
Bom dia pessoas,

[-] I wrote this Oneshot a while ago.

[-] If the reception of this story is positive, I will turn it into a series. So if you liked it, leave a comment.


RP # Pov: Pyrrha Nikos

Professor Goodwitch can't teach today, so when we arrived at the classroom we were greeted by a substitute teacher who, according to Yang, he is 'a blonde Dilf'.

I even agree that he is handsome, tall and muscular, but I have never been attracted to older men.

'And his beard, combined with the fact that he's wearing old, rusty armor, makes him look like a beggar.' I think to myself, staring at the teacher.

When the teacher asked for volunteers to fight him, many girls and some boys wanted a chance, but it was Yang and Weiss who stood out by standing up and asking loudly. Both were very interested in 'engaging' with the teacher in the ring.

"GO YANG!" Nora shouted from my side. "BREAK HIS LEGS!"

"Nora, she is less than 10 meters in front of us." Her partner complains. "You don't need to scream."

"Sorry, Renny." Nora said, making a dog face at her partner.

Nora's reaction might have been exaggerated, but it was normal to root for a friend, especially one who was losing so badly.

"Stay still!" Yang grumbled at her opponent, dodging another blow.

"Nop." Said the armored man in a playful tone.

"HARG!" Yelled Yang trying to hit the teacher with all her strength.

Only to be parried by her opponent's shield and then pushed out of the ring from behind.



He announces in a robotic voice before Yang's defeat.

"You are a short-tempered, arrogant girl, and you also are extremely dependent on your Semblance to defeat enemies who overpower you." Says Professor Luna, approaching Yang lying on the floor. 

Still with her eyes red, Yang stared at the armored teacher as if she wanted to bite his head off.

"But…" The professor continued, sheathing his sword and taking off his helmet. "You are a also strong, determined and very talented woman."

Yang's eyes widened and her body froze at the teacher's sincere praise.

"R-really?" Yang stuttered.

With a warm smile on his face, the teacher extended his hand to help the student to her feet.

Hesitantly, as if she were a shy maiden, Yang accepted the hand and the teacher quickly lifted her off the ground.

"With training, experience and a little direction in your rage, you can become the greatest Huntresses in the kingdom of Vale, or even all of Remnant." He finishes speaking, giving a hearty and contagious laugh.

Yang's face lit up in a red hue, which didn't go unnoticed by Nora.

"Look at the teacher's darling." Nora mocked loudly.

In response, the entire class laughed at Yang who stomped out of the ring as she mumbled angrily. 

"Jokes aside, I want you to understand, anger is a powerful emotion." Said the teacher in a more serious tone. "When used correctly, it can help you defeat powerful enemies."

The statement caught several students off guard as they began to whisper among themselves in confusion. 

I understand their astonishment, usually teachers and instructors advise not to give in to your emotions during battle, they say that we should have a cold and calculating mind when dealing with the enemy.

"However, anger is just something that fuels your spirit in battle, don't let it control you." The teacher said, frowning with a melancholy look. "It can lead to making…irreparable mistakes."

A sepulchral silence fell in the room, no student dared to even blink at the declaration.

"He-he." Professor Luna laughed awkwardly. "Sorry about that awkward silence…, to make it up to you I'll send you off five minutes early for lunch."

In response, the room erupts in cheers and applause, with students standing up and quickly heading out the door.

When the room finally calms down, I get up only to notice that Nora had run off with the rest of the students and Ren was dragged by her.

"This teacher is a bit weird." Whispered a male voice next to me.

Looking to the left, I see my partner, staring thoughtfully at Professor Luna.

"Why do you say that, Jaune?" I asked curiously.

"Don't get me wrong, he seems like a good teacher, but I feel like I've seen him before." 

"Like before class or the school year?"

"More like he's a distant relative I haven't seen in a while." Jaune said, getting up and walking towards the teacher.

I followed Jaune as he approached Professor Luna, who was removing his armor, revealing a black tank top that clung to his muscular body. 

