Shadows of the Past

Bom dia Pessoas,

[-] I still remember when the initial idea for this story was to be focused on comedy…

[-] Regarding romantic pairings, Arkos seems to have more fans for young Jaune, while Professor Luna has several interesting suggestions, the favorites being Winter, Willow, Goodwitch and even Emmeral to accelerate her turn to good. The idea of Cinder and Raven seems to be... 'not liked'.


[-]Adult Shallot(Fanfiction):

I really enjoy this story. You are the first author I've seen that doesn't write Rusted Knight Jaune as some jaded piece of shit that doesn't give a damn about anyone


Thanks. I have the impression that Rusted Knight Jaune would have been a better explored character in the series, but as always… lack of time hurts the quality of the show.


The chapter, while excellent, wasn't my favorite. I get that this Jaune is probably a real cynical bastard, but there comes a point where it gets to be too much, you know? I liked Weiss getting to stepp and, of course, Jaune's going to work with her.

Congratulations on publishing your first story, by the by. Tried looking your story up on Amazon but I guess they don't have it yet. Sounds interesting, though.


Thanks for the compliment, but let's talk about Professor Luna being so cynical.

I admit my fault in this part, Luna is being harsh (especially with his version of the past) for urgent reasons. But I understand that my limitations made him seem like an asshole drill sergeant.

For some reason he interfered in several things that would happen in the future, but did not interfere in others (as will be elaborated in this chapter).

Answering about my book on Amazon. Due to my contract with the Brazilian publisher, I cannot sell an English version yet. Next year I will publish the English version.






If it's a Tabletop RPG, we'll also need a rogue and a cleric.


RP # POV: Ozpin

The sun begins to rise when I'm already at my office in a meeting, a mug of steaming coffee in my hands. Soft morning light shines through the windows illuminating the place.

Suddenly, my monitor lights up. The image of Glynda Goodwitch appears, her serious expression unable to disguise the dark circles under her eyes caused by sleepless nights dealing with the traitor Leonardo Lionheart.

"Good morning, Professor Ozpin," she begins, without preamble. "We need to talk."

I take a sip of coffee, keeping my expression neutral.

"Of course, Glynda. What happened?"

She takes a deep breath before speaking, as if organizing her thoughts.

"Leonardo Lionheart has been arrested on charges of involvement in Mistral's organized crime. Our targets continue to behave like normal students. As Haven's former management had already admitted the CMEN team, they have no reason to worry about the possibility of being discovered. Furthermore, any suspicious movement would draw unwanted attention to them."

My hand tightens on the mug, but my face remains impassive.

"Involvement in organized crime..." I repeat in an inquisitive tone. "A good excuse to hide the fact that he was working with Salem's forces." He speaks as I take a sip from my mug. "And do you know what this means for Haven?"

Glynda frowns in irritation and exhaustion, but responds in her steady voice.

"From now on I will be acting as headmistress of Haven Academy for an indefinite period of time." The teacher said in a morbid tone, fearing the bureaucracy she will have to deal with. "And if you don't find a suitable replacement, I will stay in the position ad infinitum."

I laugh at the teacher's behavior. Despite the disdain and drama in her speech, she knows that no one is more competent than her for the job.

Satisfied with the situation in Mistral, I take a big sip of my coffee, feeling the hot liquid go down my throat. Glynda, keeping her expression serious, decides to change the subject.

"I have another important matter to discuss with you, sir, it's about John Luna."

I raise an eyebrow, intrigued. Glynda has always been skeptical of new teachers, especially those with dark pasts and in the case of John, someone loaded with secrets about the enemy, she had been the most meticulous in analyzing his past history and the most doubtful of his character at first..

Although I was always willing to talk to Glynda, right now it is not the most appropriate to talk about John, after all, she had interrupted me in the middle of a meeting.

"I understand your concerns Glynda, but I think it's best we talk another time-." I tried to speak only to be cut off by Glynda raising her hand on the other end of the call.

She sighs, adjusting her glasses.

"In the beginning, it was clear to everyone that I didn't trust him. I thought the whole thing about going back in time was ridiculous." Said the teacher, sighing tiredly. "But now, after seeing him in action on the mission on Mountain Glenn with Qrow, the expedition with Port to Menagerie, the dismemberment of the Branwen clan, capture of the Spring Maiden and of course his hunt for the Grimm that terrorized the Kuroyuri region… I see myself forced to admit that I was wrong about… the 'old Jaune Arc'."

I lean forward, trying to speak, but Glynda once again cuts me off.

"He is exceptional as a Huntsman, not just when it comes to combat, although he is stupendous in that area as well."

Taking advantage of Glynda's pause, I tried to speak, but she cut me off for the third time.

