The rest of the ride to Ian's school was in silence. No one said anything, but the TV kept playing in the background until they reached their destination. Lucian was more than surprised when Ian grabbed his index finger, looked at him, and said, "Come with Mom to meet the principal, please..."
Lucian did not know what that meant, but he looked towards her to see her reaction to her son's request. She looked displeased by the request, but she did not say a word and looked away from him.
Looking down at the boy who was holding tightly to his finger, Lucian realized he could not decline his request. He nodded his head. "Anything you want, son," he said, realizing too late the words he had spoken wrong until he felt her burning eyes on him. It was too late to take it back. He had not meant to call him son, and since he had, he tried to act like he hadn't as the boy's eyes brightened up.