The professor's physique was impressive, a testament to years of training and discipline. It was as if he were one of those ancient heroes carved from marble.

Jaune cleared his throat, catching the teacher's attention. 

"Excuse me, Professor Luna." He began, his voice firm but curious. "I couldn't help but notice… are you by any chance a member of the Arc family?"

The professor stopped mid-motion, his hands still on the straps of his armor. His eyes flicked to Jaune, then to me, before settling back on Jaune. There was a moment of silence, a hesitation that seemed to go on a little too long.

"Arc, you said?" Professor Luna finally responded, his voice careful, measured. He went back to removing his armor, but his movements were slower, more deliberate. "Why do you ask?"

Jaune shrugged, a casual gesture that belied the intensity of his gaze. 

"You remind me of someone… an uncle of mine maybe."

The professor laughed, but it sounded forced, without the genuine warmth it had been before. 

"Well… as I said earlier in my introduction, I'm Professor John Luna and I don't remember being related to any Arc."

He avoided Jaune's gaze, focusing on carefully stacking his armor pieces. His evasiveness was palpable, a stark contrast to the open and engaging demeanor he had demonstrated during class.

Jaune nodded, apparently satisfied with the answer, oblivious to the educator's tension. 

"Just thought I'd ask." He said smiling, feeling satisfied. "Thanks for the early dismissal, by the way. It's always good to have a little extra time."

The professor nodded, with a tight smile on his face. 

"No problem." Said the teacher, turning his back. "Enjoy your lunch, Jaune and Pyr."

As we turned to leave, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more than met the eye. Professor Luna's reaction to Jaune's question had been... suspicious. 

I looked at the teacher one last time before leaving the classroom. He was there, watching us leave, his expression unreadable. There was a story there, hidden beneath the surface, and I couldn't help but feel a spark of curiosity, a desire to discover the truth. But for now, it would have to wait. Lunch was calling, and with it, the promise of normality and friendship.

"Wait!" I exclaimed in the middle of the hallway. "What did he call me?"

RP # Pov: Professor Luna.

I lean against the cold steel wall of the elevator, my breath coming in ragged gasps. The fight with Yang was refreshing and even fun, but it was nothing compared to the confusion in my mind.

Seeing Pyrrha was like a punch in the gut. I thought I was prepared, that I had strengthened myself for this moment, but I was wrong. 

The sight of her, standing there, strong and radiant as in my most vivid memories, awakened feelings I thought had long been buried.

"My God… how I missed you, Pyr." I murmured with tears streaming from my eyes. 

In my chest I felt a pain that I had become accustomed to, like an old wound that hasn't healed properly. But seeing her again was like sticking a knife in exposing the bloody flesh beneath.

When I my eyes and I could see her, clear as day. The way his hair caught the light, the fierce determination in his eyes.

The elevator hummed, a soft, steady sound that seemed to echo the rhythm of my thoughts. 

Feeling tired I raised my hand and rubbed my face to compose myself, then I let out a deep sigh, I felt the weight of it leave me.

"Mister Luna." A calm voice said, catching my attention. "I'm glad you can join me." 

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice the door opening.

"Yes, o-of course." I stuttered getting out of the elevator. "What would you like to talk to me about, Professor Ozpin?"

Smiling, the director sat back in his chair looking at me. After taking a sip from his cup, he answered me.

"Please." Ozpin said in a friendly tone. "When we're alone, you can call me Ozpin or Ozma."

I nodded.

"And if you want, I can call you Jaune."" Added the immortal wizard smiling.


Boa noite pessoas,

It was shorter than I normally write, but then if I have gone on, it would be longer than I intended too.

Despite the Angst oneshot/first chapter, this fic will be a comedy.

And if you liked it and would like to see what else I have planned for this story, like the comedy part of it, say so in the comments.

Ps: As usual… this story does not have a beta reader yet, if you're interested in helping me(mainly to help me translate into English) send me a message.