"Please Ozpin," She said in a solemn tone. "I need to say everything so I don't get lost."

Tired of being interrupted, I respond by shrugging and allowing her to talk as much as she wants.

"The classes he has planned are brilliant, the way he deals with students is admirable, the combination of practical and theoretical experience that he implements corroborates what I and other teachers have been working on in the classroom... and on top of all he proved to be a trustworthy ally." The teacher says, breathing relaxed.

"Anything else?" I ask, looking at Glynda.

"Nothing important, but…" The teacher pauses for a second, her cheeks turning slightly red before she continues. "I must concede that he possesses a formidable physique, striking visage, and an air of refined elegance… ...a quality rarely observed among seasoned Huntsmen who dress like vagrants and could polish off a bottle of whiskey in one sitting."

My jaw drops at Glynda's last comment, not because I disagree with her or find it strange that she would think something like that.

"Aaah." Murmurs a male voice present in the room with me.

The teacher's eyes widened in horror, fearing who might have heard her.

"John Luna is sitting in front of me." I belatedly informed the embarrassed teacher. "From the beginning of your call, but out of range of my camera."

Glynda's face flushes crimson red as the teacher massages her forehead, feeling a migraine forming. Her eyes close for a moment, as if trying to erase the shame that consumes her.

"Thank you for the kind words, I also think you are a wonderful woman and an incredible teacher," Luna says, with an embarrassed but genuine smile. "And if I'm not being too familiar, you are a beautiful and elegant woman."

Glynda opens her eyes, surprised, and looks at Luna. Her face is dyed an even more intense red as she tries to regain her composure.

"Mister Luna, I..." The teacher begins, but I raise my hand, gently interrupting her.

"How about we end this call before it gets even more embarrassing for Glynda?" I suggest smiling at Haven's new director.

"Please…" The new headmistress of Haven mumbles, hanging up.

As soon as the monitor screen goes off, I turn to the man with 'formidable physique and striking visage'.

"Well, that was...awkward," I commented, taking another sip of my coffee.

John just laughs awkwardly at my comment.

"But it's good to know you're settling in well and that your colleagues think highly of you."

"Don't even tell me." John comments tiredly. "Despite the embarrassment, it's a relief to see that Miss Goodwitch thinks so much of me."

"I bet she'd love it if you called her by her first name." I added, raising my eyebrows.

Embarrassed, John coughs into his own hand, trying to distract me.

"Changing the subject, did you get the special handcuffs I asked for?"

I lean back in my chair, watching him with interest.

"Yes, I did it. They are in your armory, ready for use."

"Excellent." John comments with relief. "I'll need them for the next 'one on one' lesson."

I stare at John, unable to hide my concern. I focus all my attention on him to the point that I forget about the mug of coffee that is slowly cooling on the table.

"And are you sure this is necessary?" I ask with a serious tone. "Cuffs of this type are used on highly dangerous criminals, it seems extreme to me to use them on a student."

John Luna looks at me firmly and seriously before answering

"I understand your concern, Professor Ozpin. But believe me… these handcuffs are essential and avoid a lot of headaches."

I frown, trying to read the time traveler's expression, but he's determined to continue with his plan.

"And what exactly do you intend to do?"

He takes a deep breath, as if organizing his thoughts and answers me right away.

"Arrest a terrorist."

RP # POV: Blake Belladonna

The sun begins to set, painting the sky with shades of orange and purple. Most of the students are already leaving, eager to enjoy their Friday night in the town.

I, on the other hand, walk silently through the deserted hallways of Beacon, heading to the combat training room. Professor Luna wants to talk to me about Yang's erratic behavior.

"I swear to the gods Yang…" I mumble irritably. "If I get detention because of you, I'll dye your hair purple."

When I open the door to the room, I come face to face with the figure of John Luna, completely armored as if he was ready for war, training basic sword sequences.

'Even though he's a veteran Huntsman, he still dedicates to the fundamentals?' I questioned myself internally analyzing him.

I approach silently, watching each precise and calculated movement. The teacher moves with a grace and precision that only experience can provide, each blow flowing naturally into the next with the grace of a deadly dance. It's fascinating to see someone with so much skill dedicate themselves to the basics.

When I finally enter the arena, I begin to feel the wind caused by the pressure of his attacks. It's not like in Mistralian cartoons where a samurai can cut an enemy from 6 meters (20 feet) away, but the professor is strong enough to make my hair wave from his distance.

As I get closer I realize how tall it is. His presence is imposing, even though he maintains a friendly expression in class. There is something intense in his posture, and in his eyes a mixture of melancholy and determination, that makes him intimidating.

As soon as he notices my presence the teacher stops his training, turning to me.

"Blake, you're here." he says, taking off his helmet, flashing a warm smile.

