Regressors Are Not Allowed Here

"I've read previous years question papers."

Felix did not think much of Neo's answer.

They reached the examination hall and met with Arthur who was waiting outside.

The group entered the hall when suddenly a professor stopped Neo.

He gave Neo a scrutinizing gaze.

"The time elementals are in chaos around you…

"You came back in time, didn't you?"

The professor's face contorted.

"It's always same with you Time affinity students.

"One question wrong and you'll regress to redo the paper. You are the fourth student today, dammit!

"Go stand in the outside!

"Regressors aren't allowed here! You'll receive a different question paper!"

 The professor huffed.

Sensitive demigods, like the professor, could detect Time elementals if the elementals were present in high quantity.

They did not need the affinity to sense the elementals.