The dragon's hatchery

Eruru had studied the possible known scenarios for the first level. She was prepared for different things. The aquatic caves of Undir, the undead swamp known as the marsh of wonders, the goblin forest of Saanthirs... and this one, the Azzor clan nursery, according to the records of other expeditions seemed like an old dwarf fortress, taken by the orks of a clan that were focused on raising dragons for their benefit, this was their nursery, a place where the whelps were raised to become beasts of war. 

The unmistakable scent of sulfur hit Raven's nose and she shook her head. The place was hot, and there could be heard in the distance, the sound of something bubbling, probably lava. Also, the place was dark and the air was stagnant, obviously, the oxygen wasn't abounding here, and they were underground.

Raven's cat-like eyes scanned the shadowed corridors. She wasn't unnerved by the darkness or the faint rumble of movement in the distance. In fact, she felt grateful to not going back to the swamp, she hated that place, but even so, she had never fought inside a place like this, she had some ideas tho, since the tunnels and corridors seemed not that width, she could even use the walls to her benefit to kill the enemies. 

"This place reeks of orc filth" Thorsen muttered, his voice low and steady. "We'll find the nursery deeper in"

"The enemies in this place are orcs and dragon whelps" The elf informed them before they started "The orcs are brutes, and fight using weapons or their fists... at least most of them do" She then looked to Raven and Kayle "The real problem are the dragon whelps, even if they are small they can throw fireballs". 

'Well at least I'm not babysitting a coward outsider this time' She thought as Thorsen took the vanguard position and she followed behind him closing ranks. Then followed Eruru and lastly the porter Kayle. 

The ruins told stories of the majestic this place must have been at some point, the walls had carvings of faces of proud dwarven, and the entrance to the halls was ornamented with beautiful blue stones, perfectly worked to perfect shapes. But the signs of intense battle were eerie at best, at some point, this place must have been overrun and all the citizens perished or ran away, it was an unknown tale for Raven. Was this place real? Where is it in the world? Was it... another world? Some useless thoughts crossed her mind when the dwarf stopped and raised a fist to halt the march. Before them was only one path, it led to a doorway illuminated by an intense light, and the heath increased as they approached. 

"It seems safe for now, let's go..." Said Thorsen. 

The room stretches out before them, square and of big proportions, it was yet another testament to the lost might of a dwarven civilization. The walls, meticulously carved by hand, are adorned with faded engravings depicting ancient feats of craftsmanship and war, now worn by time. At the center of the chamber, a waterfall of lava cascades in a steady flow, its deep, viscous roar echoing through every corner. The pulsing orange light from the molten flow bathes the room unevenly, casting dancing shadows that flicker in the dark recesses.

Around the perimeter of the room, abandoned forges stand silent, covered in layers of dust and ash. The anvils, blackened from countless strikes, lie cold and forsaken as if awaiting the hands of the smiths who will never return. Broken tools and half-forged weapons are scattered across the floor, reminders of the frenetic activity that once filled this place. The residual heat from the lava still clings to the air, dense and oppressive, though the only sound now is the distant bubbling of the molten sea below.

On the opposite side of the chamber, the space opens to a vast abyss. A railing of forged metal, now rusted and broken in places, marks the edge of solid ground. Beyond it, the heart of the mountain reveals itself in all its magnificence. A sea of boiling lava stretches as far as the eye can see, casting a fiery glow on the ancient mining tunnels that snake through the rock. Some of these galleries hang precariously over the void, their paths crumbling, teetering on the brink of collapse.

From this point, the might of what was once a subterranean dwarven metropolis becomes clear, with mines extending deep into the earth, connected by bridges and walkways that disappear into the shimmering haze of the magma. The air vibrates with the heat and the crackling of rock under the constant pressure of the mountain's fiery core. The entire chamber seems to pulse as if the earth itself is alive beneath their feet. 

"Woooaaah" Exclaimed Kayle looking at the scenery "This place is huge... I wonder about its story..."

As the group watched the abyss in front of them, Thorsen turned around, followed by Raven in a very brusque way, they both were in high alert. Footsteps. Footsteps in the dark, hurrying towards them.


[Orc Brute lvl1]

[Orc Brute lvl1]

[Orc Brute lvl1]

[Orc Brute lvl1]

A small patrol of orcs appeared, their eyes glowing in the dim light of the magma. Four hulking figures, wielding crude axes and wearing mismatched armor, spotted the adventurers and let out guttural growls of challenge, they were angry at their intrusion in their domains, and as they spoke in their grotesque language they came rushing at them. 