"Professor Luna," I reply, maintaining my composure. "Did you want to talk to me?"

He nods, putting away his sword with one fluid movement.

"Sorry about that Blake," He says abruptly.

I'm taken by surprise when Professor Luna pulls out a pair of extendable bronze handcuffs and fastens them around my wrists. My eyes widen, and I instinctively try to use my semblance to escape them.


"AARGH!" I scream in pain while an electric current courses through my body, canceling my Semblance and keeping me trapped to the cuffs.

My thoughts race as I feel the cold handcuffs tighten around my wrists. The electric shock still resonates through my body, keeping me trapped.

'Was this a trap?' I think looking at the teacher in front of me. 'I'm handcuffed, without access to my Semblance and my tormentor is a Huntsman capable of facing three of my colleagues without breaking a sweat.'

I swallow hard knowing there is no escape.

"Wh-what's h-happening?" My voice comes out shaky while he approaches, his expression unchanged.

"I know who you are." He speaks, removing the bow from my head that hid my ears. "I know about your past."

I turn pale as memories flood my thoughts. The betrayals, the fights, everything I did to survive and protect the Faunus race.

'It all makes sense now. He's not just a teacher but a special agent, who infiltrated Beacon Academy to capture me.'

"You don't understand," I whispered desperately, trying to contain my panic. "I'm not who you think I am."

The professor raised an eyebrow, looking at me coldly.

"Aren't you Blake Belladonna? Daughter of Ghira and Kali Belladonna?" He asks rhetorically. "Wasn't your father deposed as leader of the White Fang because he was considered a 'weak pacifist'? And weren't you the one who ran away from home agreeing with the statements that your father was a 'coward'?"

My heart beats fast in my chest, fear takes over me. Every move, every word from Professor Luna seems calculated, as if he knows exactly what to say to unsettle me.

"I was just fighting for the Faunus' right to exist-." I tried to speak but he cut me off.

"That's enough!" He said, raising his voice in an imposing tone. "I'm not here for political debates, I'm here to solve a problem."

Professor Luna takes his hand back, searching for something. My mind races, remembering every mistake I made. The way I left home, calling my parents cowards. The harsh words I used, not understanding what my father meant by 'dangerous extremism'. Now, it all makes sense, and I deeply regret having acted without thinking.

'I'm going to die without being able to apologize, without being able to fix what I broke.'

But… to my surprise, the teacher shows a bright yellow metallic lunch box with an image of a white rabbit.

Smiling he asks.

"But first… would you like a tuna sandwich and some cold milk?"

RP # POV: John Luna

Sitting across from me, Blake devours the tuna sandwich with her gaze fixed on me, full of anger and resentment. The tension in the air is palpable, but I can't ignore what needs to be done.

"Blake," I begin, voice firm but not without empathy. "I'm sorry for tricking you into coming here and also for locking you up with handcuffs loaded with electricity Dust."

Without giving me an answer she continues to stare at me while slowly chewing the sandwich.

"But I needed to make sure you wouldn't run away." My tone is serious, but I soften it a little, trying to convey understanding. "These shock cuffs were the only way to guarantee your presence."

Without taking her eyes off me, she takes a quick sip of milk only to then complain.

"You have no right to treat me like this." She says indignantly. "I'm a Beacon student."

"You're not just a student, Blake." I respond by shaking my head. "You are a former terrorist on the run from the law."

Her golden eyes shrink, and she turns to the side, avoiding my gaze. She goes back to eating her sandwich, trying to ignore me.

"Blake… I just want to help you..." I speak in a calmer tone, getting her attention back. "You need to come clean to the rest of your team about being a Faunus and your past."

Her jaw drops, surprise written all over her face.

"Is that why you handcuffed me?" Blake questions with wide eyes.. "Aren't you going to arrest me or kill me?"

"No!" I responded, horrified at the suggestion. "I would never do that to you, Blake. I just want to help you connect with your team and if possible with your family."

The feline faunus frowns, still suspicious of me, but now a hint of curiosity was evident in her eyes.

"Why do you care about me so much?"

"Because I know what it's like to carry secrets," I explain looking down. "I know how much it can alienate those who care about you… I also know what it's like to run away from home chasing an ideal."

Finding my answer strange, Blake stopped eating to pay closer attention.

"Did you really run away from home to become a Huntsman and help people?"

I laugh awkwardly, shaking my head.

"Well, yes and no. I wanted to help people, but I also wanted to be a great hero."

Blake watches me, eyes narrowed, trying to read my intentions.

"So, you did it for fame?" She asks, judging the vanity of my answer

"Not exactly," I reply, pausing for a few seconds trying to find the right words. "Recognition from my family was important to me at the time... but I also wanted to prove to myself that I could be more than just an ordinary kid. I wanted to be someone who could inspire other people."

