stood on alert, turning in the direction the mutt was looking. Regulus pulled out his wand when a hooded figure stepped out of the shadow. His presence materialised out of nowhere, prompting the Death Eaters to rain spells on him.

"Who are you?"

The mutt accepted its death when it saw the spells its servants sent to the figure bounced off. Even the unblockable Avada Kedavra couldn't pierce through the invisible shield protecting the figure. Someone of this calibre could wipe out the mutt's servants in a wave of a wand. It wanted to know—who was it?

"Worship me," a soft voice came out of the figure, causing the Death Eaters to kowtow reverently.

The mutt became more intrigued. It was not afraid of its death. Its Horcrux would keep it alive. The mutt stared at the hooded figure, trying to catch a glimpse of the face hidden underneath.


"I have a proposition for you," the figure said coldly, ignoring the shocked look on the talking mutt's face. "You want to rule this world and I want to become the god of this world. Become my Avatar and conquer this world under my name."

"Nonsensical," the mutt sneered. "Your illusion of power doesn't work on—"

The mutt's speech was interrupted when the parasitic soul attached to it was pulled out of its body. Tom Riddle's soul stared at the man grasping its ethereal neck in horror. Being in the man's grasp, Tom could feel the man's power. He could instantly tell the man wanted him to do the job for a reason beyond his comprehension.

"The god of this world still exists. I can't exert my power fully as long as his Authority still envelops this world. Therefore, you become my vessel—a tool to gradually dismantle his Authority. What do you think, Riddle Junior?" the hooded man hissed.

"You are not the one I think you are," Tom Riddle remarked calmly.

"My identity is long thrown away. No one knows me and I have never been the one you think I am," the hooded man informed condescendingly.

"Do I have to serve you?"

The hooded man grinned under the shadow. "Wreak as much havoc as you want using my power. I don't need you to worship me."

Tom Riddle accepted the offer. The hooded man was a deranged higher being. He wasn't interested in mortal affairs. Tom was certain the hooded man wouldn't interfere with his ruling. He could only see the pros in this offer. Most importantly, he wanted to reach the same plane as the man. This cooperation would become his beginning to a greater future. He would learn about the man's power and become a higher being, even if he had to kill the man for that.

The hooded man exerted his power, producing a body for Tom to occupy out of thin air. He blew on the head, causing Tom's soul to enter the body. A second later, the body opened its eyes. Lord Voldemort was revived. A dark chuckle filled the dark room. It came from the hooded man.

After spending over a week in Hawaii, Harry considered settling there after graduation. He liked everything about the place. The weather was nice, which was something he rarely got in the UK, and the scenery was top-notch. The people were also nice, but that didn't matter to him since he didn't like interacting much.

Harry's birthday would be in three days. Given the factors above, he was looking forward to his merry birthday party. Unfortunately, Dumbledore's letter dampened Harry's mood. The Order of the Phoenix was officially revived. The headmaster was summoning his friends for a meeting and unfortunately, that included him. Dumbledore was kind enough to let Harry have his birthday party before holding the meeting.

That old coot can't let me live in peace, can he?

With a sigh, Harry stood up from his desk and then exited his room. He couldn't stay in his room alone after receiving the frustrating letter. The ladies were on a shopping spree for authentic Hawaiian merchandise—as they had been doing for the last week—and the boys were fooling around with American girls. Harry felt like having a stroll.

Finding himself on the beach a few minutes later, he enjoyed the breezy night wind and the soothing sound of crashing waves. The temperature turned cold and Harry stopped in his tracks. In front of him stood a silver-haired thin woman with a skin as pale as the moon. Her hypnotising ruby eyes were firmly planted on the moon, shining as they reflected it.

Harry had to fortify his Occlumency to wake himself from his reverie. He had to admit the woman's beauty outstripped his lover's, but it shouldn't be enough to make him drool for her. Something was at play. He had to be careful. Nevertheless, Harry didn't shy away from the woman.

"Vampire?" he asked bluntly.


The woman turned to Harry and looked at him blankly. Harry could see the disbelief swirling in the woman's eyes.

"What do you think I am?" the woman breathed softly.

Harry's knees felt weak, causing a scowl to mar his face. "Is this a challenge? I don't mind staining my hands with a beautiful woman's blood, you know?"

The woman regarded Harry quietly as Harry recovered from her bewitching breath. An amused smile grazed her face and her eyes twinkled in intrigue.

"If I didn't know you, I would have thought you were a Vampire with how bloodthirsty you are," she remarked. "Camille Sanguina. A pleasure to meet you, Lord Peverell," she curtsied elegantly.

"Harry Peverell. A pleasure to meet you too, Camille," Harry kissed Camille's hands. "Your presence has been making my lovers jumpy. Are you comfortable enough to share your reason for looking for me? I am not sure if our meeting is a coincidence."

"Sharp as the rumours, Lord Peverell," Camille laughed melodiously. "I came here from Romania to have a look at you. You see, that Dark Lord of yours is amassing his forces. My family was approached by one of his goons and they called me to return to the United States. I want to know if you are worth going against my family."

"You have been living separately from your family," Harry remarked. "Then, I suggest you keep doing that. The world would be pleased to keep one of its beauties alive."

"Well, I will be the judge of—"

Camille's words stuck in her throat as Harry's hand was wrapped around her neck. Her eyes widened in terror as Harry's azure eyes stared into her soul witheringly.


Harry made the Vampire's leg jelly with one word. Camille became a soggy ramen noodle, losing all of her strength. Harry's gaze remained cold until something wet trickled down Camille's legs. The Vampire cried and sobbed silently like a bullied child. Harry thought the Vampire was messing with him until she pitifully begged for her life.

"Hah! The story of my life."

Harry massaged his forehead as he cleaned the Vampire up with magic.