The difference between the future and the past

"Pain reliever?" Ave repeated with a frown of disbelief, as no pain reliever could work fast enough to numb the pain in her time. "Is it magical?" she asked curiously but received a glare from Lucian, who was now putting the empty bottles away.

"Very soon, you will find yourself being burned in the village for how you carelessly say the forbidden words even after I've warned you about it," he said nonchalantly as he stood up from the side of the bed.

Ave pursed her lips. "How will I get in trouble when there's no one around but you and me?" she said in a matter-of-fact tone, causing Lucian to frown in disapproval.

"I don't know how the place you come from works, but let me tell you this; here, you don't know when someone will be listening to you and watching your movements until it is reported to the last person you expect to know about it. So watch your mouth at all times and trust no one, not even me."