She relaxes a little, curiosity completely takes the place of distrust.

"And you did it?" Blake asks with her pupils dilated, fixated on every word that comes out of my mouth.

I smile, remembering the challenges and achievements I had passed. The fall of Beacon, the death of Phyrra, the Nuckelavee, the agents of Salem, the journey through Mistral, the war in Atlas, Penny death and my years spent in the 'Ever After'.

"Yes," I reply with a bitter taste in my mouth. "But not in the way I expected. The journey taught me much more than I could have imagined. I learned that being a hero is not just about fame or recognition. It's about making a difference, helping people, protecting those in need and doing what is right."

Blake nods, thinking about what she had said and especially what she hadn't said. Sighing tiredly, I approach the girl and remove her handcuffs.

"I won't force you to reveal your identity to your team." I commented smiling.

Blake raises an eyebrow, looking at me annoyed while massaging her wrists.

"But I warn you that the longer you delay, the more difficult it will be to deal with this situation."

Golden eyes stare at me, reflecting a mixture of fear and uncertainty within the Faunus. I hand her the ribbon to hide her ears, which she presses, an unconscious gesture that reveals her anxiety.

"What if they reject me?" Her voice is low, almost a whisper, but full of emotion. "I hid the truth for so long..."

As soon as tears began to flow from her eyes, I stepped forward and pulled her into a tight hug. The girl reacts by sttifing her body, completely uncomfortable, finding my act strange, which many would also consider inappropriate.

"Your friends are stronger than you think." I said, trying to encourage her. "They won't reject you."

After hearing my words, the Faunus finally relaxes her body, but instead of hugging me back she pushes me away. Respecting my student's wishes, I release her, seeing her face red and filled with sadness.

"You don't understand." Blake says tearfully. "I lied to them about my past and what I am. Weiss is the heir to the S.D.C. she's definitely going to think I'm a spy or an assassin!" It ends with Blake covering his face trying to contain his feelings. "What if... what if this is the end of everything for me?"

"Then you won't face this alone." I spoke in a firm voice, the seriousness in my eyes reflected in hers. "I'll be by your side. No matter what happens."

Blake hesitates for a moment, internal conflict clearly getting the best of her. For a moment the silence stretched, heavy and uncertain. But I remained there, firm, waiting for her choice.

"Who are you?" She asks for more uncertainty. "I still don't understand... why do you want to help me?"

Blake looked at me with her golden eyes still watery. My words were more personal and intense than any average teacher should use.

But that's why I prepared so much before starting the year. I took a deep breath, maintaining my calm posture and gave the young woman a wide fatherly smile.

"Because I promised a very nice couple that I would help you."

The Faunus' eyes widened in surprise at my words, as if the impossible was about to be said.

"Before coming to Beacon I accompanied Professor Port on a Grimm cataloging mission in Menagerie."

"Impossible!" Blake shouts in disbelief. "Menagerie is a safe haven for Faunus to stay away from humans.

"It doesn't mean that humans are prohibited there... although the population tried hard to expel me and Professor Port."

If it hadn't been for the Belladonnas welcoming us, it wouldn't have been possible to fulfill our supposed 'mission'.

Blake froze. Her eyes widened, and for a moment she seemed unable to process what I was saying.

"Did you meet... my parents?" The disbelief in his voice was palpable.

"Yes," I confirmed, keeping my tone calm and sincere. "When I mentioned that there would be a Faunus student with the same surname as them called Blake…" I commented smiling at the young woman. "They know it could only be you."

Blake looked like she wanted to say something, but her words failed her. The internal conflict in her eyes grew. I continued, knowing now was my chance to hit her with the truth.

"Your parents are worried about you. Not just because they miss you, but because they know how heavy a burden you are carrying. Ghira is proud to know that you abandoned the Fang for the same reason he did and yet didnt gave up on helping people."

Tears began to well up in her eyes again, but she didn't look away. At least, not yet.

"Your father believes you have the heart to face any challenge," I continued. "But it was your mother who asked me to pass this on to you." I finish the sentence by pulling a Scroll out of my pocket.

With a few taps of the screen, I open a video file.

The Scroll's screen lit up, and Kali and Ghira Belladonna's faces appeared. Kalil's gentle, motherly smile filled the small space between me and Blake with an almost palpable aura of comfort and love.

"Blake, my dear," Kali began, her voice sweet and charged with emotion. "I don't know if you'll ever see this, but if you are watching... please know that your dad and I miss you so much..."


Boa noite Pessoas,

[-] This will be the last chapter of this year. My book "Virtude da Reincarnação", will be released in December and I will be busy with other things too.