Sweet Nothings

I was able to learn a little about Mariel's past.

She used to be a baron, but after her family's fall from grace, she dropped out of the academy in the royal capital.

She has no idea what happened to her family.

All of this is really important information that will have a big impact moving forward.

Buying a slave is probably as close to buying someone's life as you can get.

Wataru wants Mariel to be happy, and he's willing to make some sacrifices and put in effort to help her achieve that.

I still haven't heard all the details about what kind of life she lived before, but I'll probably learn more about it as time goes on.

While we were talking, I realized I no longer had the time to visit my grandparents' house.

So we double-checked to make sure we hadn't forgotten anything and then left the house.
