Typhaon's Plan & The End of the World

Neo felt it instinctively. 

Destroying Typhon's Core was beyond his current capabilities. 

Forcing it into a deep slumber was his current limit, since his Concept of Death leaned towards it. 

But Neo wasn't discouraged. 

His strength would soon soar when he made a breakthrough in his Eternal Trait and Mind Invasion Trait. 

Each breakthrough would increase his strength by several folds.

Besides, his goal was to rescue the Child of Mana, not to defeat Typhon. 

He spread out his senses. 

A few seconds later, he sensed hundreds of presences inside the massive, pulsating tree trunk ahead of him. 

They were lives that Typhon was transforming into monsters. 

Neo's expression darkened.

He steadied his grip on his blade. 

Divine Swordsmanship Fourth Stance: Ryu no Mai.

Neo slashed hundreds of times in a split second.