Poor Master\u2026

Wataru had already explained the concept of Christmas, a celebration from another world, to Mariel and the others. The streets of Tennoji, now glowing with festive illuminations and bustling with holiday sales, had prompted their curiosity. Among them, as expected, Eir was the first to react with her usual enthusiasm.

"Hey, Master, do you think Santa will come to our house tonight?" she asked excitedly.

"Who knows?" Wataru replied with a grin. "If you've been a good girl, he just might."

"Got it! I'll be good! Mariel, I'll help with the chores!"

"Really? Then how about folding the laundry for me?" Mariel suggested with a warm smile.

"Roger that!" Eir saluted.

"I'll help too!" Cloche chimed in. "Wait, no, don't get in my way, Eir!"

"Cloche, it's fine! I've got this!" Eir countered with a grin.