7 Advanced chapters on Patreon: Fiction Haven
There were two days until the big revelation, in other words, the Wizengamot. Harry spent the days mostly sparring with Bellatrix, discussing Charms with Lily, and bothering the others with his antics. He was a decisive man but found himself second-guessing. He wondered if Dumbledore's decision to reveal the Horcrux's existence was right.
Quest: Defeat He-Who-Defies!
It was a solemn reminder that anything could go wrong at any moment. Harry used to think that informing the public about Voldemort's Horcruxes was the wisest step Albus could have taken in canon. That won't likely stand in this alternate universe. What if informing the public about the Horcruxes made Voldemort warier and hide his Horcruxes more meticulously?
Although Harry knew about all of Voldemort's Horcruxes, he wasn't sure Voldemort wouldn't make another one. He knew little pale Baldie wasn't so stupid to sacrifice his sanity for another Horcrux, but the mysterious aide's existence made his spine tingle in a horrifying manner. If that mysterious aide turned out to be He-Who-Defies, Voldemort making another Horcrux wouldn't be surprising.
"Harry, it's time to leave."
Harry was so focused on that dreadful thought that two days passed in the blink of an eye. It felt like yesterday he was wearing the Wizengamot robe, and he was already wearing it again. He let loose a calming breath and turned to regard Lily, who was looking at him in worry.
"Let's go."
"I will go first."
Bella threw the Floo powder into the fireplace and stepped into it. With a flash of green fire, she disappeared from their home. Lily and Charlus went afterwards. Harry was the last one. Before he stepped into the fireplace, he gave one last look at Camille, who was watching him serenely beside Narcissa and Fleur. Camille gave him an assuring smile, evoking a small smile.
A flash of green later, Harry was walking toward the meeting room with his family. The ministry officials greeted them respectfully while the Lords and the Ladies bowed when they saw them. The family found themselves in the meeting room a moment later.
Harry's eyes met Dumbledore's as soon as they entered the room. A silent conversation unfolded between the two before they nodded lightly. Harry and his family took their seats and waited until the room was filled. When everyone was inside and the door was locked, Dumbledore took his spot as the Chief Warlock.
"Speculations and rumours have been running amok among us regarding the revival of the Dark Lord Voldemort."
The majority of the room gasped. Regardless of what Harry had done to the feared Dark Lord, many people still hadn't gotten over their fear of the terror he had caused.
"Some believe our young saviour, Harry Potter, had slain him for the second time. While some pay close attention to what he said at the conclusion of the Tri-Wizard Tournament."
The Wizengamot members eyed Dumbledore curiously and warily.
"Today, I have something to show you."
Dumbledore took out the Gaunt Ring and showed it to the crowd. Not even Harry had predicted Dumbledore to exorcise the ring in front of the Wizengamot.
While the Wizengamot court was ongoing, ten masked people infiltrated the Ministry of Magic Headquarters. They made their way carefully to Level 9, blending in with the crowd without alerting them despite their attire. Normally, such an endeavour would be impossible given the Ministry's tight security. However, their God had bestowed them with extraordinary attires blessed with his profound Magic.
Among the ten people was Severus Snape. His mask hid his stoic face, but he was anything but calm inwardly. He hadn't met or made any contact with Albus ever since informing the old headmaster about Voldemort's aide. He had figured out more sinister facts about the aide and couldn't help but worry.
One didn't need to witness the aide's power firsthand to fear him. The equipment Severus and his fellow Death Eaters wore was a testament to the aide's power. A peculiar Magic that allows them to breach Wards and walk among the Magicals unnoticed. Severus was sure even Albus was incapable of doing that. Therefore, as he made his way to Level 9, the Department of Mysteries, Severus kept glancing down at his clothes nervously.
"Nervous, Severus?" someone bit beside him.
"I think you misunderstood my enthusiasm, Rookwood," Severus drawled boringly.
Augustus Rookwood chuckled darkly. Severus was on edge by the man's behaviour but kept his reaction to himself. The Death Eaters stopped once they reached Level 9, Department of Mysteries.
It was a large, circular room. Everything there was black including the floor and ceiling. Identical, unmarked, handle-less black doors were set at intervals all around the black walls, interspersed with branches of candles whose flames burned blue, their cool, shimmering light reflected in the shining marble floor so that it looked as though there was dark water underfoot.
