Battle [2]

Black flames surged from one hand, twisting into a massive tornado of burning darkness.

It descended upon the fire dragons like an hammer and crushed them.

From his other hand, black lightning crackled and shot toward Arthur's golden lightning.

The collision shook the air.

Shockwaves thrashed around wildly.

Neo and Arthur were thrown off course by the sheer power of the blast.

Neo flipped mid-air and landed gracefully on the scorched ground below.

Meanwhile, Clara quickly swapped Arthur's position with a stone using her Space Affinity, teleporting him safely back to the ground.

"Your last attack was better—"

Neo began, but his words were abruptly cut off.

A silenced bullet tore through the wall of flames and struck Neo in the temple.

Neo barely flinched.

"Tsk, I missed," Felix muttered, lowering her sniper rifle.