Thorsen cracked his neck, grinning. "Finally, something to smash"

Without waiting for a command, the dwarf charged forward, his stone hammer whistling through the air as it came crashing down on the first orc. For some reason it seemed personal, he may not be a denizen of this old city, but dwarves had their pride, and seeing a hold dwarf house destroyed like this made his blood boil with anger. As the strike connected the orc release a muted scream and was sent flying towards the molten lava, he moved desperately but got sucked down the cascade. 



The remaining three orcs roared in fury after seeing one of their colleagues being disposed of like trash, they weren't intimidated, they hated the dwarf, the other matter little, but still they had a job to do, to kill the invaders. 

As the first orc disappeared into the molten lava, Thorsen grunted in satisfaction, already swinging his hammer toward the next, challenging the enemy to come closer. But Raven had other plans. With a mischievous grin and eyes glinting in the dim glow of the magma, she sprinted forward, faster than any of the others could react. Her dagger flashed in her hands as she moved with the grace of a predator, leaping from side to side.

The remaining three orcs snarled, raising their crude weapons to strike her down, but Raven was already anticipating their movements. She used her momentum to dart around the first orc, her footwork fluid and precise, evading its wide swing. Her dagger slashed across its exposed thigh, cutting deep enough to stagger the brute. Blood sprayed, but the orc's roar of rage was short-lived as Raven twisted and kicked off a nearby wall, flipping over its head and slicing at the back of its neck.



Only two enemies were remaining, but they weren't easy prey, the orcs didn't flinch at all, the death of their companions only made the others stronger and induced them into a battle frenzy status. 


Raven landed lightly on her feet as the second orc collapsed to the ground, blood pooling beneath its massive body. She had to do a backflip to avoid the violent axe of one of the enemies while throwing a slice at him, but the orc blocked it with some armor on his wrist. With a taunting grin, once she landed, she sidestepped its wild swing and stabbed her dagger into the orc's side. Her movements were a blur as she ducked low, letting the orc's next swing sail harmlessly above her head. Raven was constantly in motion, her lithe form dancing around the battlefield, slicing and slashing at the orcs to keep them off balance, but it wasn't enough to bring the enemy down. Then the brute grinned with wicked intent and dropped the axe, throwing a kick towards Raven who was surprised by the change of strategy, barely dodging the attack. 

"『Wind blade』!" Screamed Eruru.

The spell was a basic one, but magic is magic, the enraged orc didn't saw it coming when a sharp wind gust slashed his back, splashing some blood around, the impact wasn't strong enough to kill it in one shot, but it gave the chance raven needed, she stabbed him near the ribs and kicked him, causing the orc the tumble backward... then it drops to the abyss. 



"Well done princess!" The cat said giving her a thumbs up. 

Meanwhile, Thorsen, his eyes gleaming with battle lust, squared off with the third and last orc. The brute swung its massive axe with surprising speed, aiming for the dwarf's head. Thorsen sidestepped the blow with practiced ease, his stocky frame surprisingly agile. He brought his hammer up and swung in a wide arc, catching the orc square in the chest. The force of the blow sent the orc stumbling backward, its armor dented from the impact.

"Go join the others in hell" said the dwarf mocking the orc before bringing his hammer down with all his might. The strike connected with a sickening crunch, caving in the orc's skull and cracking the stone floor under it.



Breathing heavily, Thorsen rested his hammer on the ground for a moment, wiping the sweat from his brow. Raven stood nearby, her daggers dripping with orc blood, her chest rising and falling as she caught her breath.

Thorsen gave her an appreciative nod "You fight like a demon, lass"

Raven smirked, flipping her dagger in her hand "Another day of honest job" She said jokingly. 

"Now they know we are here" Said Eruru advancing "Well done guys, we can handle them, but don't get your guard down" 

Kayle saw this as his chance and he began to search the two fallen enemies for the loot, that was his job in the operation, to provide support and manage those tasks. He felt relieved, he was scared and didn't wanted to come to this place, but he would follow his master to the grave if needed. 

"The nursery should be some staircases below this level I think, but we gotta be careful, they probably will start to release dragon whelps on us now" Said Eruru assessing the situation.