
Feng Shen didn't bother warning his personal servant about the intense pain that would likely rip through her fragile, mortal body—the sharp burn of the Qi as it would force its way through her system.

He had seen it before, the agony that came with such an infusion of power.

But Feng Shen wasn't concerned with his personal servant's discomfort, not really.

As long as she didn't die or start blaming him for it, he had no intention of sparing her.

Feng Shen was certain his personal servant could handle it—or at least; he hoped she would.

"Alright… Here I go." Taking a deep breath, Yùn Yì steeled herself and brought the core up to her lips.

She parted them slowly, hesitating for just a heartbeat longer, and then swallowed.

The core slid down her throat with surprising weight, its sheer potency sending an uncomfortable warmth radiating from her chest as it settled.