"First time here?" Rookwood asked with a hint of amusement.
"This might be surprising to you, but I am not the type to waste time studying something that merits little to myself, such as time and thoughts—what the Unspeakables do. I have no reason to come here," Severus commented derisively.
"That woman you fancy is an Unspeakable, isn't she?"
Severus tensed at Augustus' comment about Lily. He unconsciously turned his head upward. The Wizengamot court was held 7 levels above them. He knew Lily was there and the competence of the people surrounding her. Despite that, he wasn't so sure anymore after what he had seen for the last week.
"Worried now, aren't you?"
"Stop wasting your breath and proceed with the mission, Rookwood."
Severus couldn't see it, but he was sure Augustus was smiling under his mask. Severus' visage darkened; his doubts echoed loudly in his head. The ten Death Eaters moved carefully, passing through the passages and eventually made it to the Hall of Prophecy. They scoured the towering ceilings, inspecting each glass orb the shelves contained.
Before long, Severus found the sought-after orb. He notified his fellows, summoning them to his side.
S.P.T. to A.P.W.B.
Harry Potter
and Charlus Potter
The Death Eaters marvelled at the orb but none of them touched it. Anyone but those related to the prophecy cannot touch the orb, for those who do that will be instantly cursed with madness. It would have been a vain endeavour for the Death Eaters if they didn't bring the magnificent equipment their God gave them.
Augustus wore the leather glove their God gave him and then picked up the orb cautiously. As nonchalant as he was, he couldn't help getting nervous. To his relief, he didn't suffer from madness. The orb was safe in his hand.
"What are you doing? Let us go now," Severus urged upon noticing Augustus staring at the orb with a frown.
"We will execute Plan B," Augustus announced after some time.
"What?" Severus hissed.
"I can't see the prophecy," Augustus shrugged.
Of course, Augustus could not see the prophecy. After all, it was not for him. Severus was about to scold Augustus for his stupidity when his fellow Death Eaters pointed their wands at him. His eyes widened before he hastily protected himself with the Protego Charm. Thankfully, they decided to cut him up instead of cursing him with Avada Kedavra.
Severus quickly made his escape. His fellow Death Eaters followed. He could feel their excitement. He scolded himself for obeying the accursed aide's words. He should've known it had never been a test of loyalty. He should have escaped instead of foolishly walking into the trap.
Vocatio Mortem.
Severus' eyes darkened upon hearing the Summoning Spell Augustus chanted. It was the Plan B they had prepared in case the aide's glove didn't work. The Spell created a Magic Circle that summoned the Dementors Voldemort ruled to Level 2 of Ministry Headquarters. The plan was to kidnap Harry while everyone was distracted by the Dementors.
"Do you know how many Dementors we summon, Severus?" Augustus shouted in amusement. "More than one hundred. One could terrorise many. Imagine a hundred! Your redheaded bint won't survive it."
Severus gritted his teeth and turned around. His Occlumency failed to keep him running instead of fighting back.
"So you are saying, as long as we haven't destroyed these Horcruxes, You-Know-Who will always return from death?"
"I believe that is the case, Lord Greengrass."
"Then, how do you propose we should look for them?"
"I have shown you the characteristics and feel of a Horcrux. As of now, I haven't figured out how to find them; however, when you see one, you can at least identify it now."
Albus smiled at the enthusiastic response he got from the court. Although he knew there were traitors among them, his shoulders lightened still. Now that many people were aware, he was no longer alone in the battle against the Dark Lord.
Albus was about to speak more when the atmosphere of the room suddenly changed. The sound ceased as if everyone suddenly turned deaf. The temperature dropped to the point of making their breath visible.
The door to the courtroom rumbled. The silence was filled with everyone's pounding heart. From the corner of his eyes, Albus saw Harry stand up. His movement mimicked the young man as they pointed their wand at the door.
"Expecto Patronum!"
The door opened and a swarm of Dementors entered. The stronger ones stood up and cast their Patronus, whereas the weaker ones trembled in terror. How unfortunate, some of the stronger ones pointed their wands toward the helpless, now covering their faces with the infamous silver mask. Amidst the chaos, the Death Eaters struck.