Chapter 22. Settling down in the Citadel of Roa

The sparring and the sword training session with Ghislaine continued.

It was stressful, painful and not very fun. Because of how Eris was.

But I felt it went well.

Eris was so physically strong, it surprised me.

But my technique was more refined and I could use Gravity magic to make myself slightly lighter and quicker. Later in the game I would also make Eris feel heavier, making her believe that it was the result of her fatigue.

I won against her every time… about 75% of the time.

Apart from the fact that sometimes Eris's movements were too unpredictable and random for me to respond, I also felt that it would be good to let her have some victories.

If she managed to hit me, I would praise her.

I feel something like this is not what a normal kid would be able to do. They would never compliment or be nice to someone who is aggressive toward them.

However, praises seemed to have worked well and dispelled most of Eris's anger and frustration.

She left the training ground while saying, "I'll beat you next time!"

She was determined to beat me up, but she did not look down on me anymore. 

I think it was progress.

I feel my swordsmanship and fighting experience should have also progressed well today. It was convenient to fight with an opponent closer to my size.

Eris should have improved too.

No, she was improving even as we were sparring, I could feel that. After a while she slowly understood my tricks and wasn't as obvious.

While I'm in Roa I would naturally motivate Eris to be more serious about sword training.

If she begins serious training years earlier, it would certainly help her become stronger.

She had the potential.

Although Eris officially only had the title of a Sword King during the events of the novel, her real strength was probably more around high-level Emperor rank. She should have a God-rank potential if she took things more seriously early. 

Eventually, I can also get her to follow my bodybuilding training regimen.

I can motivate her to learn magic, reading, writing and mathematics.

But I never planned to teach her myself, if possible.

It would be too wasteful to spend most of my waking time teaching Eris basics things like arithmetics and reading, and preparing her lessons, when anyone could do it in my place. That time could be spent by me studying and training instead.

I can give her guidelines and motivate her, but it would be way more optimal to simply make her get a tutor.

I have planned to motivate Eris anyway, but it's convenient that Philip had similar thoughts already.

On the same day Philip conveniently already approached me in my room after lunch-time.

"So how was the first training session?" Philip asked with a smile as he walked in and smoothly sat down on my bed.

"It wasn't bad. Though I wish Eris relaxed more. It's as if her only motivation is to beat me up."

"Well, it's good if she's motivated," Philip replied with a gentle smile.

"Even if I end up as her punching bag?"

"Haha. I'm not a bully. But it's true that you're doing quite well as her motivator. She looks very lively today. She's even practicing her sword swings right now."


Ah, yes, she must be doing that to beat me to a pulp.

But it still made me a little happy that I managed to motivate her.

Slightly smiling, Phili continued, "I did not have much hope before, but do you think you could somehow manage to make her begin learning the language and mathematics? Magic is not as important, but it also wouldn't hurt."


"If you do, I could reward you," Philip added.


"Depending on how well she does in her studies, I could be generous." Philip smiled.

"...Well, I don't have much money," I murmured.

I already planned to do that. But I would not decline a reward.

"Mhm. However, you cannot be forceful or violent. I feel that your current approach is good."

"Okay. Well, I already thought of a trick that might make Eris want to study."

"A trick? What do you mean?"

"I thought of a situation when Eris was kidnapped while I'm with her. Then I could make use of magic, reading, writing and arithmetic skills to have us both escape and safely return home. It's to make her realize that just having strength is not enough. If she cannot read, do math or use magic, she will be in trouble."

"Oh, I like it! You're trying to make her study of her own free will. Interesting. And that 'someone' who would kidnap you could be people arranged by me?"


Obviously, because of the kidnapping scheme that emulates what Rudeus did, Eris would admire me and think I'm amazing.

But let's be real. Even if it might sound a bit presumptuous to say this, I think it is only natural that over time she would develop strong feelings for me even without it, as long as I stuck around and tried.

However, thanks to this experience, it will speed things up and kickstart her transformation. Without an incident like this it will be difficult for her to suddenly change.

Even if Eris doesn't become inspired to study the language and mathematics after that, she should at least begin to respect me a whole lot more. With this, it will be much easier to influence her to change.

Philip stared blankly at me for a moment, then nodded. "It's very interesting. But is this something Paul taught you? As one of the ways to get girls to fall for you?"

"Uh… No. I think Father is more direct. He wouldn't come up with this kind of plan."

Philip laughed. "Ha-ha, that's true. He was always quite direct. Haha. He didn't even do much and girls would come right to him anyway."


"Well, I like your plan. If you're dedicated to go through with this, I can make arrangements."

"Mm? Okay."

"I think it might work out well. You really do have interesting ideas. Even none of the tutors so far have come up with such an ambitious plan, and I invited many of them… Or is it just your intention to pick up my girl?"

I let out a breath.

Looking at him, I slowly said, "Please, it's all to help Eris."

Though… He was not entirely wrong to worry.

But it was way too early for any of that.

I just wanted to help Eris.

"If you say so." Philip chuckled and got up.

I then added, "There is just one thing. Can I build a training place somewhere near the training square using Earth Magic?"

