Chapter 5. Seeking Help


I didn’t get a decent night’s sleep while my daughters were still out there. It wasn't clear how they were doing. Since I gave birth to them six years ago, I never relinquished their hands for more than seven hours. 

Every second, I always wanted to see Rose, Jasmine, and Violet. They’re the driving force behind my determination to keep going in this cruel world.

I laid down on my triplet’s big bed. I sniffed their scent heartily, hoping to get a little clue about their whereabouts. I also opened the window wide. It made it easy for me to pray to the Moon Goddess, who I believed was watching me from the sky.

Imperceptibly, tears melted from the end of my eyes. I managed to get the comfort I wanted for Rose, Jasmine, and Violet, but why did the new problem appear? I sobbed alone, hugging my daughters' favorite teddy bears.

Xander shouldn't come into my new life. I was tired of crying, begging, and even fighting for my position just to be seen in his eyes. But everything between us was over. I knew I deserved my happiness.

My tears subsided slowly. I needed more than tears to find Rose, Jasmine, and Violet. I can't just do nothing.

Morning arrived at the same time as I finished the preparations. I contacted the landlord and paid him the rent for two months, as I didn't know how long it would take me during my search.

"What are you gonna do, Peony?"

Gloria squealed in surprise when she saw me appear at her doorstep.

"Where are you going?" asked the witch when she saw the big backpack I was carrying.

"I have to find my triplets, Gloria. Do you still keep some strengthening potions and sharp

weapons? I haven't fought for so long. I’m uneasy that my claws are dull." I asked her a little hastily.

Gloria looked surprised, then took my hand.

"Hold a minute, young lady! Don’t be like that. Please come in and let's talk about it carefully!" she said, pushing me into her apartment.

Then Gloria compelled me to sit on the sofa and poured me a cup of chamomile tea. But I'm not in the mood to drink tea or waste time to chit-chat. So I put the cup on the table and saw the disappointment on Gloria's face.

"I don't have time for this, Gloria. Please give me the items I've mentioned," I pleaded.

Gloria probably didn't take my words seriously.

"But where are you going? What are your plans?" asked Gloria, but I clammed up because I was at a loss for words.

"You don't have any plans, do you?" The witch guessed me precisely.

Indeed, it's because she knows me so well.

Gloria seemed to read my thoughts and added, "Peony, I know you. I hear you. I know the disappearance of Rose, Jasmine, and Violet is a serious issue, but you can't move without knowing where you're going!"

Gloria's remarks were actual. I didn’t deny it. It just irks me that she spoke the truth.

"Then do you have any other solutions? You told me that you can't track them with your magic!" I exclaimed. There was a look of shock and confusion on Gloria's face. I fell silent after realizing my mistake.

I sighed and picked up the teacup. I sipped tea in one so I could calm down. "Sorry, I didn't mean to blame you, Glo. It's just...."

Gloria inched closer, taking my hand. I don't know what magic she released, but I felt a comforting warmth when I looked at her. Gloria rubbed the back of my hand gently and then nodded slightly.

Then the witch stepped towards one of the rooms. Five minutes later, she returned with some daggers and told me to choose. I took a pair of daggers that provided the most comfortable hold. Not only that, but Gloria also took a few bottles of potions for me.

"I said I hear you, right? I hope to help you more than this."

"Please keep Xander away from my apartment. That's all you can do. Thanks for all this."

"Sure. I will." Gloria nodded. "But, are you sure Xander kidnapped your triplets?"

I smiled wryly. "Yes. I knew that Xander demanded an answer. He’s a man who will do anything to get what he wants. I'm sure he took Rose, Jasmine, and Violet away so I could admit that they were his."

"And Xander even appeared on your doorstep after your daughters disappeared. Isn't it weird?"

"He just pretended to be stupid and didn't want to admit his mistake. He hasn't changed at all since long ago."

I exhaled, then put the potions into the bag while I tied the daggers on my thigh and waist.

"I have to go now."

Gloria caught up with me before I reached the door. "Hey, didn't I say you can't leave without a plan?"

"If I find any clues, I can make them," I replied lightly.

"I thought this search would be too strenuous if you had to do it alone. Isn't there someone you can turn to for help?" Gloria asked, "I remember you mentioned that Xander had a brother... He might be able to help you."

I froze in my tracks. Gloria's question threw me into memories of the past, bringing out the stunning face of a man in my memory. I brushed that figure away from my head quickly.

"Ah... Xavier?" I smiled wryly, "No, I thought it was a bad idea. I prefer to keep my distance from both of them."

"Was it a bumpy relationship between the two of you?"

I shook my head. "All I could say more precisely… It wasn’t working."

"But if you come to him and tell him everything, will he help you?"

"I'm not sure."

"Does anyone else know about Xander that you can turn to for help?"

"Ugh, beats me...."

"Then no one knows unless we give it a try."

"There’s a chance that Xavier doesn't want to get involved with his twin anymore."

"Peony... Do we have any other option here?"

"Oh, Gloria... I’m done dealing with people from my past."

Gloria put one hand on her waist. From the look in her eyes, it seemed she took pity on me.

"Huh... I can't leave you alone. I have regarded your cute triplets as my nieces. Give me ten minutes to get ready."

I gasped. "Gloria, you don't have to do this. What about your shop?"

But the witch had already picked up her bag, spilling all kinds of things inside.

"Come on. I’m getting tired of reading the love divination of young mortals. They always want to know who to sleep with and where."

Gloria shrugged and turned to look at me, who didn't get what she meant.

“My point is I'll come with you," she repeated.

Going out with someone is better than being alone. At least if Rose, Jasmine, and Violet are in danger, I have Gloria to help me.

We took trains and planes to arrive at the end of the continent. Then we still had to taxi for three hours to get to the destination area. Although the taxi driver repeatedly asked in worry, I still assured him we were in the right direction.

Gloria stared around. Apart from the long road where we stood, only lush trees were there.

Anyone who comes for the first time may think they are in the wilderness in the middle of nowhere.

"Ugh, werewolves are always conservative when choosing territory," Gloria complained.

"To prevent the curious mortals if they’re investigating immortals like us," I replied nervously.


I took a deep breath of air. The fresh air smelled distinctive, the soil was moist, and the wood of the trees filled my lungs. The sunlight didn't sting my skin, nor was an unfamiliar longing that I didn't know.

"This way, Glo."

I cut down a bush and found a rocky path. We walked down that path in silence. The sound of birds tweeting or rustling leaves filled the silence between.

Xander's Pack stretched to the south, while Xavier's was to the north. The territory was separated only by highways. So this trail took us straight deeper into the forest towards the north.

"By the way, you never told me much about your life during your life at Blue Moon. I haven't asked all this time out of respect for your privacy, but you can give me some information to make our trip easier.”

Gloria opened the conversation.

"There's nothing I need to tell you other than what you already know, Glo," I replied curtly.

Every corner of this forest brought the euphoria left behind during my time away. I've had enough of the memories that trigger every time I hear leaves rustling.

"Oh, okay."

After an hour of walking, Gloria and I arrived at a wide clearing area. Stopping under the shadow of a tree, I held my breath. As I gazed ahead, a grand expanse of towering fortress walls came into view, accompanied by a colossal gateway guarded by some men on each side.

"Here we are," I whispered, "This is White Moon."