As expected of a boy his age who would like to show an adult how to do things, he gave Lucian a side look and arched a brow. "No kidding? You don't know how to buy ice cream yourself? How old are you?"
"Twenty seven, and yes I don't. So will you show me?"
Ian looked thoughtful for a while. He didn't want to show how eager he was to walk an adult into an ice shop and show him how to buy one, nor did he want to forget his parents' teaching about trusting a stranger. He didn't know who the man was—he could be tricking him into going into the building to kidnap him. But then, he didn't look like a kidnapper.
However, his Mom had said they don't appear like one when they want to take someone. But then, if he knew the man's identity, he wouldn't be a stranger to him anymore, would he?
Arching his fine dark brow in curiosity, Ian asked, "What's your name?"