"A training place?"

"Yes. I just need some open space where I can build my training place. I don't need anything else."

During his visit Philip granted me permission to build my gym at the citadel's training square.

I think he was just curious about what I'll do and what I'm all about, so he gave me free reign.

I spent an hour or so creating my gym in Roa. It was my priority for the day.

The entire square was rather spacious, so there was no problem with space. I suppose, this is what you get from a place that was once a military base.

I created a rather large stone building with a roof. Inside I slowly made a bench press, a squatting rack, a pull-up bar, as well as all kinds of stone dumbbells, kettlebells and other equipment.

I also created a few stone barebells of different sizes and weights.

Back at home I got iron bars for the cores of my barebells and the pull-up bar for safety, but it seemed that for my current weight requirements, and with the current strength of my Earth magic, stone bars were easily durable enough.

Even when I was quite rough with them to test them, they didn't easily break at the thin part that made up the bar.

I guess that was the durability expected of a Saint-King rank magic.

'These will do for now. Though I would still rather replace all bars with steel poles. Stone is hard, but in the end it's brittle,' I thought after being mostly done.

For steel poles and some other metallic additions, I will have to visit a blacksmith.

At one point Eris bursted into the place and shouted: "Just what are you doing here?!"

I looked at her.

The words she used were as if she was reprimanding me, but it sounded and looked more as if she was just curious.

She was 7, alright.

I said expressionlessly, "...I'm building a place to train in."

"Train? How?!"

"By lifting weights."

"What for?!"

"To build a strong body."

"...Ghislaine doesn't do it?!"

"Well, she already has a strong body." I smiled.

On that note, even Paul required weights that seemed to be in the range of hundreds of kilograms.

I couldn't imagine just how heavy gym equipment Ghislaine at the King rank would need for normal bodybuilding training.

"Mm… You can do what you want! I'll still beat you soon!"

Leaving these words, she ran off somewhere.

The change of attitude was small, but I could feel that unlike at the first meeting, after I humbled her in swordsmanship, she didn't look down on me or hated me. Her behavior was simply her spoiled way of being.

And the shouting… clearly a habit picked up from Sauros.

When I finished making the gym, I did my strength training workout for the day.

After eating my post workout meal around noon, I still had most of the day for myself.

Since now I had access to a noble family's library, I decided to check it out first.

I was not sure if I had the permission, but when I asked the maid for directions, she guided me there without hesitation.

When I reached the library, I saw that Philip was also there, seeming to search for something.

"Oh, are you interested in the library?" Philip asked with an excited twinkle in his eyes.

"Yes… Um, do I have permission to be here?"

Philip looked a little surprised, then nodded with a gentle smile. "...Yes, of course. Just don't damage the books."


"Go ahead and take your time looking around. It's a surprise to see someone so young being interested in books."

As Philip returned to his book, I called out to him, "Uh… Uncle Philip."

Philip looked back at me, then gently smiled and asked, "Yes?"

"Are there books on magic here?" I directly asked the important question.

"So you're interested in books on magic. Unfortunately, I must tell you that apart from some magic guidebooks, you won't find much around here."

"I see…"

I then spent a long time searching through the library.

Unfortunately, it was just as Philip said.

Apart from several copies of the same magic guidebook that I also had at home, there were no magic books here.

No, that's not entirely correct.

Philip pulled out one book for me that contained '20 most crucial to know Intermediate rank Detoxification spells'.

It was probably in the family's library for emergencies.

Though if not for Philip, I would have probably not found it today because for some reason it was not stored in the Magic section, but in one that dealt with medicine.

Philip didn't have a problem with it, so I borrowed that book to study.

But apart from the magic guidebook and the Detoxification book, there was nothing else on magic.

The library was not small by any means. There were many books that were novels, legends and historical records including information on magic, but just not something that could allow me to learn new magic.

Based on the feeling I got from the novel, I feared it might be the case, so I wasn't surprised.

But what's the point of a powerful noble family having a huge library if it doesn't even have books on magic?

If I was a normal child, I would have taken it for what it was and assumed that the Boreas family simply isn't interested in magic.

But I suspected they might still have a secret library for that.

If I were the lord of the manor, I would have made it that way - the more valuable and rare books wouldn't be available to just anyone in the open library.

From what I heard, this place was rather ancient, so who knows?

Well, it was really just a suspicion. I haven't heard of any magicians around here yet to have any stock in it. Perhaps the Boreas really don't have genes for magic, thus no interest in it.

In the end, apart from the book on Intermediate Detoxification, I only brought with me some books on the history of this world, books that seemed like they contained common knowledge and also books that just might contain clues on the history of magic.

I also borrowed a copy of the magic guidebook to have it on hand for reviewing it, since I left my old one with my family and Sylphy.

The library had many books on various non-magical subjects.

But to learn new magic, I knew that I would need to reach out elsewhere.

After carrying back the stack of books back to my room, I thought about what to do next.

I felt a strong itch to go outside and explore the city as soon as I could.

For example, there were a few things that I wanted to buy or check out.

But it was already getting a little late. I spent too much time snooping around the library.

