Forgotten Nobles

**Chapter Title: "Threads of Fate and Forgotten Nobles"**

After Maurice succinctly explained the origins of the magical disasters, detailing how past grand spells or ley line concentrations caused volatile surges of magical energy, Wataru felt he had a better grasp of the situation. Yet, the cause behind the disaster in the ancient city he had encountered remained unclear. 

"Air, what do you think?" Wataru asked.

"Both," she replied flatly, causing Wataru to sigh.

Maurice smiled at their exchange. "If it's both, resolving it will be no easy task," Maurice said.

"What methods would you recommend?" Wataru asked, eager to know.

"Well, to reduce the concentration of magic in such areas, you'd need to drain it. Absorb it somehow and release it elsewhere. You could use magic stones to store the energy, or, as your companion might understand, something akin to siphoning fuel and using it elsewhere."