Crack In The High Sky

Library, Demigod Academy, World of the Living, Earth Dimension


The library's massive oak doors slammed open.

Felix burst in with ragged breathing.

Her face was flushed, and strands of damp hair clung to her skin.

Arthur and Mars were seated at a long wooden table near the center, surrounded by a dozens of books.

Arthur had an old Spell book opened before him, while Mars scribbled notes furiously on paper.

Morrigan was swinging back on a chair near the corner.

She munched on a crumpled bag of chips.

Crumbs littered her lap.

Clara, on the other hand, was fast asleep.

Her head rested on an open book.

Sean was nowhere in sight.

He was likely going through the shelves deeper in the library, searching for reference materials.

The library allowed them entry late at night thanks to Arthur and Felix being in Top 10.