Chapter 3: 1 to 1 tutoring

In the basketball hall of Davidson College, Lin Yi has become the object of everyone's watching. Although members of the basketball school team have watched Lin Yi once before, only by standing by his side can you find out how incredible all this is. .

"Well, I'm glad Lin will be a new member of our school team." McClopp led the team to welcome Lin Yi's joining with applause.

"Why does Anthony look strange to me?" Lin Yi bowed his head and said to Curry. Well, Curry always bowed his head and talked to him. In terms of reasoning, Lin Yi was really not completely used to it.

因为 "Because now you are his competitor, but I don't think he has any advantage over you except strength." Curry told Lin Yi.

Mclopp decided to let Jennings take Lin Yi for physical examination first, and then let Lin Yi do some other training before determining Lin Yi's position in the school team.

After more than an hour, the assistant coach Jennings took Lin Yi back to McClopp with a miserable look.

怎么 样 "How's it going?" McClopp's heart was a little sloppy.

"Let 's see it for yourself, boss, it makes sense, I have never seen such a player." Jennings was a little skeptical of life.

Mclopp took the physical test table, "The naked feet are 213.4 cm tall and the shoes are 216 cm tall. It looks like we need to have the tallest center in the history of the school team. Sure enough, China is prone to giants."

"It weighs 97KG. It seems a bit lighter. Some small forwards and power forwards are better than this, but after all, Lin is as tall as a month, and his weight must not have kept up. We can do some dietary for this. Strengthening, let him add weight as soon as possible. "

"Body fat rate is 5.5%, there is no reference value for the time being ..."

"The wingspan is 224 cm. It's a pretty good wingspan. Lin, you must be very easy to dunk now."

"The run-up bounce is 36 inches, which is quite ordinary, which is not surprising, but Lin's Achilles tendon is very long. He can continue to develop bounce, and his wingspan is fully sufficient."

"Bouncing in place 30 inches, standing and touching 288 cm tall, alas, standing and touching tall is quite good ..."

"Run for 10.5 seconds back and forth in the penalty area, sprint 3.19 seconds for the 3/4 basketball court, 3.4 seconds for the ball ..."

and many more!

Mclopp seems to have found something wrong.

这 "This ..." McClopp looked at Jennings's assistant seriously, but Jennings shrugged and helplessly.

"Bench press 180KG?" McClop was silent for a moment.

Then after a discussion with Jennings, McClopp decided to let Lin Yi train with the ball.

With a one-point three-pointer, Lin Yi shot 25 times and hit 18 goals. Previously, the school record was Stephen Curry's 21 of 25.

Dribble training, Lin Yi's performance is even better than Stephen Curry's substitute Michael Donald, and all kinds of fancy dribbling are also handy.

"How do I feel a sense of disobedience ..." McClopp rubbed his chin.

"Yes, boss, feel, feel like he's ..." Jennings said half-stopped again.

"It's like a seven-foot version of Stephen?" McClopp was surprised he could say such things.

No, it's different!

概念 What is the concept of 180KG bench press? When LeBron James' superman entered the NBA, the body test bench press was 190KG. Although it must be more than that now, Lin Yi's strength is definitely not bad. You must know that his weight and that slender arm have not been strengthened in any way training.

What really surprised McLoop was Lin Yi's speed and dribbling ability.

He did not slow down because of his height. His speed test proved that he is a fast big man, a big man with guard-like speed!

And his dribbling ability is really outstanding. Although McClopp knew that Lin Yi was a "little man" when he was dribbling and shooting very well, after all, he suddenly got so much higher and his center of gravity was completely different. Why is it difficult for a big dribble? The most important thing is not to focus, but Lin Yi is very flexible, he can dribble like a guard ...

"I found the treasure." McClopp swallowed.

If Lin Yi can conduct some professional training, he will become the second trump card of Davidson College!

Like last year's Durant! No, Lin Yi's height will continue to rise, and his skeleton is much larger than Durant, which means that Lin Yi will definitely be stronger than Durant in the future. If that time, he can still guarantee With a certain speed, he will definitely become a terrible player.

Because he beats everyone!

The center can't have the lateral movement of small forwards and defenders. Lin Yi can use speed and dribble to play.

If you use small forwards to defend?

Lin Yi, if you can train your back to play singles, you dare to prevent me, you dare to shoot, his height and wingspan, and a good shooting position, can you risk it?

Just as it is accurately judged that giving Stephen Curry an unlimited right to fire is the development trend of future basketball, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com McLoop accurately recognized that players like Lin Yi may be a genius with a century.

如果 If he and Stephen Curry can practice pick-and-roll outside and inside, they can just hit the other side of the NCAA field by this trick.

Because you can't defend it!

Mclopp's decisive decision made Jennings assistant coach to conduct special training for Lin Yi.

首先 "First of all, Lin, we have to change your eating habits, and you will gain weight in the near future," McClopp said to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi nodded.

McLoop likes obedient players. Seeing Lin Yi agree, he went on to say: "Now your height has changed, so you must have some special training in inside skills. Jennings assistant coach was once a college student. Outstanding center, so he will give you one-on-one coaching in the inside, such as backs and singles, back and jump shots, and some center footwork and pick-and-roll skills. "

Lin Yi continued to nod, but he glanced back at Assistant Jennings. What does it mean is that this "little man" was really a center in college?

先生 Mr. Jennings, who is only 2 meters tall, coughed awkwardly, as if to say, do you think everyone is a monster like you? Many centers in the NCAA are in their 2 meters, which is why many high-ranking NBA centers are invincible in universities.

Therefore, Lin Yi's special training plan was finalized. McLoop believes that at this stage, Lin Yi is their secret weapon. Good steel must be used on the blade. Therefore, McLoop has his own arrangements and plans on how to use Lin Yi , He decided to surprise his opponents in the south ...