Find his wife

The housekeeper looked at him, startled, but not thinking too much of his behavior, as he liked pulling pranks and making jokes. She hurriedly bent down, picked up the phone, and spoke into it.

"Sir Leo, I think Mr. Penn is in one of those morning pranks. I will hold the phone while you tell him what's wrong."

Lucian watched in dumbfounded disbelief as she talked into the thing, and the thing spoke back.

"Alright, Elly. Put it on speaker."

"It's already on speaker. He can hear you," she told the man on the other end of the call, who was the best friend of Lucian Xander Penn. It was still a surprise to the housekeeper how Leo and Lucian came to be friends when they were the opposite of one another. Leo was a responsible man, while Lucian Penn was everything but responsible. If recklessness was a person, it would be Lucian Xander Penn.