Chapter 22: The Return to the Refuge and the Revelation of the Valerius Legacy

The group advances cautiously through the dense forest of Arkhadia, the memories of the recent battle still fresh in their minds. The towering trees, bathed in the green light of the power crystals scattered throughout the canopy, cast shifting shadows on the ground, creating an atmosphere of mystery. Despite the victory, the tension is palpable, everyone knowing that they are still far from safe.

Caelum, walking at the back of the group, is lost in thought. The black iron tablet, which reveals the secrets of power armor, rests securely in Alaric's bag. But another question haunts the young boy's mind: how did he manage to fight experienced adults at only six years old? His body is still that of a child, but his reflexes, strength, and agility far exceed those of his age.

After several hours of walking, they finally reach the refuge. It is a relief for all to see the familiar walls of the castle embedded in the mountain, a secure bastion in the middle of a hostile world. Once inside, the group disperses to rest and heal their wounds. But Caelum remains silent, his thoughts tormenting him.

He finally joins Aldric in the training room, where the latter stretches after the long journey. Caelum, bluntly, asks the question that is nagging at him.

"Aldric, why can I do all this? I mean… I'm just a kid, but… I can beat adults. It's not normal." His tone is filled with a worried curiosity, a need to understand what is happening to him.

Aldric stops, staring at Caelum with an intensity that echoes the gravity of the question. "What you feel, Caelum, is not a coincidence. It's your family's legacy, the Valerius."

He takes a deep breath before continuing. "The Valerius are no ordinary family. Your ancestors were among the first to set foot on Arkhadia. But what sets them apart is their connection to the energy crystals."

Caelum listens intently, his eyes widening as Aldric continues.

"The Valerius have discovered a way to attune to the energy of the crystals, channeling it through their own bodies. It gives them superhuman strength, speed, and reflexes. But it's not something you learn, it's something you pass down, generation after generation. You carry that legacy within you, Caelum. It's what allows you to do what you do."

Caelum remains silent, taking in these revelations. He'd always known his family was special, but he'd never understood how special. It explains so much—his skill with weapons, his ability to anticipate his enemies' movements, even the strange connection he sometimes feels with crystals.

"But why didn't anyone tell me about this before?" he finally asks.

Aldric sighs, tiredness etching his features. "Because you were still too young. We thought we'd have more time to prepare you, to explain all this to you. But things have happened quickly. And now you need to know who you really are, to be ready for what's to come."

Caelum nods, feeling the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. But instead of terrifying him, the revelation soothes him in a way. He understands better where his abilities come from, and it gives him a deeper sense of who he is.

"So, I really am a Valerius…" he whispers, as if to reassure himself that it is real.

Aldric places a firm hand on his shoulder. "Yes, Caelum. You are a Valerius. And one day, you must take your place among them. But for now, rest. We still have a long way to go."

Caelum nods, his mind still buzzing with all he has just learned. But one thing is certain: he is ready to face what is coming, strong in the heritage of the Valerius and the support of those who watch over him.

After their conversation about the Valerius legacy, Aldric remains silent for a moment, thinking. Finally, he turns to Caelum, a determined glint in his eyes.

"Caelum, there is something else I must speak to you about. I will have to leave the refuge for a while."

Caelum looks up, surprised. "You're leaving? But why?"

Aldric cracks a smile, though his expression remains serious. "We have discovered the secret of the power armor, but the war is far from over. The Fallen will not stop there, and we cannot face them alone. I must gather the last men and women of Solara. Those who, like you, carry within them the legacy of the Valerius and the other great families. Together, we will have a chance to push back our enemies and restore balance to Arkhadia."

Caelum feels a wave of anxiety rise within him, but he suppresses it, knowing that this is a vital mission. "How long will you be gone?"

"I can't say for sure," Aldric replies, his tone serious. "Maybe months, maybe years. This journey will be dangerous, and I can't take you with me. But I leave you here with an equally important task."

Aldric walks over to an old trunk in the corner of the room and pulls out several scrolls and a heavy book with a worn cover. He hands them to Caelum.

"Here is everything you need to continue your training. These scrolls contain advanced combat techniques, strategy, and even methods to deepen your connection with the energy crystals. The book itself traces the history of the Valerius, the battles of your ancestors and the secrets they have passed down through the generations."

Caelum takes the documents carefully, feeling the symbolic weight of what Aldric is telling him. "I will not fail you, Aldric. I will train relentlessly." »

Aldric nods, pleased with the determination in Caelum's voice. "I have no doubt about that. But remember, it's not just about strength or endurance. You will also need to learn patience, strategy, and self-control. These are the qualities that will allow you to lead our allies in the coming battle."

He straightens, ready to leave. "Lyra and Alaric will watch over you in my absence. Follow their advice, and do not venture out alone. When the time comes, I will return with reinforcements, and together, we will crush the Fallen."

Caelum nods, determination burning in his eyes. Aldric gives him one last smile, a hand on his shoulder, before heading for the exit.

"Take care of yourself, Caelum. The future of the Valerius rests in your hands." »

Then, without another word, Aldric leaves the room, leaving Caelum alone with his thoughts and the many challenges that await him.

Caelum, determined to honor the Valerius legacy and prepare for the battle to come, opens the ancient book and delves into its pages, ready to learn all he can before Aldric returns.