Chapter 12: Alaric's Revelations

Morning dawned slowly over the refuge, a discreet and ancient castle, embedded in the mountain. Light filtered through the narrow windows, casting long shadows on the stone walls. Silence reigned, broken only by the crackle of dying embers in the fireplace of the main hall.

Caelum awoke in his room, still tired from the previous day's fight with the Noxferus. His muscles protested with every movement, a painful reminder of the dangerous reality that surrounded him. He stood painfully, heading for the kitchen, drawn by the smell of freshly baked bread.

In the kitchen, Aldric was already up, preparing breakfast. His imposing figure and his features marked by experience exuded a reassuring confidence. Lyra, meanwhile, stood by the window, peering into the dense forest that surrounded the refuge, her guard still on.

"Did you sleep well?" Aldric asked as Caelum entered.

"As well as one can after fighting a beast the size of a cart," Caelum replied with a tired smile.

Lyra turned and smiled, but her eyes betrayed a worry she couldn't hide. "Experience like this will make you stronger. Just remember that this world will do you no favors."

Caelum nodded, accepting the lesson. As he ate, Alaric entered the room, his features drawn from a sleepless night. Unlike the others, he had not taken part in the fight, but a heavier concern seemed to weigh on him.

"Alaric, would you like something to eat?" Aldric offered.

"No, thank you," Alaric replied in a deep voice. "We need to talk. All of us."

The mood changed immediately. Lyra moved from her position by the window to sit at the table, her gaze fixed on Alaric. Aldric sat across from him, arms crossed, ready to listen.

"Why are you here, Alaric?" Caelum asked, his childish eyes fixed on the face of the man he had saved.

Alaric took a deep breath, preparing to reveal what he had kept to himself for so long. "It is no accident that I found myself in this forest," he began. "I am here because I was looking for something… something ancient and powerful."

Aldric frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"The power crystals we use are only a small part of a much larger mystery," Alaric continued. "There are legends among the researchers, stories of a city hidden beneath the mountains of Arkhadia. It is called the City of the Ancients. According to the tales, it contains an inexhaustible source of energy, far more powerful than anything we know."

A heavy silence fell over the room. Caelum felt his heart pounding faster in his chest. "Why has no one ever spoken of it?"

"Because it is dangerous," Alaric replied, his gaze dark. "Those who have sought this city have never returned. But if this source of energy truly exists, it could change the course of the war, overthrow our enemies, and give our people a chance at survival."

Lyra listened intently, her protective instincts on high alert. "And you have proof that this city exists?"

Alaric pulled an old, worn parchment from his pocket, unfolding it carefully. "This is a map I found in an ancient library, long before Solara fell. It shows a road leading to a gorge in the eastern mountains, and all the signs match the legends I've heard."

Aldric and Lyra looked at each other. The thought of embarking on such a perilous quest was fraught with consequences, but the opportunity to discover such power was irresistible.

"Do you really think this source of energy could give us an advantage?" Aldric asked.

"Yes," Alaric said firmly. "If we find it, we could not only defend ourselves, but also restore hope to those who have lost it."

Caelum, his eyes shining with excitement and determination, turned to Aldric and Lyra. "Then let's go. We have nothing to lose, and this may be our only chance to save Arkhadia." »

Lyra nodded, still skeptical but aware of the importance of this mission. "Very well," she said. "But we must prepare. This will not be a simple expedition."

Aldric rose from his chair, his gaze fixed on the map. "Prepare yourselves. We leave tomorrow at dawn."

Alaric carefully folded the parchment, a slight smile playing on his lips. "Then it is time to awaken the secrets of Arkhadia."