New Goal

The trio ate together.

The atmosphere remained light and casual.

The sound of utensils scraping plates and murmured conversation created a comforting backdrop.

Jack noticed Neo's crumpled expression a while later.

"Why are you frowning?"

"I am thinking how many dishes I can cook with these same ingredients."

"You can cook?" Jack was surprised.

It was his first time hearing about this.

"Yes, I can. Think of me as a royal chef," Neo said with a chuckle.

The corners of his lips rose upward.

He didn't notice Morrigan's curious gaze when he spoke.

The trio left the cafeteria after having their fill.

The sun outside cast long shadows across the cafeteria's courtyard.

Suddenly, Jack spoke up.

"You guys go meet others. I'll go to Professor Rundel first and have him alter my physical age."

"I will wait for you—"

"It's fine. Thank you."

Neo understood it was Jack's excuse for being alone.