The rain fell in relentless sheets, soaking the dense jungle that had become his prison. Sergeant Ethan Cole moved silently through the undergrowth, every step calculated, every breath measured. His once-pristine uniform was now tattered, stained with mud and blood, a stark reminder of the betrayal that had left him stranded in this godforsaken land. The mission had been clear—extract the high-value target, neutralize any threats, and return home. But something had gone horribly wrong.

His team had been the best, handpicked for their skills, loyalty, and resolve. They had trusted each other with their lives, a bond forged in the crucible of countless battles. Yet, on that fateful day, as they approached the extraction point, an ambush had torn through the jungle, leaving chaos and death in its wake. Ethan had fought with everything he had, but in the end, he was the only one left standing. His brothers-in-arms lay dead around him, their eyes wide with shock and accusation. And then, as the dust settled, the true nightmare began.

The rescue never came. Days turned into weeks, and Ethan realized that he had been abandoned, left behind to die in a foreign land. But survival was only the beginning of his ordeal. When he finally made it back to friendly territory, expecting a hero's welcome, he was met with cold stares and accusations. The government he had sworn to protect now branded him a traitor, accusing him of orchestrating the ambush that had killed his team. The evidence was damning—classified files had been leaked, enemy forces had known their exact location, and Ethan was the only one who had made it out alive.

Haunted by the memories of his fallen comrades and hunted by the country he had served, Ethan was now a man on the run. He was determined to uncover the truth, to clear his name, and to bring those responsible to justice. But as he delved deeper into the conspiracy, he realized that the enemy was closer than he had ever imagined. The lines between friend and foe blurred, and Ethan found himself caught in a deadly game where one wrong move could cost him everything.

In a world where loyalty is a commodity and truth is the first casualty of war, Ethan Cole must fight not only for his life but for his very soul. He is "The Forgotten Soldier"—a man betrayed by his own, and he will stop at nothing to uncover the secrets that have condemned him.