Jealous wench!

After Lydia's tears and crying stopped, she began to tell Ave everything she knew about the Empress and the things she had reported, which in Ave's mind weren't even enough to get Selene into any trouble. Despite the fact that she was betraying her, Lydia was still trying to protect her. It was Lucian's movements that she mostly reported to the Empress, and if Lucian were to find out about this, Ave knew without a doubt he would kill the girl.

He had killed a courtesan for entering his room without permission, not to mention a spy who reported his every movement to his enemy. Ave couldn't imagine seeing the poor girl's dead body, and she shuddered at the thought.

Lydia also told her about the dress which she had given to Catherine and then taken back, and that revelation made Ave's breath hitch for a moment. "What were you thinking?!" she exclaimed before she could stop herself, startling the girl and causing her to cry even more.