Echoes of Insurrection

The setting sun cast long shadows over the bustling capital as Anakin Skywalker strode briskly away from Senator Rush Clovis. Anakin's face was a mask of grim satisfaction, his eyes narrowing as he turned to glance back at Clovis, who stood alone on the platform, his expression a mix of fear and defiance. 


"I'm sure you'll find a way to talk your way out of this, Clovis," Anakin said with a sarcastic smirk, his voice laced with barely concealed contempt. 


Without waiting for a reply, Anakin turned away, climbing the ramp of the Republic shuttle. The mechanical hiss of the closing ramp drowned out any response Clovis might have tried to muster. The ship's engines roared to life, and the vessel slowly lifted off the platform, leaving Clovis behind. 


A short distance away, on the rooftop of a nearby building, a figure lay prone, cloaked in shadows. The trooper wore dark armor covered by a large cloak that obscured most of his body, making him nearly invisible against the darkening skyline. The armor was specialized, designed to absorb light and sound—a perfect fit for covert operations. His helmet, fitted with enhanced optics, zoomed in on the Senator below. A sniper rifle rested steadily in his hands, its scope focused on Clovis's chest. 


"Target is in sight," the trooper murmured into his commlink, his voice low and steady. "Awaiting orders." 


The commlink crackled softly, and Lelouch's voice came through, calm and authoritative. "Report, Dagger." 


The sniper, codenamed Dagger, replied, "Clovis is exposed. No security, no escorts. Easy shot. Should I take it?" 


There was a pause on the other end, a moment of careful calculation that Dagger had come to expect from his General. Lelouch never acted on impulse; every move was weighed, every consequence considered. His orders were always precise and deliberate. 


From within the quiet confines of his quarters aboard his flagship, Lelouch's fingers drummed thoughtfully on the console. He considered the events that had transpired—the exposure of Clovis, and the chaos sown in the Senate. A dead Clovis would raise suspicion, and it would also leave the events without a face... a living Clovis, however, might serve a different purpose. 


"Abort the mission, Dagger," Lelouch finally ordered, his tone decisive. "Do not take the shot. Clovis has become more useful alive than dead." 


Dagger didn't question the decision. He trusted Lelouch's judgment implicitly. "Acknowledged, General. Returning to exfiltration point." 


Lelouch leaned back in his chair, watching the display as the red crosshair marking Clovis on his screen faded away. "Remember, Dagger," he added, "we need to move like shadows. Leave no trace." 


"Understood, sir," Dagger replied, already disassembling his rifle with swift, practiced movements. He melted back into the shadows, his form disappearing as he made his way toward a discreet extraction point. 


Dagger moved silently along these paths, his cloak blending him into the surroundings. As he slipped away into the underbelly of the city, a small speeder approached from a nearby alley, driven by another soldier of Lelouch's Zero Legion. 


"Nice and quiet," the driver commented as Dagger climbed into the speeder. "Guess Clovis gets to live another day." 


"General's orders," Dagger replied, securing his gear and adjusting his cloak. "You know how it is. One move at a time, one body at a time." 



Lelouch's Venator-class Star Destroyer, hovered above Coruscant like a steel sentinel, its massive frame casting a long shadow across the bustling space lanes. Within the ship, the atmosphere was tense but efficient, the hum of activity echoing through its corridors as personnel moved with purpose. 


Anakin Skywalker made his way through the grand hallways of the Venator, his expression a mixture of determination and fatigue. Clutched in his hand was a data-pad—a device holding vital intelligence stolen from the Separatists by Padme Amidala. He soon reached Lelouch's private quarters, a secure chamber where the enigmatic commander often planned his next move. 


As he entered, Anakin found Lelouch standing near a large display console, deep in thought. The dim lighting of the room cast sharp shadows over Lelouch's white attire, contrasting with his black hair and hypnotic purple eyes. 


"Anakin," Lelouch greeted without turning around, sensing his presence through the Force. "I take it you have something for me?" 


Anakin nodded, stepping forward and handing over the data-pad. "These are the plans Padme managed to obtain from the Separatists. They outline the construction of a major factory on Geonosis, likely meant to support an insurrection by the local population." 


Lelouch took the device and scanned through its contents, his eyes narrowing with every line he read. "Geonosis… They've learned from their past mistakes and are fortifying their positions." 


