The surprise

"Of course, a man can wear it. If you want it, I will talk to the seamstress and tell her to make one for you."

"I want the same color as yours," he said quickly, taking Ave by surprise.

"By God, I cannot quite imagine a big man like you in a purple color." She chuckled in amazement, trying to imagine her husband's tall, all-muscular figure clad in such a color. But seeing how serious he looked and seemed about wanting the same color as hers, she nodded her head.

"All right, purple it is. I will make the arrangements after the banquet tomorrow," she assured him, and he beamed and leaned in to finally kiss her, but Ave blocked his kiss with her palm and reached her other hand to take his large hand in hers.

"I have a surprise for you. Come with me," she said when he looked down at her questioningly for stopping his kiss. However, hearing she had a surprise for him, his face brightened up like a boy who's been given his favorite gift on Christmas morning.