Depth Level 3

"Harrison, Lucas, Sean, Arthur, Nathan and I will go to Depth Level 3.

"The rest will stay behind."

His words made them react.

"I w-want to come to the Depth Level 3," Leonora said.

"Let me follow you." Mars' voice flowed from the earpiece.

Neo pursed his lips.

'Looks like the deaths affected them greatly.'

He pressed the earpiece.

"No, I can't allow that.

"Mars, I'm taking most of the heavy hitters with myself. I need someone strong to protect the Corners after we leave."


There was a short silence before Mars responded.


His voice was off, but Neo did not purse the issue.

"Leonora, I can't take you either. You are in no condition to fight."

"I can fight. I defeated multiple monsters after the Shadows' attack and I dealt with the Corner."

She spoke in between her ragged breathes and stared at him with bloodshot eyes.

"N-Neo, I will go to the Depth Level 3.