Anakin watched Lelouch carefully, studying his reaction. "What's our next move?" 


Lelouch paused, his mind already calculating multiple scenarios. "Our next move, Anakin, is for you to go back and stay with Senator Amidala. Ensure she recovers from the effects of the poisoning. She'll need you by her side now more than ever." 


Anakin's brow furrowed slightly, but he nodded in understanding. "You're right," he said, though there was an undercurrent of reluctance in his voice. "But if you need me—" 


"I will call for you," Lelouch assured him. "But for now, your place is with her." 


Anakin gave a brief nod and turned to leave, glancing back at Lelouch one last time before departing. As the doors closed behind him, Lelouch's demeanor shifted from the thoughtful concern of a leader to the cold calculation of a strategist. 


He moved quickly to the bridge, the heart of his flagship's operations. The bridge was a hive of activity, filled with officers coordinating the flow of information, the crew standing to attention as their general arrived. Lelouch made his way to the central holo-table, where he initiated a secure holo-conference. 


Within moments, blue-tinted holographic figures flickered to life around the table: Chancellor Palpatine, his presence commanding and imposing; Master Yoda, seated with his cane resting on his lap; Mace Windu, standing with his usual stern expression; Obi-Wan Kenobi, arms crossed; and several other members of the Jedi High Council. The meeting was in session. 


"Gentlemen," Lelouch began, his voice even and confident, "I have received intelligence concerning an imminent threat on Geonosis. The data acquired details the construction of a new factory complex capable of producing a significant amount of droids and munitions. This appears to be a precursor to an insurrection by the Geonosians, likely supported by the Separatists." 


As Lelouch spoke, the contents of the data-pad were projected in front of them, displaying blueprints and schematics of the factory in detail. A murmur ran through the holographic assembly. 


"A new uprising on Geonosis?" Mace Windu questioned, his eyes narrowing. "The planet has been a hotbed of Separatist activity before. Are we certain this isn't just another skirmish?" 


Lelouch remained composed, his eyes scanning the holographic faces. "The evidence suggests this is more than just a skirmish, Master Windu. It's a calculated move, meant to destabilize the Republic's hold on the Outer Rim. If Geonosis falls, it could inspire other systems to rise against us." 


The room fell into a tense silence as the Jedi Masters exchanged thoughtful glances. 


"Other systems, you say?" Yoda spoke up, his voice slow and contemplative. "Hmmm. A chain of rebellion, this could cause. Dangerous, it would be." 


"Indeed," Lelouch agreed. "And this may be only the beginning. If they're willing to restart the factories on Geonosis, what's to stop them from doing the same on other worlds under their influence? We could be facing an organized, sector-wide rebellion." 


"Then we must act swiftly," Obi-Wan added, his tone firm. "Contain this before it spreads further." 


Chancellor Palpatine, who had been listening quietly, finally spoke, his tone measured yet persuasive. "General Lelouch raises a valid point. The Separatists are cunning, and their movements suggest a larger strategy at play. I propose we allocate a task force to swiftly deal with this insurrection on Geonosis before it can escalate." 


Master Windu nodded slowly. "It seems prudent, Chancellor. But we must also consider the strain on our forces. Many Jedi are already spread thin across the galaxy." 


Palpatine turned his gaze toward Lelouch, a subtle smile playing on his lips. "General Lelouch, I believe you have shown great competence in handling such matters. I trust you will put a swift end to this uprising on Geonosis." 


Lelouch bowed his head slightly. "I shall see it done, Chancellor." 


"And I hope the Jedi Council will see fit to provide General Lelouch with any assistance he may require," Palpatine added, his eyes gleaming with a calculated intention. 


Mace Windu's brow furrowed, but he gave a curt nod. "We will consider the allocation of additional Jedi to support this operation, Chancellor." 


"Very good," Palpatine replied, his tone final as he brought his hands together. "May the Force be with us all. This meeting is adjourned." 


With that, the holograms flickered out one by one, leaving Lelouch standing alone on the bridge, his mind already working through the possibilities. The Chancellor's words were clear—he was to be the spearhead against these insurrections, and perhaps, against something much larger. 


He took a deep breath, his purple eyes narrowing with determination. "Prepare the fleet," he ordered. "Geonosis will be our first target, but it won't be the last. Make sure we are good on expendable Acclamators." 


"Understood, General."