'I'll do it tomorrow,' I decided.

That day I spent the rest of the evening skimming through the book on Detoxification magic whilst simultaneously making plans for the future.

I only felt that it was a bother so far, but I also wrote down the major events of today in my diary. Of course, in English.

Usually I would go to sleep early.

But that day I purposefully stayed up late.

When the night came, I sneaked out to take a good look at the night sky.

There were many reasons why I wanted to come to Roa early, apart from just searching for a sparring partner.

Firstly, there would be nothing bad in Eris beginning serious training and education 2 years earlier. She was a major heroine with great potential for the sword; if she became more serious earlier and was trained by me, perhaps she might even become a legitimate Sword God.

Secondly, I wanted to build relations with the noble Boreas family, building up my connections and gaining an opportunity to earn good money in the city.

Then there was of course the opportunity for me to purchase magic books and gain swordsmanship tutors better than Paul and Lilia - apart from Ghislaine, I might also try looking for other tutors for the other sword schools. In other words, it was better access to training resources.

Next, I was interested in healing herbs and alchemical products that the city might have to offer.

And lastly, it was to confirm something important as soon as I could.

I looked into the sky to search for the red orb.

Last night's sky was too cloudy, but today it was much clearer.

According to the novel, the red orb should have appeared over Roa around this time.

I looked around for a while.

"Seraphim! Are you watching the stars?" A loud voice suddenly startled me and I jumped.

I turned and saw that it was Sauros.

He seemed to be walking somewhere while embracing a blushing neko maid around her waist.

I hesitated for a while, then respectfully replied, "Sauros-sama. Ah, yes. I wondered what the night sky would look like here…"

"It's the same everywhere!"

I faintly smiled. "Yes, it's the same."

"Ahahaha! Well, go to sleep. Don't wander around!"


That night I failed in locating the red orb.

Oh well, maybe it's still too early or it can't be seen from this position. Or perhaps the moon was too bright today.

I'll keep an eye on it.

The next morning, the young lady greeted me silently and didn't seem as hateful. She also wasn't insulting me for no reason.

For some reason, she had suddenly changed.

She was much calmer.

When Ghislaine mentioned her attitude change, Eris said, "It's because Seraphim can use healing magic! If we're going to go on an adventure, he'll be useful!"

So that's all it was…

That being said, although I was a convenient healing machine, during sparring Eris was still as vicious as ever. She still wanted to beat me by any means necessary.

Certainly, she was more bratty and selfish than I remembered; the selfish part was especially jarring.

Fortunately, I was too good and physically athletic to receive a one-sided beating.

Eris was wild and random, so she was difficult to counter, but in general I had the advantage.

I was told that at this point she had only trained for less than 2 years. Before that she didn't train physically.

If she trained for 2 years more, which marked the point she met Rudeus, she would have probably been very different.

Like usual, I won every time, about 75% of the time.

In other words, even if I lost, I won inside my heart.

Eventually the training ended and Eris stormed off while proclaiming again that she'll beat me eventually.

After that exhausting and painful training she still had the energy to run.


I wish that this girl could relax a bit. Every single sparring round between us seemed to be like a serious life and death battle for her that she had to win no matter what.

She acted like a mad dog so mad that it was difficult to practice much with her apart from primal instincts.

This kind of thing is surely good for training, but I doubt it's good to be done all the time.

Some stress testing to simulate real battle would be necessary, but we should probably do more controlled sparring most of the time, so we could better improve our technique and train responses. It would be more optimal.

But if I proposed any of this, I'd just be seen as a weakling giving excuses by Eris, so I'll just go along with this kind of training for now.

"Seraphim, it seems you two are getting along quite well," Ghislaine told me when Eris ran off.

"You think so?"

"Yes. Eris Ojou-sama doesn't have any friends. She was chased out from the nobles' school for being too violent. But she seems to like you."

I said nothing.

She seems to like you.

It's probably because no matter how many times she tries to hit me or hits me, or how many times she shouts at me, unlike other kids that would run away crying or mouth back, I'm still there without getting angry and without insulting her.

Of course, it wasn't any good kind of relationship.

But it was just the intermediary stage.

If the kidnapping plot succeeds, Eris should begin to respect me much more and calm down.

For this, Philip was still making the preparations.

Or should I say, the butler Thomas was.

But in truth, that guy resembled the thick and sly butler from the anime, so I had a feeling that the kidnapping plot might turn into real kidnapping.

But it's fine.

I'm a cool guy, I can handle it.

That day after eating lunch, I visited Philip and asked him for permission to go out and explore the city.


[Eris's perspective] (bonus)

After the first training session with Seraphim.

"Ghislaine, hurry! You have to train me more! I have to beat up that guy!"

"Yes. Then we'll do another training session."

"Good! I'll beat him to a pulp soon!"


"Hey, Ghislaine!"


"When you were in Fangs of the Black Wolf, did you have a healer?"

"At that time, yes. It was Seraphim's mother."

"Eh, really?!"


"No way!!!"

"Why are you so surprised? I already told you yesterday that he's the son of my former party members. His father was our party leader."

"Eh? So he's useful!"