His letter

Ave ran into her room and closed the door behind her. She walked to the bed at the same time she tried to unfold the letter. Sitting down at the edge of the bed with her heart humming in excitement and anticipation of what was written in the letter, she unfolded it, and the first line she read brought a smile to her tear-streaked face and brightened her blue eyes.

[To my lovely wife, Aveline.

Though you might not consider a jerk like me as your husband, I hope you can find it in your kind heart to forgive this asshole of a husband who can't seem to stop his feelings for you despite the words you spoke the night before…]

Ave read that part and laughed through her tears at the fact that he was using all the words she had used to insult him to address himself in the letter. She cursed him for the emotions he was bringing in her and continued to read the letter with a foolish smile on her face.