Creeping Insanity

He sat up after a few hours.

Fortunately, the heavy amount of Gremlin blood covering him hid the smell of his blood.

"I feel like shit."

He looked around.

There were hundreds of corpses left for him to devour.

"I shouldn't do that. I'll go insane if I try to devour anything else."

His eyes wandered to the body of Great Gremlin.

Even if he couldn't devour others, he should devour it.

He trudged to the corpse and called upon the Darkness.


His blood vessels burned and he felt they would burst.

[Constitution +1]

[Spell Casting Speed +1]

[Right Hand Magic Circuit +4]

Neo gasped.

He took a mouthful of air and stood with the support of his sword.

Suddenly, a Gremlin appeared before him.